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Transformer for Machine Translation

This is an implementation of the Transformer model described in Vaswani, Ashish, et al. "Attention is all you need.".

Quick Start: Prerequisites & use on machine translation datasets

Run Your Customized Experiments: Hands-on tutorial of data preparation, configuration, and model training/test

Quick Start


Run the following cmd to install necessary packages for the example:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Two example datasets are provided:

  • IWSLT'15 EN-VI for English-Vietnamese translation
  • WMT'14 EN-DE for English-German translation

Download and pre-process the IWSLT'15 EN-VI data with the following cmds:

sh scripts/ 
sh spm en vi

By default, the downloaded dataset is in ./data/en_vi. As with the official implementation, spm (sentencepiece) encoding is used to encode the raw text as data pre-processing. The encoded data is by default in ./temp/run_en_vi_spm.

For the WMT'14 EN-DE data, download and pre-process with:

sh scripts/
sh bpe en de

By default, the downloaded dataset is in ./data/en_de. Note that for this dataset, bpe encoding (Byte pair encoding) is used instead. The encoded data is by default in ./temp/run_en_de_bpe.

Train and evaluate the model

Train the model with the cmd:

python --run_mode=train_and_evaluate --config_model=config_model --config_data=config_iwslt15
  • Specify --model_dir to dump model checkpoints, training logs, and tensorboard summaries to a desired directory. By default it is set to ./outputs.
  • Specifying --model_dir will also restore the latest model checkpoint under the directory, if any checkpoint is there.
  • Specify --config_data=config_wmt14 to train on the WMT'14 data.

Test a trained model

To only evaluate a model checkpoint without training, first load the checkpoint and generate samples:

python --run_mode=test --config_data=config_iwslt15 --model_dir=./outputs

The latest checkpoint in ./outputs is used. Generated samples are in the file ./outputs/test.output.hyp, and reference sentences are in the file ./outputs/test.output.ref

Next, decode the samples with respective decoder, and evaluate with bleu_tool:

../../bin/utils/spm_decode --infile ./outputs/test.output.hyp --outfile temp/test.output.spm --model temp/run_en_vi_spm/data/spm-codes.32000.model --input_format=piece 

python --reference=data/en_vi/ --translation=temp/test.output.spm

For WMT'14, the corresponding cmds are:

# Loads model and generates samples
python --run_mode=test --config_data=config_wmt14 --model_dir=./outputs

# BPE decoding
cat outputs/test.output.hyp | sed -E 's/(@@ )|(@@ ?$)//g' > temp/test.output.bpe

# Evaluates BLEU
python --reference=data/en_de/ --translation=temp/test.output.bpe


  • On IWSLT'15, the implementation achieves around BLEU_cased=28.54 and BLEU_uncased=29.30 (by, which are comparable to the base_single_gpu results by the official implementation (28.12 and 28.97, respectively, as reported here).

  • On WMT'14, the implementation achieves around BLEU_cased=25.12 (setting: base_single_gpu, batch_size=3072).

Example training log

12:02:02,686:INFO:step:500 loss: 7.3735
12:04:20,035:INFO:step:1000 loss:6.1502
12:06:37,550:INFO:step:1500 loss:5.4877

Using an Nvidia GTX 1080Ti, the model usually converges within 5 hours (~15 epochs) on IWSLT'15.

Run Your Customized Experiments

Here is an hands-on tutorial on running Transformer with your own customized dataset.

1. Prepare raw data

Create a data directory and put the raw data in the directory. To be compatible with the data preprocessing in the next step, you may follow the convention below:

  • The data directory should be named as data/${src}_${tgt}/. Take the data downloaded with scripts/ for example, the data directory is data/en_vi.
  • The raw data should have 6 files, which contain source and target sentences of training/dev/test sets, respectively. In the iwslt15_en_vi example, data/en_vi/train.en contains the source sentences of the training set, where each line is a sentence. Other files are, dev.en,, test.en,

2. Preprocess the data

To obtain the processed dataset, run ${encoder} ${src} ${tgt} ${vocab_size} ${max_seq_length}


  • The encoder parameter can be bpe(byte pairwise encoding), spm (sentence piece encoding), or raw(no subword encoding).
  • vocab_size is optional. The default is 32000.
    • At this point, this parameter is used only when encoder is set to bpe or spm. For raw encoding, you'd have to truncate the vocabulary by yourself.
    • For spm encoding, the preprocessing may fail (due to the Python sentencepiece module) if vocab_size is too large. So you may want to try smaller vocab_size if it happens.
  • max_seq_length is optional. The default is 70.

In the iwslt15_en_vi example, the cmd is sh spm en vi.

By default, the preprocessed data are dumped under temp/run_${src}_${tgt}_${encoder}. In the iwslt15_en_vi example, the directory is temp/run_en_vi_spm.

If you choose to use raw encoding method, notice that:

  • By default, the word embedding layer is built with the combination of source vocabulary and target vocabulary. For example, if the source vocabulary is of size 3K and the target vocabulary of size 3K and there is no overlap between the two vocabularies, then the final vocabulary used in the model is of size 6K.
  • By default, the final output layer of transformer decoder (hidden_state -> logits) shares the parameters with the word embedding layer.

3. Specify data and model configuration

Customize the Python configuration files to config the model and data.

Please refer to the example configuration files for model configuration and for data configuration.

4. Train the model

Train the model with the following cmd:

python --run_mode=train_and_evaluate --config_model=custom_config_model --config_data=custom_config_data

where the model and data configuration files are and, respectively.

Outputs such as model checkpoints are by default under outputs/.

5. Test the model

Test with the following cmd:

python --run_mode=test --config_data=custom_config_data --model_dir=./outputs

Generated samples on the test set are in outputs/test.output.hyp, and reference sentences are in outputs/test.output.ref. If you've used bpe or spm encoding in the data preprocessing step, the text in these files are in the respective encoding too. To decode, use the respective cmd:

# BPE decoding
cat outputs/test.output.hyp | sed -E 's/(@@ )|(@@ ?$)//g' > temp/

# SPM decoding (take `iwslt15_en_vi` for example)
../../bin/utils/spm_decode --infile ./outputs/test.output.hyp --outfile temp/ --model temp/run_en_vi_spm/data/spm-codes.32000.model --input_format=piece 

Finally, to evaluate the BLEU score against the ground truth on the test set:

python --reference=you_reference_file --translation=temp/

E.g., in the iwslt15_en_vi example, with --reference=data/en_vi/