Mock library for AWS go SDK
It is in WIP. The Primary focus would be mocking the ec2 service.
- If you are planing to send a PR, please raise a issue first and discuss with us, before sending the code.
- Feel free to send PR. Happy Coding :)
package main
mockec2 ""
func main() {
mockedEC2 := mockec2.New()
// Few helpers are built to interact with the client
// In order to deal with the helpers, you have to do the initial seeding
defaultVPCID:= mockedEC2.GetDefaultVPCID()
// New gives you the instance of the ec2 api interface
// Then you can interact as normal go aws ec2 sdk
vpc, _ := mockedEC2.DescribeVpcs(&ec2.DescribeVpcsInput{
VpcIds: []*string{