To translate menus and placeholders, use the this.gridConnector.triggerI18n();
to trigger the grid to ask for new keys/translation if you change language
add to v-grid element"translateI18n($event)"
quick sample of code in you page (boring translation... but something)
// this is the i18N translation
public translateI18n(key: string) {
return this.testString;
//this is called by my button... not very good
public translate() {
if (this.testString === 'cool') {
this.testString = 'yay';
} else {
this.testString = 'cool';
// this will trigger the grid to ask for every translation key
Default keys inside the grid
close: 'Close',
pinLeft: 'Pin left',
pinRight: 'Pin Right',
groupBy: 'Group By',
sortAscending: 'Sort Ascending',
sortDescending: 'Sort Descending',
showAll: 'Show All',
clearCurrent: 'Clear Current',
clearAll: 'Clear All',
chooseOperator: 'Choose Operator',
back: 'Back',
equals: 'Equals',
lessThanOrEqual: 'Less than or equal',
greaterThanOrEqual: 'Greater than or equal',
lessThan: 'Less than',
greaterThan: 'Greater than',
contains: 'Contains',
notEqualTo: 'Not equal to',
doesNotContain: 'Does not contain',
beginsWith: 'Begins with',
endsWith: 'Ends with',
loading: 'loading',
columnChooser: 'Column Chooser',
copy: 'Copy cell value',
paste: 'Paste into cells'