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Meta Meetup Minutes

Alastair Lockie edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 37 revisions

Meta meetup Q4 2017

Proposed agenda

  • Check everyone's happy with The Skiff
  • Speaker/topic ideas
  • How to ensure actions are followed up on after meta-meetups (Ali!)
  • Restart lanyrd? Other solution?
  • Videos/YouTube
  • How to promote more
  • "Discussion evening" suggestion from James Cowan, see below:

If you look at the minutes that Mike Hadlow puts up, you will see how he does it:

One of the questions discussed is "Best current framework for Rest APIs?

The format he uses is post it notes, where people write down what they want to talk about and then there is a vote to decide which to discuss - that is why he writes "Topics discussed (with number of votes)".

It is really easy way to do a meetup without organising any speakers.

Meta meetup Q1 2017

Attendees: Pete Goodman, Tom Parslow, James Hugman, Julian Weaver, Graham Smith

Review of meetup frequency (have social nights at the skiff on off nights?)

  • Feels like it's busier each time so far this year.
  • Not too much enthusiasm for drinks on off nights; didn't work that well for Brighton Python.
  • There is scope for a more general purpose idea. Perhaps the attendees tonight can have a bit more of a push to use slack to get more of a community feeling.
  • Maybe have an occasional social thing; e.g. summer/winter party?
  • Would be good to have a beer/food sponsor for a social night.
  • Julian offered a space for the summer.

Future speakers/topics

  • There have been some pretty bad talks in the last six months. We should really keep up the quality.
  • Should put any uncertain ones as part of a double bill.
  • Dave Gurnell?
  • Remi Shergold ⭐️
  • Contact some big companies and get one talk a year - Brandwatch, ClearLeft, Cristiano Solarino.
  • Open call for speakers on Twitter? Ask for RTs on Slack.
  • Speaker from Alexa
  • Would be good to have a talk on performance
  • Introduction to React/Ember/Angular2 etc.
  • Hiring/Managing JS devs
  • An introduction to Git (for beginners) - Mary Rose Cook?

More beginners

  • Intro to JS dev in 2017 - just ES6 and npm scripts etc. "Here's how to not have a terrible time". Julian happy to do it later in the summer. Work with Rosa/Ryan from Codebar? Follow up with a workshop.
  • Have an earlier-stage speaker as well? "This much I know..."
  • Ask egghead or Frontend Masters for a discount?
  • Let's try to explain how to evaluate things, and what the big questions are (e.g. state management, DOM manipulation etc).

Discuss moving away from Lanyrd again due to stability issues

  • Let's look at Meetup again, incl. costings.
  • Subsidise via beer costs?


  • Make it clear that the donation is completely separate.
  • Set up a Patreon? Let's have an Async bank account


  • Between 12 and 250 viewers each time
  • Not convinced about it
  • Should we stream it and automatically upload? - AL to talk to Brighton Java
  • Can be a boon to have it not recorded for big name speakers.
  • Yann/Graham to help with live streaming :)

Venue - move to Skiff?

  • Trial it there for a month.
  • Projector is not great quality at the moment.
  • Is there someone who can have ownership? Ali can have a key.
  • Tom P to talk to John about the projector.
  • Ali to pop round and see the space.
  • Would be more community oriented and might help with diversity.


  • No long-term sponsorship
  • Skiff might help finding freelancers
  • Self funding is also a possibility...?

Non-pizza options during sponsored events?

  • Nice to have snacks etc. like nuts and stuff


  • Bovine Cemetry had an all-female panel.
  • Have an all-female show'n'tell?
  • Atmosphere is welcoming, but we need to get more people through the door.
  • Getting more women speakers really is the key.
  • Everyone at the meta meetup should try to find one speaker.
  • Dot speech!!!
  • Codebar takeover - some women are getting to the "find a job" stage.
  • Women-in-tech from London
  • Prioritise, even if it means moving others around.

Harry's snake game for BDF?

  • Pretty popular!
  • Would be good to have Harry and one or two others helping out.
  • Tom is up for doing another nodeventure

Website update from Yann?

  • Metalsmith migration nearly done!
  • Can still use Github Pages via Travis.

BDF Brainstorm 5th July 2016

What worked well?

  • JavaScript jungle
    • well prepared
    • good mix of people (not just devs)
    • important to have a good design
    • right balance of constraints vs freedom

JavaScript jungle in space or under the sea?

Doing it in space: - Have physics, and gravity? - Larger area? - Spawn bots at one or more places

Doing it in the sea: - Blue to black gradient - Automatically sink - Have a bit of sky at the top with waves that you can jump out of - Taller than one screen; click to follow on a character? - Call to arms for designers: blobfish vs pretty fish - Designers can export in SVG - Pete to ask Ruth to do a poster - Include the top of Brighton Pier (pixel art?) - - Can we use Ben Hall’s audio API?

Have other creative types, not just designers? Try to make sure that everyone is collaborating


Next steps:

 - Clone the repo, and rip out what’s unused
 - Blue to black gradient for the background
 - Get an example creature + docs
 - Get it working on a subdomain

Meta Meetup 14th April 2016

  • What happens if ali get hits by a bus?

Let's cross that bridge when we come to it

Sushi.js -> Ali to look into it and come up with a set of proposals

  • Offload video production to Pusher?

We should maintain copyright. Opt out for certain speakers.

Willing to let them trial it

(Fabien willing to automate promotion)

Further fleshing out of Computer Science 101 events.

  • Take the module you really enjoyed at university and teach it to the group.

  • Link up with codebar.

  • Onramp between beginning to program and getting your first job

  • Some basics and some advanced topics e.g. neural networks 101.

  • Different kind of meetup to Async?

  • Don't call it Computer Science 101!!

  • Have 15 min at start or end of meetup

  • Not long enough with questions

  • Need a lot more talks that aren't just javascript - make that clear!

  • Terminal/bash would be really useful

  • Don't formalise it into 'every other async'

  • Copyrights?

  • Loose focus on js/web?

  • Talk about whatever you want, but should be understandable by a JS dev

  • Rebrand as a general web meetup slowly

  • More collaborations with other meetups! Talk to functional brighton etc. - AL to talk to Brighton Java

  • At end of meeting, say "if you wanna speak, doesn't have to be about JS"

  • We're interested in smart people who can make it accessible

(Julian raised that if pusher are filming, we should remove the marker line on the screen) Julian has a magic eraser!

  • Use of slack

Not a problem for people that don't use it Get self-invite to slack - ask yann Add an announcements channel with limited authorship that people can set their notifications on

  • Local events promotion

Turn up to the event! We'll give them a minute at the start Ask for tweet to retweet!! Carry on sending to google group

(Yann promotes ludum dare this weekend)

  • Meta-meetup frequency

Twice yearly unless there's anything urgent to discuss

  • AOB

12th Nov

Minutes of Last Meeting

  • Sponsorship; was good but let's limit it a bit more.
  • DO NOT WANT any kind of control over content.
  • Bring somebody from further afield which we couldn't normally?
  • Have alternate meetings sponsored?
  • Tom Parslow to contact speaker from Norway and ask if they would come if we pay for them to come?
  • Speakers on hot topics should get good attendance so may be worth the money


  • No objections


  • Everyone from last time plus Rosa

Future topics

  • Fundamentals of computer science (James Hugman?): maybe a series of lightning talks for the evening? Add an event in March, add gist for topics that people can vote/volunteer on.

Website revamp

  • Yann already building a yeoman generator for metalsmith. Let's keep the same design.
  • GraphQL talk not up yet, Julian has been chased. ADD THE UPCOMING EVENTS AS SOON AS THEY ARE CONFIRMED!
  • Calendar widget
  • A bit embarrassing to ask for a PR; most people don't have time/headspace. Something more self service would be great.
  • gives you a web interface for Github Pages.


  • Big applause for Graham Smith for keeping up :)
  • Hannah (Yann's gf) has 300gb of talks that she's willing to put up. Graham Smith to liaise.
  • Is it worth it? Not a lot of viewings but can be valuable for the speaker themselves.
  • Add to JSWeekly etc


  • Publishing up front could help!
  • 'Tags' for beginner/intermediate/advanced talks? - Just indicate expected audience


  • Better to keep to every 2 weeks.
  • Good to reach out to more women to come and talk.
  • Rosa to reach out to contacts in She Codes and Codebar
  • Julian to reach out to contact in FLOSSIE
  • Use sponsorship money to bring more women speakers from further afield (highlight motive to sponsor)
  • Everybody to try and find one woman speaker who they want to come and talk.
  • Code of Conduct (adapt and announce why we're doing that - also ensure we have a point of conduct (Ali and Rosa volunteered)
  • Order soft drinks as well
  • Consider contacting a catering company
  • Look at middle eastern mezzes

Organisational help

  • Get visibility of issues!!! AL to publish and tell people during meetup


  • Adblock: use a cdn (there's a raw github cdn now!)
  • The Unit might sponsor (Ali L to chase up)
  • Next metameetup Q1 2016
  • Tom Parslow keen to do another ES6 golf. Tom to organise on a separate night at the skiff.
  • Add invite page to slack
  • Add link to wiki on homepage

16th July


  • Thursdays. Every fortnight (keep as is)


  • 68 Middle St.
  • Should we change? - fuck no :)


  • Dan Neame

  • Nathan Buckley

  • (Non-buff) Remi Shergold

  • James Hugman

  • Fabien O’Carroll

  • Mark Everitt

  • Ali L will be fallback host if somebody needs to drop out

Action (Ali L): Assign hosts for nights Action (potential hosts): Volunteer to host for topics you are interested in

Genre/scope of topics

  • Other languages as well? Should we rebrand as a general purpose meetup? (No)
  • Keep it fairly focused and relatable to JS - criteria = will an enlightened JS dev dig it?
  • Let’s try some more avant garde talks and see how it goes

Future topics

  • Fundamentals of computer science (James Hugman?)
  • AI (James Hugman?)
  • BioNode (call for volunteers)
  • Spark (call for volunteers)
  • One off night on softer skills. How to manage? How to do public speaking? etc. (Ali L)


  • Talk then Q&A works well
  • Multiple talks if double booked
  • Sponsored nights allowing the company to provide the speaker as well (call for volunteers to find sponsors)
  • More workshops/hacknights (call for volunteers to organise)
  • Some of the longer talks can go on too long. 40 minutes is long enough. (Ali L & others to include in Information for Speakers etc)
  • Rebrand “show and tell” to “lightning talks”

How should we organise speakers?

  • Put talks in the calendar at 7pm! (Ali L)
  • Colour coding for ‘date under discussion’ (Ali L to investigate)
  • Slack channel for Async. (Ali L to create)


  • Make Google+ account to have unlimited Youtube (Graham S?)
  • Better sound would be good (call for volunteers/Graham S)
  • Yann to send through list of videos he still has

Website revamp

  • Ghost or Metalsmith? - Leave with jekyll for now
  • Visual refresh (call for volunteers)
  • Contact page (especially for speakers - call for volunteers/Ali L)
  • Embed the videos (call for volunteers/Ali L)

Facebook page

  • Yann’s girlfriend to help set up, then Ali L to administer

Lanyrd vs

  • Julian to investigate setting up page


  • Tanks Round 2 (1 bot per person!)
  • PlayCanvas hackathon - aaunel
  • Nodecopter
  • Minecraftbots
  • Music visualisation generator
  • Need a decision by Sun 19th (tanks round 2 is default)

Get more girls involved

  • Discuss with codebar and other “women in tech” nights (call for volunteers/Ali L)
  • Do another Nodeschool and other hack nights (call for volunteers)
  • Fear of “nerd check” (all to be aware)
  • Website grades -label beginner talks (call for volunteers)
  • Ask female attendees how they found it (everyone/Ali L)
  • Draw up a Code of Conduct (call for volunteers/Ali L)
  • More female speakers! (call for volunteers)
  • Anonymous feedback section on website/other mechanism? (call for volunteers)
  • May have to find funds to attract female JS speakers from London (call for volunteers/Ali L)


  • Moar! (call for volunteers/Ali L)
  • Brandwatch & others


  • Quarterly meta-meetups! (Ali L)
  • Draw up a Mission/Values (call for volunteers/Ali L)
    • Make sure women feel welcome
    • An indication of which topics will be welcome
    • Open source bias if practical (this includes speakers)

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