description |
Launch and monitor NFT collections and their owners. |
Launch an NFT collection on Solana mainnet. We currently support two types:
- Static passes: All NFTs in a static pass collection have the same image.
- Numbered passes: Like static passes, numbered passes all share the same image, but NFTs are distinguishable by a number at the bottom of the image. NFTs are minted in order, where the first NFT minted says "#1" at the bottom.
After calling this endpoint, Comet will automatically start deploying the collection on Solana mainnet. This usually takes 30-60 seconds. To monitor the progress of the deployment, use the GET /collection
endpoint below.
{% hint style="info" %}
Note: This endpoint requires an image upload, so the request should be in the form of multipart/form-data
{% endhint %}
{% swagger method="post" path="/collection" baseUrl="" summary="Create a new NFT collection on Solana mainnet." expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %} This endpoint requires an image upload, so the request should be in the form of
. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" required="true" type="String" %} Bearer token with your Comet API key {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="backgroundUpload" type="File" required="true" %} Uploaded via
request. An image file (JPG, or PNG) that will be displayed on all NFTs in the collection. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="name" type="String" required="true" %} The name of the collection. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="symbol" type="String" required="true" %} The symbol of the collection. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="description" type="String" required="true" %} The description of the collection. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="subtype" type="String" %}
(default): the edition number will be displayed at the bottom of the NFT image.
: the edition number will not be shown on the NFT, only the uploaded image.
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="pricingModel" type="String" %}
(default): This NFT requires a one-time payment to be minted by a user.
: This NFT is free to mint for anyone.
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="price" type="Float" %} If
, the price that users will need to pay to mint this NFT, in $USD. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="infiniteSupply" type="Boolean" %}
If true
, this collection has an infinite number of tokens.
If false
(default), the maxSupply
parameter must be supplied.
{% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="maxSupply" type="Integer" %} If
, the maximum number of tokens that can be minted from this collection. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="Successful operation" %}
"id": "6c2715377717",
"name": "my test collection",
"symbol": "TEST",
"type": "milky_way_nft",
"chainType": "solana",
"chainId": 101,
"subtype": "numbered_pass",
"description": "whats good",
"infiniteSupply": false,
"maxSupply": 100,
"price": 10,
"pricingModel": "pay_once",
"deployed": false,
"isCometToken": true,
"backgroundUpload": "OxnAlTCm9se8sMlnu0CeExmawJ0YVFGd4WcVgUCs3ZCfPbNm7NT9ewIfNKRfCgj7"
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="400: Bad Request" description="Invalid payload" %}
// Response
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger method="get" path="/collection" baseUrl="" summary="Get a list of collections you've launched." expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" required="true" %} Bearer token {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="Successful operation" %}
"collections": [
"id": "0c658cfcb4fb",
"name": "apitest",
"symbol": "API",
"type": "milky_way_nft",
"chainType": "solana",
"chainId": 101,
"subtype": "numbered_pass",
"description": "hello folks",
"infiniteSupply": false,
"maxSupply": 100,
"price": 10,
"pricingModel": "pay_once",
"deployed": true,
"isCometToken": true,
"backgroundUpload": "ZoYxhPO9miNsTq2wUcfTYT0Y2JbYdNUxwaunnW8CnIeAs9A4gDELT9C3xUM4zsJZ"
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="404: Not Found" description="Definition does not exist" %}
// Response
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
{% swagger method="get" path="/collection/:id" baseUrl="" summary="Retrieve a collection given its ID." expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" required="true" %} Bearer token {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="" %}
"id": "0c658cfcb4fb",
"name": "apitest",
"symbol": "API",
"type": "milky_way_nft",
"chainType": "solana",
"chainId": 101,
"subtype": "numbered_pass",
"description": "hello folks",
"infiniteSupply": false,
"maxSupply": 100,
"price": 10,
"pricingModel": "pay_once",
"deployed": true,
"isCometToken": true,
"backgroundUpload": "ZoYxhPO9miNsTq2wUcfTYT0Y2JbYdNUxwaunnW8CnIeAs9A4gDELT9C3xUM4zsJZ"
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
For a given collection, return a list of the Comet users and/or addresses who hold tokens in that collection.
{% swagger method="get" path="/collection/:id/holders" baseUrl="" summary="Gets a collection's holders." expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="String" required="true" %} Bearer token {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="collectionId" %} id of collection {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="Successful operation" %}
"holders": [
"address": {
"chainType": "solana",
"chainId": 103,
"address": "EjLfGufWW47Rfc4mUxpwabGaoDCdqpSPsD3jVACxNSRE",
"primary": true,
"createdAt": "2022-06-18T03:11:11.873Z",
"id": "481f11ba98c8"
"user": {
"id": "efd61df49255",
"username": "alexander",
"addresses": [],
"profile": {
"profilePictureKey": "xCnzCVFlJORryrZCreFsmtZuUxxNcSJGVKmWva7ffkNmSb7rGyWOVTy3478kNNEw"
"address": {
"chainType": "solana",
"chainId": 103,
"address": "AXkcPCWrWYGuayYgKp7y6LhugKzq5f3pqeKnrSod9ufy",
"primary": true,
"createdAt": "2022-08-17T20:24:26.627Z",
"id": "1a6f2b51ad80"
"user": {
"id": "da792fee8f1c",
"username": "sabina",
"addresses": [],
"profile": {
"profilePictureKey": "AbWZwbpnaHBWBIs85cpF6zekYDGeD0SsiqHoEPwM2OTqeUZk9ydjvKM1JXeSIeJt"
"address": {
"chainType": "solana",
"chainId": 103,
"address": "2yAEzsC4GPCT3kGq39K5KLAqPFo4xzvNShDZHqCWo4Gx",
"primary": true,
"createdAt": "2022-06-20T16:39:41.138Z",
"id": "04e421417221"
"user": {
"id": "c4367732ab0c",
"username": "ani",
"addresses": [],
"profile": {
"profilePictureKey": "B0XXqROJDwzTVm8LR1qHqVdJn3QD5grceudHLbV7cuVoWrdUnYPr8OwsnYgL2ch2"
"address": {
"chainType": "solana",
"chainId": 103,
"address": "2yAEzsC4GPCT3kGq39K5KLAqPFo4xzvNShDZHqCWo4Gx",
"primary": true,
"createdAt": "2022-06-20T16:39:41.138Z",
"id": "04e421417221"
"user": {
"id": "c4367732ab0c",
"username": "ani",
"addresses": [],
"profile": {
"profilePictureKey": "B0XXqROJDwzTVm8LR1qHqVdJn3QD5grceudHLbV7cuVoWrdUnYPr8OwsnYgL2ch2"
"address": {
"chainType": "solana",
"chainId": 103,
"address": "AXkcPCWrWYGuayYgKp7y6LhugKzq5f3pqeKnrSod9ufy",
"primary": true,
"createdAt": "2022-08-17T20:24:26.627Z",
"id": "1a6f2b51ad80"
"user": {
"id": "da792fee8f1c",
"username": "sabina",
"addresses": [],
"profile": {
"profilePictureKey": "AbWZwbpnaHBWBIs85cpF6zekYDGeD0SsiqHoEPwM2OTqeUZk9ydjvKM1JXeSIeJt"
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="400: Bad Request" description="" %}
// Response
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}