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ML study notes

모두를 위한 머신러닝/딥러닝 강의

  • What is ML?
  • What is learning?
    • supervised
    • unsupervised
  • What is regression?
  • What is classification?

Machine Learning

  • explicit programming(ex. a일 때는 b를 하라) 의 한계
  • ML: "Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed" by Arthur Samuel

Supervised/Unsupervised learning

  • Supervised learning:
    • 레이블이 정해져 있는 데이터(training set)으로 학습
  • Unsupervised learning:
    • un-labeled data
    • ex. 구글 뉴스 그룹핑, 단어의 분류 Word clustering

Supervised Learning

  • Most common problem type in ML
  • 이미 트레이닝 셋이 있음, 새로운 셋을 트레이닝 데이타 셋을 기반으로 분류

Types of supervised learning

  1. Predicting final exam score based on time spent => regression
  2. Pass/non-pass based on time spent => binary classification
  3. Letter grade (A, B, C, D and F) based on time spent => multi-label classification
  • 이미 존재하는 데이터(training data set)로 Regression model을 학습시킴(training)
  • 세상의 많은 현상들이 리니어한 모델로 설명할 수 있다!
  • (Linear) Hypothesis: H(x) = Wx+b
  • Which hypothesis is better? => Cost Function(Loss Function)
  • cost(W, b) = average of (H(x)-y)^2
  • Goal: Minimize cost(W, b)

Simplified Hypothesis

Gradient descent algorithm

  • 경사를 따라 내려가는 알고리즘
  • Minimize cost function
  • Gradient descent is used many minimization problems
  • For a given cost function, cost(W, b), it will find W, b to minimize cost
  • It can be applied to more general function: cost(W1, W2, ...)

How it works? How would you find thd lowest point?

  • Start with initial guesses
    • Start at (0,0) (or any other value) 아무 점에서 시작한다.
    • Keeping changing W and b a little bit to try and reduce cost(W, b)
  • Each time you change the parameters, you select the gradient which reduces cost(W, b) the most possible
  • Repeat
  • Do so until you converge to a local minimum
  • Has an interesting property
    • Where you start can determine which minimum you end up
  • 기울기는 미분해서 구한다. 기울기 < 0 이면 W를 크게, 기울기 > 0 이면 W를 작게 만든다.
  • cost(W, b)를 설계할 때 그 모양이 Convex function인지를 확인하라.
  • Convex function: 밥그릇 모양. Gradient descent algorithm을 사용할 때, 초기값으로 무엇을 주더라도 같은 결과가 나온다.


  • represent as matrix
  • H(X) = W* X
  • H(X) = W transpose * X

(Binary) Classification Application

  • Spam Detection: Spam(1) or Ham(0)
  • Facebook feed: show(1) or hide(0)
  • Credit Card Fraudulent Transaction detection: legitimate(0) / fraud(1)

Example Model: Pass(1)/Fail(0) based on study hours

  • Linear Regression?
  • We know Y is 0 or 1
  • Hypothesis can give values large than 1 or less than 0
  • => Use Sigmate Fuction!

Sigmoid Function

  • Curved in two directions, like the letter "S"
  • 어디서 시작하느냐에 따라서 최저점이 달라질 수 있다 -> Local Minimum
  • Global Minimum을 찾아야 한다!

New cost function for logistic!

  • Cross entropy cost function
  • Logistic cost vs cross entropy

Learning Rate

  • Large learning rate: overshooting
  • Small learning rate: takes too long, stops at local minimum
  • Try several learning rates
    • Observe the cost function
    • Check it goes down in a reasonable rate

Date preprocessing for gradient descent

  • Original data -> Zero-centered data -> Normalized data


  • 학습 데이터에 너무 잘 맞는(overfitting) 모델. 실제 데이터나 테스트 데이터를 적용하면 잘 안맞는 경우가 발생.
  • Solutions for overfitting
    • More training data
    • Reduce the number of features
    • Regularization
  • Let's not have too big numbers in the weight
  • Training sets -> Validation sets -> Test sets
  • Online learning


  • How many of your predictions are correct?
  • 95~99%