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Set up a form, or hook into one deifned in FormProvider
function useForm<N extends string, F extends FieldValues, V extends Validators<F>, S extends SubmitCallback<N, F>>(useFormParams: { name: N; initialState?: F | undefined; validators?: V | undefined; onSubmit?: S | undefined; onNotify?: NotifyCallback<F, NotificationType> | undefined<F>; }): UseForm<N, F, V, keyof ReturnType<V>, S>;
Type parameters
Name | Constraint |
N | string |
F | FieldValues |
V | Validators |
S | SubmitCallback<N, F> |
Name | Type |
useFormParams | { name: N; initialState?: F | undefined; validators?: V | undefined; onSubmit?: S | undefined; onNotify?: NotifyCallback<F, NotificationType> | undefined; } |
Return type
UseForm<N, F, V, keyof ReturnType, S>
Returns an unmutable object that contains all the forms in the FormContext.
function getForms(): Forms<Object>;
Return type
Should be declared as high as possible (preferebly in App) in the component tree to survive unmounts of the form components. This way, the form data is saved, even if the user navigates away from any of the form, as long as the component holding this provider is not unmounted.
function FormProvider<T extends Forms<Object>, N1 extends NotificationHandler<NotificationType>, N2 extends NotificationHandler<SubmitNotificationType>>(props: FormProviderProps<T, N1, N2>): Element;
Type parameters
Name | Constraint |
T | Forms |
N1 | NotificationHandler<NotificationType> |
N2 | NotificationHandler<SubmitNotificationType> |
Name | Type |
props | FormProviderProps<T, N1, N2> |
Return type
interface ChangeHandler<F, V> {
(fields: Partial<F>, validations?: V[] | undefined<V>): void;
(event: FormEvent<Element>, validations: Array<V>): void;
Type parameters
Name |
F |
V |
(fields: Partial<F>, validations?: V[] | undefined<V>): void;
Name | Type | Description |
fields | Partial | An object. The property names must correspond |
to one of the fields in initialState . |
validations | V[] | undefined | When field values change, they are validated |
automatically. By default, only validations with | ||
corresponding names are run, but you can override | ||
which validations to run here. |
Return type
(event: FormEvent<Element>, validations: Array<V>): void;
Name | Type | Description |
event | FormEvent | event.target.{name, value, type, checked} are used |
to infer the intended change. | ||
validations | Array | When field values change, they are validated |
automatically. By default, only validations with | ||
corresponding names are run, but you can override | ||
which validations to run here. |
Return type
interface UseForm<N, F, V, KV, OnSubmitCallback extends (args: any[]) => any> {
name: N;
fields: FieldValuesAndErrors<F>;
hasErrors: boolean;
handleChange: ChangeHandler<F, KV>;
handleSubmit: (event?: FormEvent<Element> | undefined) => ReturnType<OnSubmitCallback>;
loading: boolean;
inputs: InputPropGenerators<F>;
validators: V;
Type parameters
Name | Constraint |
N | |
F | |
V | |
KV | |
OnSubmitCallback | (args: any[]) => any |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
name | N | false | Name of the form |
fields | FieldValuesAndErrors | false | An object containing all the fields' values and |
if they are valid. | |||
hasErrors | boolean | false |
true if any of the fields contains an error. |
To determine the error status of each fields individually, | |||
have a look at the fields
handleChange | ChangeHandler<F, KV> | false | Call it to respond to input changes. |
handleSubmit | (event?: FormEvent | undefined) => ReturnType | false | Invokes onSubmit . Before that, it runs all field |
validations, and if any of them fails, a notification | |||
is emitted with type validationErrors and a list of |
failed validations. | |||
loading | boolean | false | Tells if there is some async operation running in the form, |
like sending data to server. Can be used to for example disable | |||
the UI while something happens that we should wait for. | |||
inputs | InputPropGenerators | false | A convinient way to connect input fields to certain values |
in the form. | |||
Instead of using handleChange and define |
name , id type and value attributes individually |
on each input elements, | |||
you can use inputs to spread all the necessary props. |
(For more, see the docs) | |||
validators | V | false |
interface FormProviderProps<T, N1, N2> {
children: ReactElement<any, string | (props: any) => ReactElement<any, string | any | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)> ... | new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>>;
initialState: T;
validators?: AllValidators<T> | undefined<T>;
onSubmit?: SubmitFunction<T, N2, Form<T>, keyof T> | undefined<T, N2, Form<T>, keyof T>;
onNotify?: N1 | undefined;
Type parameters
Name |
T |
N1 |
N2 |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
children | ReactElement<any, string | (props: any) => ReactElement<any, string | any | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)> ... | new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>> | false | You can utilize useForm anywhere from this element down the tree. |
initialState | T | false | Give the initial state of the forms. |
validators | AllValidators | undefined | true | The validators for the forms. Mirrors the structure of initialState . |
onSubmit | SubmitFunction<T, N2, Form, keyof T> | undefined<T, N2, Form, keyof T> | true | |
onNotify | N1 | undefined | true |
interface FieldValueAndError<V> {
value: V;
error?: boolean | undefined;
Type parameters
Name |
V |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
value | V | false | The field's value. |
error | boolean | undefined | true |
true if the field value is invalid. |
interface GeneratedProps<T, F, N extends keyof F> {
id: N;
name: N;
value: F[N];
type: T extends "datetimeLocal" ? "datetime-local" : T;
onChange: bivarianceHack;
Type parameters
Name | Constraint |
T | |
F | |
N | keyof F |
Name | Type | Optional |
id | N | false |
name | N | false |
value | F[N] | false |
type | T extends "datetimeLocal" ? "datetime-local" : T | false |
onChange | bivarianceHack | false |
interface ValidateParams<F> {
fields: Partial<F>;
validators: Validators<F>;
validations?: string[];
form?: F | undefined;
submitting?: Boolean | undefined;
Type parameters
Name |
F |
Name | Type | Optional |
fields | Partial | false |
validators | Validators | false |
validations | string[] | true |
form | F | undefined | true |
submitting | Boolean | undefined | true |
type SubmitCallback<N, F, T = any> = (submitParams: { name?: N | undefined; fields: F; setLoading: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>; notify: NotifyCallback<F, SubmitNotificationType>; }) => T;
Type parameters
Name | Default |
N | |
F | |
T | any |
(submitParams: { name?: N | undefined; fields: F; setLoading: Dispatch<SetStateAction>; notify: NotifyCallback<F, SubmitNotificationType>; }) => T
type FieldValues<F = {}> = {
[K extends keyof F]: F[K]
Type parameters
Name | Default |
F | {} |
{ [K extends keyof F]: F[K] }
type FieldValuesAndErrors<F = {}> = {
[K extends keyof F]: FieldValueAndError<F[K]>
Type parameters
Name | Default |
F | {} |
{ [K extends keyof F]: FieldValueAndError<F[K]> }
type InputTypes = "text" | "radio" | "email" | "password" | "search" | "color" | "tel" | "url" | "submit" | "date" | "time" | "week" | "month" | "datetimeLocal" | "number" | "range" | "checkbox" | "select";
"text" | "radio" | "email" | "password" | "search" | "color" | "tel" | "url" | "submit" | "date" | "time" | "week" | "month" | "datetimeLocal" | "number" | "range" | "checkbox" | "select"
type GenericObject = {
[key: string]: any;
{ [key: string]: any; }
type GeneratePropsFunc<T, F, N extends keyof F, R, P = { name: N; value: F[N]; error: boolean; }> = (props: P) => P & R;
Type parameters
Name | Constraint | Default |
T | ||
F | ||
N | keyof F | |
R | ||
P | { name: N; value: F[N]; error: boolean; } |
(props: P) => P & R
type InputPropGenerator<T, F, N extends keyof F, G extends (args: any[]) => any = GeneratePropsFunc<T, F, N, {}>> = (name: N, options?: { value: T extends "checkbox" | "select" ? string : never; generateProps: G; } | undefined) => GeneratedProps<T, F, N> | ReturnType<G>;
Type parameters
Name | Constraint | Default |
T | ||
F | ||
N | keyof F | |
G | (args: any[]) => any | GeneratePropsFunc<T, F, N, {}> |
(name: N, options?: { value: T extends "checkbox" | "select" ? string : never; generateProps: G; } | undefined) => GeneratedProps<T, F, N> | ReturnType
type InputPropGenerators<F> = {
[K extends InputTypes]: InputPropGenerator<K, F, keyof F>
Type parameters
Name |
F |
{ [K extends InputTypes]: InputPropGenerator<K, F, keyof F> }
type SubmitError = "submitError";
type ValidationErrors = "validationErrors";
type SubmitNotificationType = "submitError" | "submitSuccess";
"submitError" | "submitSuccess"
type NotificationType = "validationErrors" | SubmitNotificationType;
"validationErrors" | SubmitNotificationType
type Reason<S, F> = Reason<S, F>;
Type parameters
Name |
S |
F |
Reason<S, F>
type NotifyCallback<F, S extends NotificationType = NotificationType> = (type: S, reason?: Reason<S, F> | undefined<S, F>) => void;
Type parameters
Name | Constraint | Default |
F | ||
S | NotificationType | NotificationType |
(type: S, reason?: Reason<S, F> | undefined<S, F>) => void
type Errors<T> = {
[K extends keyof T]: boolean
Type parameters
Name |
T |
{ [K extends keyof T]: boolean }
type Validators<T> = (fields: T, submitting: boolean) => Errors<T>;
Type parameters
Name |
T |
(fields: T, submitting: boolean) => Errors
Context that holds the forms
var default: {}<any>;