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Lightweight SDK to simplify the process of interacting with the Itential Automation Gateway API.

This is an beta release. Please ensure the package works as expected in your environment before using it in production as there may still be bugs. This package uses Pydantic models to validate the input parameters for each API call.

This package was written for Itential Automation Gateway 2023.1.

Getting Started

Make sure you have a supported version of Python installed and then create and activate a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv

source /venv/bin/activate

You can install the iag_sdk from Pypi as follows:

pip install iag-sdk

Or you can install it from source as follows:

git clone
cd itential-iag-sdk
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -e .


from iag_sdk import Iag

username = "admin@itential"
password = "your_password"
host = "your_server"

iag = Iag(host=host, username=username, password=password, verify=False)

#{'email': '[email protected]', 'firstname': None, 'lastname': None, 'username': 'admin@itential'}

iag_sdk uses the following default values. You can overwrite any of them during instantiation:

class Iag(ClientBase):
    def __init__(
        host: str,
        username: str,
        password: str,
        base_url: Optional[str] = "/api/v2.0",
        protocol: Optional[str] = "http",
        port: Optional[Union[int, str]] = 8083,
        verify: Optional[bool] = True,
    ) -> None:

The iag_sdk methods are grouped in the same manner as in Itential's API documentation. I.e. all API calls related to collections are available under iag.collections. and all API calls related to (Ansible) devices are available under iag.devices.


# get the server status

# list the first 10 Ansible devices that have 'SW' in their hostname
iag.devices.get_devices(limit=10, filter='contains({"name": "SW"})')

# get a specific Ansible device

# check the state for a specific Ansible device

Work with Ansible collections:

# list all collections

# get one collection

# get modules for a specific collection

# refresh collections / perform a collection discovery

Work with Netmiko:

# IAG native
    command_string="show version"

# legacy
    commands=["show version"], 

The all-purpose 'query' method

The iag_sdk includes a generic 'query' method that can be used for every Itential automation gateway API call. In fact, all the other methods ultimately use the generic 'query' method to send calls to AG.

The query method by default sends GET requests without any data or parameters. However, you can use the 'query' method to send get, delete, post, put, and patch requests by changing the 'method' argument. You can also send data by various means (params, data, jsonbody).

The generic 'query' method potentially could come in handy to overcome differences in the API between automation gateway versions. If any of the existing methods don't work with your AG version, try the generic 'query' method as a fallback.

The 'query' method takes the following arguments:

argument description
endpoint Itential IAG API endpoint. E.g. /devices.
method Optional. API method: get (default),post,put,patch,delete.
data Optional. A dictionary to send as the body.
jsonbody Optional. A JSON object to send as the body.
params Optional. A dictionary to send as URL parameters.

Basic GET call using 'query'

# get the server status
# or to be more explicit
iag.query("/status", method="get")

# get a specific collection
collection_name = "cisco.asa"
# or define the endpoint statically

# list the first 10 Ansible devices that have 'SW' in their hostname
iag.query("/devices", params={"limit": 10, "filter": 'contains({"name":"SW"})'})

Basic POST call using 'query'

iag.query("/collections/refresh", method="post")

iag.query("/netmiko/send_command/execute", method="post", jsonbody={"host": "networkdevice", "command_string": "show version"})

List of all modules and methods


methods description
add_account Add a new user account.
confirm_eula Confirm EULA for account.
delete_account Delete a user account.
get_account Get information for a user account.
get_accounts Get a list of user accounts.
update_account Update details of a user account.
update_password Update user login credentials.


methods description
add_collection Install an Ansible collection from a Galaxy server or from a tarball.
delete_module_schema Remove a schema for a module in the Ansible collection.
delete_role_schema Remove a schema for a role in the Ansible collection.
execute_module Execute a module contained within the Ansible collection.
execute_role Execute a role which is contained within the Ansible collection.
get_collection Get details for an Ansible collection.
get_collections Get list of installed Ansible collections.
get_module Get details for a module in the Ansible collection.
get_module_history Get execution log events for an Ansible collection module.
get_module_schema Get the schema for a module in the Ansible collection.
get_modules Get module list for an Ansible collection.
get_role Get details for a role in the Ansible collection.
get_role_history Get execution log events for an Ansible collection role.
get_role_schema Get the schema for a role in the Ansible collection.
get_roles Get role list for an Ansible collection.
refresh Perform Ansible collection discovery and update internal cache.
update_module_schema Update/Insert a schema document for module in the Ansible collection.
update_role_schema Update/Insert a schema document for role in the Ansible collection.


methods description
get_config Fetch config value from AG server database.
update_config Update config to AG server database.


methods description
add_device Add a new device to Ansible inventory.
delete_device Delete a device from Ansible inventory.
get_device Get information for an Ansible device.
get_device_state Get the connectivity state for an Ansible device.
get_device_variable Get the value of a connection variable for an Ansible device.
get_device_variables Get the connection variables for an Ansible device.
get_devices Get a list of Ansible devices.
update_device Merge or replace the variables for a device in the Ansible inventory.


methods description
add_group Add a new Ansible device group.
add_group_children Add new child groups to an Ansible device group.
add_group_devices Add new devices to an Ansible device group.
delete_group Delete an Ansible device group.
delete_group_child Delete a child group from an Ansible device group.
delete_group_device Delete a device from an Ansible device group.
get_group Get information for an Ansible device group.
get_group_children Get a list of child groups for an Ansible device group.
get_group_devices Get the devices for an Ansible device group.
get_group_variable Get the contents of a variable for an Ansible device group.
get_group_variables Get the variables for an Ansible device group.
get_groups Get a list of Ansible device groups.
update_group Update the variables in an Ansbile device group.


methods description
execute_request Send an HTTP/1.1 request to an inventory device.
get_request_history Get execution log events for an HTTP request.
get_request_schema Get the json schema for http_requests' request endpoint.


methods description
add_http_requests_device Create a device in the http_requests inventory.
add_netconf_device Create a device in the netconf inventory.
add_netmiko_device Create a device in the netmiko inventory
delete_http_requests_device Delete a device from the http_requests inventory.
delete_netconf_device Delete a device from the netconf inventory.
delete_netmiko_device Delete a device from the netmiko inventory.
get_http_requests_device Get information for a device in the http_requests inventory.
get_http_requests_device_group Get information for a device group in the http_requests inventory.
get_http_requests_device_group_children Get a list of child groups in the http_requests inventory device group.
get_http_requests_device_group_devices Get a list of devices in the http_requests inventory device group.
get_http_requests_device_groups Get a list of device groups in http_requests inventory.
get_http_requests_devices Get a list of devices in the http_requests inventory.
get_netconf_device Get information for a device in the netconf inventory.
get_netconf_device_group Get information for a device group in the netconf inventory.
get_netconf_device_group_children Get a list of child groups in the netconf inventory device group.
get_netconf_device_group_devices Get a list of devices in the netconf inventory device group.
get_netconf_device_groups Get a list of device groups in netconf inventory.
get_netconf_devices Get a list of devices in the netconf inventory.
get_netmiko_device Get information for a device in the netmiko inventory.
get_netmiko_device_group Get information for a device group in the netmiko inventory.
get_netmiko_device_group_children Get a list of child groups in the netmiko inventory device group.
get_netmiko_device_group_devices Get a list of devices in the netmiko inventory device group.
get_netmiko_device_groups Get a list of device groups in netmiko inventory.
get_netmiko_devices Get a list of devices in the netmiko inventory.
refresh Perform external inventory discovery and update internal cache.
update_http_requests_device Update a device in the http_requests inventory.
update_netconf_device Update variables for a device in the netconf inventory.
update_netmiko_device Update a device in the netmiko inventory.


methods description
test_bind test LDAP connection


methods description
delete_module_schema Remove an Ansible module schema.
execute_module Execute an Ansible module.
get_module Get information for an Ansible module.
get_module_history Get execution log events for an Ansible module.
get_module_schema Get the schema for an Ansible module.
get_modules Get a list of Ansible modules.
refresh Perform Ansible module discovery and update internal cache.
update_module_schema Update/Insert an Ansible module schema document.


execute_get_config Retrieve configuration from a device using the NETCONF protocol
execute_rpc Execute proprietary operations on a device using the NETCONF protocol.
execute_set_config Configure a device using the NETCONF protocol
get_history Get execution log events for Netconf command.


methods description
execute_send_command_legacy Wrapper of netmiko send_command
execute_send_command_native IAG Native Netmiko send_command.
execute_send_config_set_legacy Wrapper of netmiko send_config_set
execute_send_config_set_native IAG Native Netmiko send_config_set.
get_command_schema Get IAG Native Netmiko command schema.
get_send_command_history Get execution log events for the Netmiko send_command.
get_send_config_set_history Get execution log events for Netmiko send_config_set.


methods description
delete_module_schema Remove a Nornir module schema.
execute_module Execute a Nornir module.
get_module Get Nornir module information.
get_module_history Get execution log events for a Nornir module.
get_module_schema Get the schema for a Nornir module.
get_modules Get a list of Nornir modules.
refresh Perform Nornir module discovery and update internal cache.
update_module_schema Update/Insert a Nornir module schema document.


methods description
reset_password Reset password for user on the AG server.
update_change_flag Update the password change flag to false on the AG server.
update_password Update password for user on the AG server.
update_security_questions Update security questions and answers for user on the AG server.
validate_password_change Validate if password is changed in the AG server.


methods description
delete_playbook_schema Remove an Ansible playbook schema.
execute_playbook Execute an Ansible playbook.
get_playbook Get information for an Ansible playbook.
get_playbook_schema Get the schema for an Ansible playbook.
get_playbooks Get a list of Ansible playbooks.
get_playook_history Get execution log events for an Ansible playbook.
refresh Perform Ansible playbook discovery and update internal cache.
update_playbook_schema Update/Insert an Ansible playbook schema document.


methods description
get_pronghorn Get pronghorn.json for the AG server.


methods description
add_group Add a new RBAC group
add_group_roles Add new roles to the RBAC group.
add_group_users Add new users to the RBAC group.
delete_group Delete an RBAC group.
delete_group_role Delete a role from the RBAC group.
delete_group_user Delete a user from the RBAC group.
get_group Get information for an RBAC group.
get_group_roles Get roles for an RBAC group.
get_group_users Get users for an RBAC group.
get_groups Get a list of RBAC groups.
get_role Get information for an RBAC role.
get_roles Get a list of RBAC roles.
get_user_groups Get RBAC group information for a user.
get_user_roles Get RBAC role information for a user.
update_group Update an RBAC group.


methods description
delete_role_schema Remove an Ansible role schema.
execute_role Execute an Ansible role.
get_role Get information for an Ansible role.
get_role_history Get execution log events for an Ansible role.
get_role_schema Get the schema for an Ansible role.
get_roles Get a list of Ansible roles.
refresh Perform Ansible role discovery and update internal cache.
update_role_schema Update/Insert an Ansible role schema document.


methods description
delete_script_schema Remove a script schema.
execute_script Execute a script.
get_script Get script information.
get_script_history Get execution log events for a script.
get_script_schema Get the schema for a script.
get_scripts Get a list of scripts.
refresh Perform script discovery and update internal cache.
update_script_schema Update/Insert a script schema document.


methods description
add_secret Add a new Hashicorp Vault secret.
delete_secret Delete a Hashicorp Vault secret.
get_secret Get a list of Hashicorp Vault secrets.
update_secret Update a Hashicorpy Vault secret.


methods description
get_security_questions Get security questions for the AG server.
get_security_questions_user Get security questions for email id on the AG server.
validate_security_answers_user Validate security answers for email id on the AG server.


methods description
get_audit_log Get execution history payload.
get_audit_logs Retrieve execution audit log persisted in the database.
get_health Determine if AG server is up and running (/poll).
get_openapi_spec Get the current OpenAPI spec from the running instance of IAG
get_status Get the AG server status (version, ansible version, etc).


methods description
delete_module_schema Remove a Terraform module schema.
execute_terraform_apply Apply the configuration of a Terraform module
execute_terraform_destroy Destroy the resources of a Terraform module.
execute_terraform_init Initialize the providers of a Terraform module.
execute_terraform_plan Plan the execution of a Terraform module.
execute_terraform_validate Validate the configuration of a Terraform module.
get_module Get information on a Terraform module.
get_module_history Get execution log events for a Terraform module.
get_module_schema Get the schema for a Terraform module.
get_modules Get list of Terraform modules.
refresh Perform Terraform discovery and update internal cache.
update_module_schema Update/Insert a Terraform schema document.


methods description
delete_schema Remove a user schema.
update_schema Update/Insert a user schema document.