v1.0 -- publication release
- switched from setup.py to pyproject.toml
- added citation
v0.12 -- perparing for official release
- changed --t-lin, --t-log defaults and fixed --t-lin=1, --t-log=1
- fixed potential issues with --t-end = --t-ext
- adapted README example to publication
v0.11 -- using lonely base-pairs
- removed the --noLP default (added parameter setting)
- added profiling option for runtime optimization
- using --cg-auto default paramter
- using k0=1e5, t-ext=0.04 default parameter
- added new visulization types and fixed motif file input
- added epsilon to t-fast sanity check
v0.10 -- moved to beta status (first official release)
- changes in parameter defaults
- bugfix in linalg
- new DrPlotter simulation layout and motif plotting
- repaired code to enable plotting including pause sites
v0.9 -- standalone package (no official release)
- extraction from the ribolands package to a standalone Python package.
- using scipy and numpy for matrix exponentials (instead of treekin)
- implemented lookahead to skip pruning of potentially relevant future structures