australis is a client for Apache Aurora
A light-weight command line client for use with Apache Aurora built using gorealis.
-a, --caCertsPath string Path where CA certificates can be found.
-c, --clientCert string Client certificate to use to connect to Aurora.
-k, --clientKey string Client key to use to connect to Aurora.
--config string Config file to use. (default "/etc/aurora/australis.yml")
-h, --help help for australis
-l, --logLevel string Set logging level [panic fatal error warning info debug trace]. (default "info")
-p, --password string Password to use for API authentication
-s, --scheduler_addr string Aurora Scheduler's address.
-i, --skipCertVerification Skip CA certificate hostname verification.
-t, --timeout duration Gorealis timeout. (default 20s)
--toJSON Print output in JSON format.
-u, --username string Username to use for API authentication
-z, --zookeeper string Zookeeper node(s) where Aurora stores information. (comma separated list)
- australis create - Create an Aurora Job
- australis fetch - Fetch information from Aurora
- australis force - Force the scheduler to do a snapshot, a backup, or a task reconciliation.
- australis kill - Kill an Aurora Job
- australis monitor - Watch for a specific state change
- australis pulse - Pulse a Job update
- australis restart - Restart an Aurora Job.
- australis resume - Resume a Job update
- australis rollback - Rollback an operation such as an Update
- australis schedule - Schedule a cron job on Aurora scheduler
- australis set - Set a value in the Aurora Scheduler.
- australis simulate - Simulate some work based on the current cluster condition, and return the output
- australis start - Start a service, maintenance on a host (DRAIN), a snapshot, an update, or a backup.
- australis stop - Stop a service or maintenance on a host (DRAIN).