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Vincent Cunningham edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 6 revisions

Cards are specified using a custom tailored Groovy DSL syntax.

Basic Pokemon

basic (this, hp:HP080, type:WATER, retreatCost:2) {
  weakness GRASS, X2
  resistance FIRE, MINUS20
  bwAbility "Ability Name", {
    text "Ability description"
    // any actionA, delayedA, getterA, onActivate, onDeactivate clauses
  move "Move Name", {
    text "Move description. IMPORTANT: If the move has any damage text like 20, prepend it to text as: 20 damage."
    energyCost P, C, C
    attackRequirement { //check for requirements with assert clause
    onAttack { //main attack phase, attack is now happening
      damage 20
      afterDamage { //this clause runs after damages are applied, many effects go here

Evolution Pokemon:

evolution (this, from: "...", ...) { // all other properties are same as basic


case DUSCLOPS_52:
return evolution (this, from:"Duskull", hp:HP090, type:PSYCHIC, retreatCost:3) {
  weakness DARKNESS
  resistance FIGHTING, MINUS20
  move "Night Roam", {
    text "Put 1 damage counter on each Pokémon in play (both yours and your opponent's)."
    energyCost P
    onAttack {
      all.each {
        directDamage 10, it
  move "Ambush", {
    text "30+ damage. Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage."
    energyCost P, C, C
    onAttack {
      damage 30
      flip{damage 30}



It starts with either basicTrainer or supporter or itemCard.

supporter (this) {
  text "Card text"
  onPlay {
    // on play effect(s)
    // assertions

Pokemon Tool

They stay attached to a pokemon, so they work a bit differently.

pokemonTool (this) {
  text "Card text"
  onPlay { reason->
    // activation effects, self denotes the pokemon, reason is the activation reason of the card
  onRemoveFromPlay {
    // run when the card is being removed from the battleground, use it for unregistering delayed effects, etc
  allowAttach { pcs->
    // (optional) use it to restrict the card to be attached to some specific pokemon, return boolean
    // example: pcs.pokemonEX would only allow this card to be attached to EX pokemon.

Basic Energy

basicEnergy (this, GRASS)

Special Energy

Required closures: onPlay, onRemoveFromPlay Optional closures: onMove, getEnergyTypesOverride Optional list: typeImagesOverride Example:

specialEnergy (this, [[C]]) {
  text "Prism Energy provides [C] Energy. If the Pokémon Prism Energy is attached to is a Basic Pokémon, Prism Energy provides every type of Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time. (Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.)"
  typeImagesOverride = (self==null || self.evolution) ? [C] : [RAINBOW] // (optional) Override the displayed type images
  onPlay {reason->
     // activation effects, self denotes the pokemon, reason is the activation reason of the card
  onRemoveFromPlay {
     // run when the card is being removed from the battleground, use it for unregistering delayed 
  onMove {to->
    // (optional) run when the card is being moved to a different pokemon. 
    // use to adjust some effects or discard if needed. 
  allowAttach {to->
    // (optional) run when attempting to attach to a pokemon.
    // use to only allow attachments if certain conditions are met.
  getEnergyTypesOverride {
    // (optional) hard override for the provided energy types. 
    // use it for energy cards whose energy output can dynamically change
    // (such as prism energy only activates while it is attached to a basic pokemon)
    if(self==null || self.evolution)
	return [[C] as Set]
        return [[W, G, D, M, F, R, P, L, Y] as Set]
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