Please note that this tool is intended for use in lab and experimental environment. It is in users responsibility to review and adjust it before using in production environment.
usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--dryrun] --region REGION inputfilename
Batch registration of LoRaWAN devices for AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN
positional arguments:
inputfilename Path to CSV file to process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verbose, -v Provide more output
--dryrun, -d Do everything but API calls
--region REGION, -r REGION AWS region
aws iotwireless list-device-profiles
aws iotwireless list-service-profiles
You can use example_device_list.csv
as an example file.
Required columns:
- Type (currently only "LoRaWAN" is supported)
- DevEui
- AppKey
- AppEui
- DeviceProfileId (see Step 1)
- ServiceProfileId (see Step 2)
- DestinationName (must exist before this script runs)
- AuthenticationMethod (allowed values: OtaaV1_0_x)
- Name (see API doc)
- Description (see API doc)
Few rules for the file:
- Columns must be separated by
- Header line with above column names is required
- Please note that the specific ordering of columns is NOT required.
- CSV file can also contain additional columns
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 example_device_list.csv --region eu-west-1