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This is a lightweight framework to perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT) using a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) model.

Why another framework?

In addition to unit testing and system testing we need a simple framework to perform arbitrary automation across products. The target is "happy path" integration testing based on use cases, not comprehensive deep-dive testing.


  • enable automation accross multiple applications. Automation must be easy to write against application APIs.
  • support remote host commands via SSH
  • follow Behavior Driven Development (BDD) best practice to define workflows in a semi-formal language outside of implmentation. See BDD
  • test results should be displayed as pass/fail based on user stories
  • plug into continuous integration (CI)
  • automate application integration for stage and demonstration environments. This means the result of the test should optionally be a configured system based on executed use cases.
  • assume only user actions are automated with this framework. Use puppet, cloud-init, heat templates and kickstarts to take care of provisioning and initial installation configuration.


Automation needs to be really simple to write and maintain. If you can write a user story, a bash script and make sense of API documentation to make GET and POST calls you should be able to use this framework.

  • Consistent, simple interface for application APIs.
  • Simple method for running commands on remote hosts.
  • Support dynamic host discovery for CI workflows.

Getting started

  1. Familiarize yourself with Behave documentation

  2. Understand how the examples work in this repo.

  3. Make a copy of the configuration file and customize: cp config/uat.cfg.sample config/uat.cfg

  4. Create an ansible_inventory file for any hosts remote commands are run on: cp config/ansible_inventory.sample config/ansible_inventory

  5. Install python dependencies using pip. You may need to install python-devel and gcc first.

     [sudo] yum install -y pip python-devel gcc
     [sudo] pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Execute tests (assumes current working directory is base of this repo)

  • Run them all (very unusual): behave
  • Run a specific feature file (common): behave features/myfile.feature
  • Run specific scenario(s) by keyword (great for debugging): behave -n <scenario_keyword>
  • add --dry-run to see output but don't execute

Writing your first test

  1. Always start with a feature. This is a great time to freely think like a user and the end goal. Consider pairing up with a colleague and write the feature in 30 minutes.
  2. Run the feature you just wrote: behave features/mynew.feature
  3. Copy the output into a steps file. Some of these are already covered in existing steps. Keep them organized by target application.
  4. Delete redundant steps and re-word your feature lines as necessary. If a step is not implemented, fail it with assert False until it's implemented.
  5. Build up the steps files to support the feature. Get it green.
  6. Check in the feature and get into a CI job right away. Watch it fail, fix, rinse, repeat.


By default debug print statements are captured with all stdout and stderr also. This makes debugging difficult. Pass argument --no-capture when running Behave to view debug statements. For stderr pass in --no-capture-stderr.

Enable debug mode by setting environment variable: BEHAVE_DEBUG_LOGGING="True"

Remote commands are executed via Ansible and SSH. For new commands try using ansible CLI then add them to a steps method.

Static inventory:

$ ansible <host_group_from_inventory> -i config/ansible_inventory -m command -a <some shell command>

Dynamic inventory script. Example parses 'resources.json' for a specific CI system:

$ ansible cihosts -i config/ -m command -a <some shell command>

Running as docker container

This is a work in progress.

  1. You may need to turn off selinux so docker can read the bindmounted files on the host.

     [sudo] setenforce 0
  2. There are a bunch of dependencies to mount. SSH keys are problematic.

     [sudo] docker run -it \
            -v /path/to/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
            -v /path/to/UATFramework/resources.json:/uatframework/resources.json \
            -v /path/to/UATFramework/config:/uatframework/config \
            aweiteka/uatframework:wip [features/my.feature] [behave_opts]


General product documentation

Ansible modules