We are going to use spheRlab for conversion. You have to have R already installed.
Clone spheRlab
git clone https://github.com/FESOM/spheRlab.git spheRlab
Build package:
cd spheRlab/
R CMD build spheRlab
Make sure you have cdo installed (cdo -V
) and launch R (type R
Install the package:
If you don;t have netCDF library installed, you also have to do:
Load libraries:
You can get help (for any function) by typing, e.g.:
Define path to the mesh
Read the grid in to R structure (the arguments rot
etc. might be different for different meshes, but this is the standard):
For rotated meshes:
R>grid = sl.grid.readFESOM(griddir=meshpath,rot=TRUE,rot.invert=TRUE,rot.abg=c(50,15,-90))
For unrotated meshes:
R>grid = sl.grid.readFESOM(griddir=meshpath,rot=FALSE,rot.invert=FALSE,rot.abg=c(0,0,0), threeD=FALSE)
Define path to the output file:
R>ofile = paste0(meshpath, "sl.grid.CDO", sep = "")
Directrly write netCDF file with mesh description:
R>sl.grid.writeCDO(grid, ofile=ofile, netcdf=TRUE, depth=FALSE)
$bash> export MESHPATH=/work/ollie/dsidoren/input/fesom2.0/meshes/mesh_CORE2_final/
$bash> export DATAPATH=/work/ollie/dsidoren/ETOPO5/etopo5_lonlat.nc
$bash> cdo remapycon,$MESHPATH/sl.grid.CDO.nc -selname,topo $DATAPATH $MESHPATH/topo.nc