"P300 is generated by alpha rhythm" accompanying code
p_compute_bsi.py - pipeline for computation of baseline-shift indices (BSI) in sensor space. This pipeline generates data derivatives for figs. 6.
p_read_erp_alpha_save.py - pipeline for computation of saving ERs and alpha envelopes in sensor space. This pipeline generates data derivatives for figs. 2, 3, 4, S3.
p_save_covariance_apply_csp.py - pipeline for computation of covariance matrices and CSP filter and pattern. This pipeline generates data derivatives for figs. 7a, 7c.
p_source_reconstruction.py - pipeline for computation of saving ERs and alpha envelopes in source space. This pipeline generates data derivatives for figs. 5.
plot_simulated.py - pipeline for plotting using simulated data (without statistical assessment)
plots.py - pipeline for plotting fig. 2-6
simulations_figs.py - simulates non-zero mean oscillations for fig. 1 in Introduction and fig. 8 Methods section, and in Supplementary file fig. S4
tools_external.py - functions from other researchers
tools_general.py - functions for loading and saving files, and some statistics
tools_lifedataset.py - functions for handling LIFE data
tools_plotting.py - functions for plotting
tools_signal.py - functions for signal processing and data processing
additional_analysis.py - pipeline for additional analysis and plotting after the review
mediation_analysis.R - script for R that performed mediation for fig. 7
Anonymized data will be made available upon request through the application procedure carried out by the LIFE-Study administration (https://www.uniklinikum-leipzig.de/einrichtungen/life).
Simulated data of two participants can be downloaded from https://osf.io/ak5de/.
To run pipelines using simulated data, the directories should be adjusted in settings/dir_files.