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Investigating and benchmarking how partitioning of data on secondary storage layer will affect Spark performance

Environment Variables

Configure and update the following variable in your systems bashrc or bash_profile or zprofile or profile depending on which operating system you are using. SPARK_DEFAULT_PAR is used to set a value to spark.default.parallelism configuration while running the spark applications through the provided shell scripts.

    # JAVA configuration
    export JAVA_HOM="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"
    # Hadoop configuration
    export HADOOP_HOME="/home/ubuntu/hadoop"
    # Apache Spark configuration
    export SPARK_HOME="/home/ubuntu/spark"
    # Apache Hive configurations
    export HIVE_HOME="/home/ubuntu/hive"
    export HIVE_CONF_DIR="${HIVE_HOME}/conf"
    # Installations 
    export HADOOP_MASTER="${MASTER_NODE_IP}:9000"
    export SPARK_MASTER="${MASTER_NODE_IP}:7077"
    export SPARK_DEFAULT_PAR="16"

Steps to execute the experiments based on matrix multiplication.

  1. Build using the command - mvn clean package. It will create a tar.gz file named Spark-Partitioning-0.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz with the 4 directories bin, etc, python and lib. Copy the tar.gz file to the cluster and decompress the folder.

  2. To create random matrices and load them to HDFS, execute the shell script nohup ./bin/ ${ROW_LEFT} {COL_LEFT} ${ROW_RIGHT} ${COL_RIGHT} ${WORK_FLOW = (RDD, SQL)} ${BASE_PATH} ${NUM_OF_PARTS} > logs/load_data.log &.

  3. To execute a particular experiment, execute the shell script nohup ./bin/ ${WORK_FLOW = (RDD, SQL, BUCKET, HIVE, INDEXED)} ${BASE_PATH} ${EXPERIMENT} ${NUM_OF_PARTITIONS} > logs/job_${EXPERIMENT}_${PARTITIONS}.log &. Allowed values for ${EXPERIMENT} are e1, e2 or e3. NOTE: With BUCKET type workload e3 experiment is not valid.

Steps to execute the experiment for Page Rank.

  • To execute naive implementation of PageRank on Spark, execute command nohup ./bin/ ${NUM_OF_PAGES} ${MAX_LINKS} ${RAW_DATA_OP_NM} ${BASE_PATH} ${NUM_OF_ITERATIONS} > logs/rank.log &.

Steps to execute TPC-H benchmarks.

  1. Load raw TPC-H data, generated from dbgen to a location ${BASE_PATH}/raw_data/.

  2. Convert the raw files into parquet data by running the command nohup ./bin/ ${BASE_PATH} > logs/tpch_data.log &.

  3. To execute TPC-H query use command nohup ./bin/ ${BASE_PATH} ${QUERY_NUM} ${PARTITION_TYPE} {NUM_OF_PARTS} > logs/query_${QUERY_NUM}_${PARTITION_TYPE}.log &. If you want to run all the queries use ${QUERY_NUM}=all, and for custom query defined in Custom class use ${QUERY_NUM}=custom. Allowed values for ${PARTITION_TYPE} are hyperspace, parts and buckets. You are required to clear the hyperspace indexes, if there are any with same names previously created. {NUM_OF_PARTS} is used to set the value for the spark configuration spark.sql.shuffle.partitions.

  • NOTE: Currently the option to execute with buckets (hive) is commented as the current testing scenarios create large number of buckets which is undesirable and performs worse.
  1. Partitioning and bucketing keys are configurable by editing the tpch.conf file available in the etc directory within the package or in src/resources/configurations within the source code. Spark SQL DataFrames have case sensitive column names, all the column names are in uppercase.

Overhead analysis

  1. To execute super graph module use command - nohup ./Spark-Partitioning-0.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/ ${GRAPH_COUNT} ${BATCH_SIZE} > logs/super_graph.log &

  2. To execute the graph matching module use command - nohup ./Spark-Partitioning-0.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/ ${TOTAL_NUM_TREES} ${AVG_NUM_NODES} ${LOW_BOUND_NODES} ${NUM_OF_THREADS} ${BATCH_SIZE} > logs/qraph_matching.log &

Code style notes

  1. Python indentation and tabs = 4 spaces. (We are using Python 3)
  2. Bash script indentation and tabs = 2 spaces.
  3. Set up the Scalafmt plugin and use the .scalafmt.conf for auto formatting scala code.