Darkplaces Quake engine Raspberry PI version
Make sure system is up-to-date
sudo rpi-update
sudo reboot
Create a folder somewhere for darkplaces
mkdir ~/darkplaces
cd ~/darkplaces
Download install package into folder
wget https://github.com/autonomous1/darkplacesrpi/archive/dprpi_v1.1.zip
Unpack and run installer
unzip dprpi_v1.1.zip
mv darkplacesrpi-dprpi_v1.1/* .
sudo dpkg -i darkplaces-rpi.deb
Download shareware version of Quake game data
wget ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake/quake106.zip
or select a faster mirror site to download quake106.zip:
Unpack game data
unzip quake106.zip
sudo apt-get install lhasa
lhasa e resource.1
Setup user permissions
Note: replace pi with your username:
sudo usermod -a -G video pi
Run Darkplaces
(type esc for menu to start game or exit)
if you experience issues with no sound, keyboard or mouse input, try:
sudo darkplaces-sdl
Additional documentation