vault-unsealer can use AWS KMS and SSM to store and retrieve encrypted Vault keys.
vault-unsealer can be used to initialize a vault and auto store its keys in SSM. See Initializing a Vault for more info
Create or use a KMS key in the region you want. AWS Console Encryption Keys Page.
Note the alias name of the key, for example:
. -
Note the key UUID at the end of the ARN, for example:
. -
Add the following IAM permissions to the IAM user/role which vault-unsealer will be using.
If running in Kubernetes, its strongly suggested that use a project such as kube2iam
to limit access to a specific pod for accessing the keys via a separate IAM role.
Using the policy below on nodes role will allow any pod to access the root token and unseal keys stored in SSM with KMS.
Full IAM policy (Change the place holders <region>
, <aws-account-id>
and <key-uuid>
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VaultUnsealerReadSSMParameters",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "VaultUnsealerWriteSSMParameters",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "VaultUnsealerGetKMS",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "VaultUnsealerEncryptDecryptKms",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Using the vault root token and unseal keys you can setup the SSM Parameter store with the following commands:
1.Export keys and prefix for SSM:
export PREFIX=<your-prefix>- \
KMS_KEY_ID=<kms-key-id> \
ROOT_KEY=<vault-root-token> \
UNSEAL0=<vault-unseal-key-1> \
UNSEAL1=<vault-unseal-key-2> \
UNSEAL2=<vault-unseal-key-3> \
UNSEAL3=<vault-unseal-key-4> \
2.Encrypt and Put SSM Parameters to AWS:
$ mkdir -p /tmp/vault
echo $ROOT_KEY > /tmp/vault/root-key
echo $UNSEAL0 > /tmp/vault/unseal0
echo $UNSEAL1 > /tmp/vault/unseal1
echo $UNSEAL2 > /tmp/vault/unseal2
echo $UNSEAL3 > /tmp/vault/unseal3
echo $UNSEAL4 > /tmp/vault/unseal4
echo "Encrypting Vault root token"
aws kms encrypt --key-id $KMS_KEY_ID \
--plaintext fileb:///tmp/vault/root-key \
--output text \
--query CiphertextBlob > /tmp/vault/root.enc
echo "Creating a new SSM paramter key ${PREFIX}vault-root for Vault root token"
aws ssm put-parameter --name "${PREFIX}vault-unseal-root" \
--value "$(cat /tmp/vault/root.enc )" \
--type String
for i in {0..4}; do
echo "Encrypting unseal${i} key"
aws kms encrypt --key-id $KMS_KEY_ID \
--encryption-context "Tool=vault-unsealer" \
--plaintext fileb:///tmp/vault/unseal${i} \
--output text \
--query CiphertextBlob > /tmp/vault/unseal${i}.enc
echo "Creating a new SSM paramter key ${PREFIX}vault-unseal-${i}"
aws ssm put-parameter --name "${PREFIX}vault-unseal-${i}" \
--value "$(cat /tmp/vault/unseal${i}.enc)" \
--type String
rm -rf /tmp/vault
If your vault is not yet initialized you can initialized it using the parameter store as follow:
export AWS_REGION=<region>
Run the command aws kms list-aliases to get a list of the kms keys you need, you must use the alias name.
"Aliases": [
"AliasName": "alias/MyKmsKey",
"AliasArn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:alias/myKMSKey",
"TargetKeyId": "4e4ad123-20cf-4ffe-a55f-edd96ca41bef"
Note: alias key must have the prefix alias/. you may use any number of secrets shares and threshold for your needs. (default is 1 secret share and 1 threshold)
vault-unsealer init \
--mode aws-kms-ssm \
--aws-kms-key-id <alias/kms-alias-key> \
--aws-ssm-key-prefix <your-prefix>- \
--secret-shares 5 \
--secret-threshold 3
INFO[0015] root token stored in key store key=vault-root
This will create 6 keys in the AWS SSM:
- vault-root
- vault-unsealer-0
- vault-unsealer-1
- vault-unsealer-2
- vault-unsealer-3
- vault-unsealer-4
vault-unsealer unseal \
--mode aws-kms-ssm \
--aws-kms-key-id "alias/`<key-alias>`" \
--aws-ssm-key-prefix `<ssm-key-prefix>`- \
--secret-shares 5 \
--secret-threshold 3
INFO[0000] checking if vault is sealed...
INFO[0000] vault sealed: true
INFO[0002] successfully unsealed vault