- Fixed debug mode checking and added two test cases. Thanks John Beales (jbeales)
- Fixed PHPDOC comments
- Fixed a bug where sending errors would not show if debug mode was enabled
- Fixed certificate validation
- SSL with validation against certificate
- Multiple To
- Validates all To, Cc and Bcc addresses
- Custom headers
- Fixed DEBUG_RETURN bug, thanks hdeshev
- Improved error handling
- Check if subject is set
- Configuration adapter
- Attachments
- Unit tests
- Added tag method to handle the Tag header (Jeff Downie - [email protected])
- Switched fully to markdown for docs
- Added method fromName() to easily override From name
- Added replyTo method to handle the Reply-To header
- Added debug modes
- Improved error handling with address validation etc
- Fixed comments
- Minor and mayor bug fixes.
- Initial