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Redis Commander - Configuration

This file describes all parameters settable at the configuration files inside the config folder.

Redis Commander uses the node "config" module ( More information about possible file formats and config file names as well as there evaluation order can be found in the wiki of the node-config project.

Configuration data

The entire system can be configured within the json configuration files located below the config/ folder. Some parameters can be set additionally via environment variable and/or command line parameter. Whenever this is possible the name of the environment variable is listed too as well as a flag to show when it can be set as cli parameter (overwriting the config file as well as the environment variable)

1. General Parameter

All top-level configuration data are

Name Type Default Cli Environment-Var Description
noSave boolean false --nosave NO_SAVE do not persist changes in active connection list
noLogData boolean false --no-log-data NO_LOG do not log values of redis keys to console
ui object see section 2. User interface parameter
redis object see section 3. General Redis connection parameter
server object see section 4. Express HTTP Server parameter
connections list [] see section 5. Redis Connections

2. User interface parameter

The ui object contains configuration values regarding the web user interface of Redis Commander.

Name Type Default Cli Environment-Var Description
ui.sidebarWidth number 250 start width in pixel of the tree view on the left side of the ui.
ui.locked boolean false if "true" do not change height of command line, otherwise increase height if cli is active
ui.cliHeight number 320 start height in pixel of the command line at the bottom (if opened)
ui.cliOpen boolean false start with maximized cli height on "true", with minimized one on "false"
ui.foldingChar string ':' --folding-char FOLDING_CHAR character to use for creation of a virtual hierarchical tree of all keys. e.g key 'top/sub/mykey' is divided into a folder 'top' containing the folder 'sub' with the key 'mykey' inside it.
ui.jsonViewAsDefault string list 'none' VIEW_JSON_DEFAULT comma separated list of data types where valid json data should be displayed as JSON tree object instead of plain string. Default '' or 'none' displays no data as string, 'all' displays all data-types supported as JSON objects.
Example: "string,hash" only displays these two types as JSON if possible per default
Values supported: '', 'none', 'all', 'string', 'list', 'set', 'zset', 'hash'
ui.binaryAsHex boolean true BINARY_AS_HEX do not display binary data as string but in hexadecimal view
ui.maxHashFieldSize number 0 MAX_HASH_FIELD_SIZE The max number of bytes for a hash field before you must click to view it. Defaults to 0, which is disabled

3. General Redis connection parameter

Name Type Default Cli Environment-Var Description
redis.readOnly boolean false --read-only READ_ONLY use Redis Commander in read-only mode - if set to "true" no commands modifying data are allowed (ui and command line)
redis.flushOnImport boolean false FLUSH_ON_IMPORT flag to either check "flush" checkbox (true) on import page or uncheck (false) it. If "true" the entire database is flushed before bulk importing the data.
redis.useScan boolean true --use-scan USE_SCAN use redis "SCAN" command instead of "KEYS" to enumerate all keys inside db for display
redis.scanCount number 100 --scan-count SCAN_COUNT number of keys read when using SCAN cursor instead of KEYS (useScan must be true)
redis.rootPattern string '*' --root-pattern ROOT_PATTERN filter pattern to use at start, can be used to exclude some date inside redis db
redis.connectionName string 'redis-commander' REDIS_CONNECTION_NAME connection name to set at redis client for easier identification of clients at redis server (command "client list")
redis.defaultLabel string 'local' REDIS_LABEL default label to display for a connection if no label is specified (e.g. for connection from env vars or command line)
redis.defaultSentinelGroup string 'mymaster' default redis database group if using sentinels to connect and no special database group via connection param 'sentinelName' is given.

4. Express HTTP Server parameter

Name Type Default Cli Environment-Var Description
server.address string '' --address ADDRESS ip address of interface to bind http server to, use to bind to all interfaces
server.port number 8081 --port PORT port to listen on for HTTP server
server.urlPrefix string '' --url-prefix URL_PREFIX path prefix to run Redis Commander at, can be used if run behind a reverse proxy with different path set (e.g. /rc), if set must start with '/'
server.signinPath string 'signin' SIGNIN_PATH path added after urlPrefix as route to send login requests too. Some platforms (e.g. github codespaces) may require changing this path.
server.trustProxy boolean or string false --trust-proxy TRUST_PROXY should be set to true if run behind a reverse proxy and 'X-Forwarded-For' headers shall be trusted to get real client ip for logging, this parameter maps directly to the Express "trust proxy" setting (
server.clientMaxBodySize number or string '100kb' CLIENT_MAX_BODY_SIZE number in bytes or a string with size and SI-unit, this parameter maps to the "limit" options of body-parser (
server.auth object see section 4.1 Authentication

4.1 Authentication configuration for HTTP server

To enable HTTP authentication inside Redis Commander set a username and either a password (clear text) or a passwordHash.

If username is empty Redis Commander does not use any authentication leaving all your redis keys accessible to anyone. This mode may be used if an HTTP reverse proxy in front of Redis commander performs the user authentication.

Please be aware that using an HTTP reverse proxy for authentication and not using Redis Commander builtin auth allows (at least) all users having accounts on the server running Redis Commander to connect via localhost directly to via app port (e.g. 8081) unauthenticated!

Name Type Default Cli Environment-Var Description
server.httpAuth.username string '' --http-u HTTP_USER set a username and either password or passwordHash to
server.httpAuth.password string '' --http-p HTTP_PASSWORD clear text password to use for HTTP Basic auth (either password or passwordHash allowed)
server.httpAuth.passwordHash string '' --http-h HTTP_PASSWORD_HASH password hash to use for HTTP Basic auth (either password or passwordHash allowed)
server.httpAuth.jwtSecret string '' Shared Secret used to sign JWT tokens for all future requests after initial login to not send HTTP basic auth header on all requests. If this value is empty a random value is generated on every startup.

5. Redis Connections

All Connections use be redis commander are defined as entries of the "connections" list. The possible values for a connection are described in the file.

Environment Variables

All possible environment variables with their mapping to configuration data are defined inside the file custom-environment-variables.json. This file can be extended if there is any need to define more environment variables for custom config data like connection configs.