- Modified the insertion for new abilities, attacks, legendary actions, saving throw, and skills to now add to the end of the list instead of the beginning. This is more natural.
- The print view now respects the creature filter applied to the bestiary.
- You can now filter by creature race in addition to the previous fields (environment, faction, name).
- Most creature actions (such as edit, copy, etc) are now accessible when hovering over a mini-stat block rather than just in an expanded stat block.
- Made some adjustments to help with issues where stat blocks would be cut off between pages when printing. It may still occur but less frequently. To do this I unfortunately had to lower the zoom levels a bit, so printed text is now slightly smaller than optimal. Chrome's print css implpementation leaves something to be desired, so I don't currently see any good ways to improve on this. If you use CTRL-P instead of the print button that seems to help.
- Added Print functionality to both private and public bestiaries, allowing you to quickly and directly print all the bestiary's stat blocks.
- Added new toggle to tell CritterDB that a creature's name is a proper noun (ie 'The Goblin King' rather than 'Goblin King'), allowing CritterDB to correctly generate text for spellcasting, legendary actions, and other fields.
- Added 'Mage Armor' as an autofill armor type.
- Added an About page with information on CritterDB that you can see without logging in.
- Added a link to the Github page to the header menu.
- Cleaned up the CritterDB project a bit, added a readme, and made it open source on Github.