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234 lines (196 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

234 lines (196 loc) · 11.4 KB

Lambda configuration

To configure which resource lambda function should count, you need to change the file services.json.
JSON file doesn't support comments, so you can use YAML file services.yaml to configure your resources to count and convert it to JSON using the command below.

Convert YAML file to JSON:

cat lambda/services.yaml | python3 -c 'import sys, yaml, json; json.dump(yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin), sys.stdout, indent=4)' >lambda/services.json

Lambda function only works with services.json file. It doesn't support YAML file directly.
YAML file only exists to facilitate configuration and documentation, as you can comment on it.
You always need to convert YAML file to JSON after you change your configuration on YAML file.

See below the file structure commented. Please check lambda/services.yaml file for a comprehensive example of configuration for several services.

# CloudWatch namespace to be used by all metrics.
# This namespace can be overwiten by each resource configuration below. If it is not configured on resource, it will use this one.
# It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file it will ignore the entire file.
defaultNamespace: ResourceCounter

# CloudWatch dimension name to be used by all metrics.
# This dimension name can be overwiten by each resource configuration below. If it is not configured on resource, it will use this one.
# It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file it will ignore the entire file.
defaultDimensionName: Per-Service Metrics

# List of AWS resources to count.
# It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file it will ignore the entire file.

# The type of this AWS resource configuration. The value can be one of: 'paginator', 'next-in-response', 'direct'.
# Value is not case sensitive!
# It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.
- type: paginator

  # The resource configuration related with the type above.
  # It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.

    # Boto3 service name to be used to instantiate a client for this specifi service. It must be a valid one for boto3.
    # You can use boto3 to get the complete list of valid service names, or check the file "lambda/services.txt".
    # Value is case sensitive!
    # It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file, or has the wrong value, it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.
    client: ec2

    # Boto3 method from service defined on "client" above. The result of this method is the one that will be counter, based on the rules defined on "count" element below.
    # Please, use boto3 documentation to get the correct method name.
    # Value is case sensitive!
    # It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file, or empty, it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.
    # If "type" above is defined as "paginator", you can only use boto3 methods that supports pagination.
    # If "type" above is defined as "next-in-response", you can only use boto3 methods that supports "next" attribute on request and response.
    #    Attributes "nextInResponse" and "nextInRequest" are mandatory with this type configuration. Otherwise they are optional.
    # If "type" above is defined as "direct", you can use any boto3 method. It will consider only the resources returned in one request to this boto3 method.
    method: describe_instances

    # Boto3 method arguments to be informed. It doesn't support dynamic arguments, only static ones.
    # Value is case sensitive!
    # Use the correct arguments to the method defined above. Please check boto3 documentation.
    # It is optional! But it cannot be null, so define it as empty dictionary, like "{}" or just remove it from configuration.
    kwargs: {}

    # List of strings with attributes from Boto3 method response to be used to iterate and count.
    # It must be a List attribute to interate over. It will iterate on the order specified.
    # Value is case sensitive!
    iterateOver: [Reservations, Instances]

    # Boto3 "next" attribute inside method response to check if there is more resources to fetch.
    # If "type" is defined as "next-in-response" and method response has this attribute defined with a non-empty value, it will perform "next" requests until this attribute is missing or have an empty value.
    # Value is case sensitive!
    # It is mandatory if type is defined as "next-in-response"! Otherwise it is optional.
    # If it is required and this attribute is missing on file, or has empty value, it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.
    nextInResponse: 'NextMarker'

    # Boto3 "next" attribute inside method request to fetch more resources if required.
    # If "type" is defined as "next-in-response" and method response has attribute "nextInResponse" defined above, it will perform "next" requests with this argument appended to "kwargs" ones.
    # Value is case sensitive!
    # It is mandatory if type is defined as "next-in-response"! Otherwise it is optional.
    # If it is required and this attribute is missing on file, or has empty value, it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.
    nextInRequest: 'NextMarker'

    # Boolena value to indicate if Boto3 "iterateOver" attributes inside method response must exists or not.
    # Some boto3 methods doesn't return anything when there is no resources available. When the common behavior is to have an empty return.
    # It is optional! The default value is "true".
    mustExists: false

  # The count configuration related with the "resource" above.
  # It is optional! If it is not defined it will assume all default values.

    # Boolean value to indicate if it should generate a total count metric for this resource or not.
    # It is optional! The default value is "true".
    generateTotal: true

    # Configuration to indicate if it should generate count metric based on group of attributes and/or values.
    # It is optional! If it is not defined it will assume the default values.

      # List of strings with attribute names inside "method" response to group and generate metric.
      # It will group only on values from the last element from this list. All the other ones previously must represent and response object.
      # Value is case sensitive!
      # It is mandatory if "groupBy" element above is defined
      # The metric name will be the one defined on attribute "metricName" below with a suffix that is the value from this "element" attribute.
      # Like, "element: [State]" and "metricName: Instance"  has a value "running", metric name will be "Instance-Running".
      # You can change this metric name behavior using "customName" below.
      element: [State, Name]

      # List of strings with attribute values from "method" response "element" above.
      # It will group only on values defined in this list.
      # If this configuration in non-empty, it will group based on the values defined and count them, otherwise it will ignore the resource and will not count it.
      # Value is case sensitive!
      # It is optional! If not defined it will group and count based on all values from "element" above.
      values: [running, terminated, stopped]

      # Boolean value to indicate if it should generate custom metric name based on values attribute define above.
      # It is optional! The default value is "true".
      # This is useful when you use groupBy to filter by just one element value and don't what the value to be appended on metric name.
      customName: true

      # Boolean value to indicate if it should capitalize the attribute value define above on "element".
      # It is optional! The default value is "true".
      # Examples: "AVAILABLE" -> "Available", "in-use" -> "In-use"
      capitalize: true

    # Configuration to indicate if it should generate count metric based if some attribute exists or not.
    # It is optional! If it is not defined it will assume the default values.

      # Attribute names inside "method" response to generate metric and count.
      # If this attribute exists in the "method" response and the value is the one that Python checks as "True" in a "IF" condition, than it will count.
      # Value is case sensitive!
      # It is mandatory if "ifExists" element above is defined
      # If Python understand the attribute value as "True", metric name will be the one defined on attribute "metricName" below with "existsSuffix" suffix.
      # If Python understand the attribute value as "False", metric name will be the one defined on attribute "metricName" below with "notExistsSuffix" suffix.
      element: EbsOptimized

      # Suffix to be used on "metricName" if "element" above exists on "method" response.
      # It is mandatory if "ifExists" element above is defined
      existsSuffix: EBS-optimized

      # Suffix to be used on "metricName" if "element" above doesn't exists on "method" response.
      # It is mandatory if "ifExists" element above is defined
      notExistsSuffix: EBS-not-optimized

  # The metric configuration related with the "resource" above.
  # It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.

    # CloudWatch metric namespace to be used when create/update metric.
    # It is optional! If not defined it will use "defaultNamespace" above.
    namespace: 'ResourceCounter'

    # CloudWatch metric dimension name to be used when create/update metric.
    # It is optional! If not defined it will use "defaultDimensionName" above.
    dimensionName: 'Per-Service Metrics'

    # CloudWatch metric dimension value to be used when create/update metric.
    # It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file, or empty, it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.
    dimensionValue: EC2

    # CloudWatch metric name to be used when create/update metric.
    # It is mandatory! If this attribute is missing on file, or empty, it will ignore just this resource configuration, not the entire file.
    metricName: Instance


defaultNamespace: ResourceCounter
defaultDimensionName: Per-Service Metrics
## EC2
- type: paginator
    client: ec2
    method: describe_instances
    iterateOver: [Reservations, Instances]
      element: [State, Name]
      values: [running, terminated, stopped]
    dimensionValue: EC2
    metricName: Instance

- type: paginator
    client: ec2
    method: describe_images
        - self
    iterateOver: [Images]
      element: [State]
    dimensionValue: EC2
    metricName: Image

- type: direct
    client: ec2
    method: describe_addresses
    iterateOver: [Addresses]
      element: AssociationId
      existsSuffix: In-use
      notExistsSuffix: Available
    dimensionValue: EC2
    metricName: Elastic-IP

## WAFv2
- type: next-in-response
    client: wafv2
    method: list_web_acls
      Scope: REGIONAL
    iterateOver: [WebACLs]
    nextInRequest: NextMarker
    nextInResponse: NextMarker
    dimensionValue: WAFv2
    metricName: WebACL