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+# Bug reporting
+Material for MkDocs is an actively maintained project that we constantly strive
+to improve. With a project of this size and complexity, :material-bug: bugs may
+occur. If you think you have discovered a bug, you can help us by reporting an
+issue in our public [issue tracker].
+ [issue tracker]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/issues
+## Before creating an issue
+With more than 20.000 users, issues are raised almost every day. The maintainers
+of this project are trying very hard to keep the number of open issues down by
+fixing bugs as fast as possible. High quality and complete bug reports enable us
+to help you much faster.
+__Please make sure to try the following things before creating an issue__.
+### Upgrade to latest version
+Chances are, that the bug you discovered was already fixed in a subsequent
+version. Thus, before reporting an issue, please ensure that you're running the
+[latest version] of Material for MkDocs. Please consult our [upgrade guide] to
+learn how to upgrade to the latest version.
+!!! warning "Bug fixes are not backported"
+ Please understand that only issues that occur in the latest version of
+ Material for MkDocs will be addressed. Also, in order to reduce duplicate
+ efforts, fixes are not backported to earlier versions.
+### Remove customizations
+If you're using [customizations] like [additional CSS] and [JavaScript], or
+[theme extension], please remove them from `mkdocs.yml` before reporting a bug.
+__We can't offer official support for bugs that might hide in your overrides__,
+so please remove the following settings from `mkdocs.yml`:
+ - [`theme.custom_dir`][theme.custom_dir]
+ - [`theme.hooks`][theme.hooks]
+ - [`extra_css`][extra_css]
+ - [`extra_javascript`][extra_javascript]
+If after removing those settings, the bug is gone, the bug is likely caused by
+your customizations. A good idea is to add them back gradually to narrow down
+the root cause. Don't be shy to ask on our [discussion board] or
+[:simple-stackoverflow: StackOverflow][StackOverflow] for help if you're running
+into problems.
+!!! warning "Customizations mentioned in our documentation"
+ A handful of the features Material for MkDocs offers can only be implemented
+ with customizations. If you find a bug in any of the customizations [that
+ our documentation explicitly mentions], you are of course encouraged to
+ report it.
+ [latest version]: ../changelog/index.md
+ [upgrade guide]: ../upgrade.md
+ [Customizations]: ../customization.md
+ [additional CSS]: ../customization.md#additional-css
+ [JavaScript]: ../customization.md#additional-javascript
+ [theme extension]: ../customization.md#extending-the-theme
+ [theme.custom_dir]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#custom_dir
+ [theme.hooks]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#hooks
+ [extra_css]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#extra_css
+ [extra_javascript]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#extra_javascript
+ [discussion board]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/issues
+ [StackOverflow]: https://stackoverflow.com
+ [that our documentation explicitly mentions]: ?q="extends+base"
+### Search for solutions
+- Documentation
+- Open issues
+## Issue template
+We have created a new issue template to make the bug reporting process as simple
+as possible and more efficient for the community and for us. It is the result of
+our experience answering and fixing more than 1,600 issues (and counting), and
+consists of the following parts:
+- [Title]
+- [Context] optional
+- [Bug description]
+- [Related links]
+- [Reproduction]
+- [Steps to reproduce]
+- [Browser] optional
+- [Checklist]
+ [Title]: #title
+ [Context]: #context
+ [Bug description]: #bug-description
+ [Related links]: #related-links
+ [Reproduction]: #reproduction
+ [Steps to reproduce]: #steps-to-reproduce
+ [Browser]: #browser
+ [Checklist]: #checklist
+### Title
+A good title is short and descriptive. It should be a one-sentence executive
+summary of the issue, so the impact and severity of the bug you want to report
+can be inferred from the title.
+| | Example |
+| -------- | -------- |
+| :material-check:{ style="color: #4DB6AC" } __Good__ | Built-in `typeset` plugin changes precedence of nav title over `h1`
+| :material-close:{ style="color: #EF5350" } __Wordy__ | The built-in `typeset` plugin changes the precedence of the nav title over the document headline
+| :material-close:{ style="color: #EF5350" } __Unclear__ | Title does not work
+| :material-close:{ style="color: #EF5350" } __Generic__ | Please help
+### Context optional { #context }
+Before describing the bug, you can provide additional context that can be
+helpful to understand what you were trying to achieve. Explain the circumstances
+in which you're using Material for MkDocs. Don't write about the bug itself or
+anything related.
+> __Why this might be helpful__: some errors only manifest in specific settings,
+> environments or edge cases, for example when your documentation contains
+> thousands of documents.
+### Bug description
+Now, to the bug you want to report. Provide a clear, focused, specific and
+concise summary of the bug you encountered. Explain why you think this is a bug
+that should be reported to Material for MkDocs, and not to one of its
+[dependencies]. Guideline for descriptions:
+- __Explain the what, not the how__ – don't explain
+ [how to reproduce the bug][Steps to reproduce] here, we're getting there.
+ Focus on articulating the problem and its impact as clearly as possible.
+- __Keep it short and concise__ – if the bug can be precisely explained in one
+ or two sentences, perfect. Don't inflate it – the maintainers and users
+ reading your words will be grateful.
+- __One :material-bug: bug at a time__ – if you encountered several unreleated
+ bugs, please open an issue for each of them. Don't report them all in the
+ same issue, as this makes communication difficult.
+__Stretch :material-run-fast: goal__ – if you found a workaround or a way to fix
+the bug, you can help other users to temporarily mitigate the problem before
+Material for MkDocs fixes the bug in its code base.
+> __Why we need this__: in order for us to understand the issue at hand, we
+> need a clear description of the problem and its impact, which is essential
+> for triage and prioritization.
+ [dependencies]: #dependencies
+### Related links
+Of course, prior to reporting a bug, you have read our documentation and could
+not find a working solution. Please share links to all sections of our
+documentation that might be relevant to the bug, as it helps us gradually
+improve it.
+Additionally, since you have searched our [issue tracker] and [discussion board]
+before reporting an issue, and have possibly found several issues or
+discussions, include those as well. Every link to an issue or discussion creates
+a backlink, guiding us maintainers and future users.
+> __Why we need this__: related links help us better understand what you were
+> trying to achieve and whether sections of our documentation need to be
+> adjusted, extended or overhauled.
+### Reproduction
+### Steps to reproduce
+### Browser optional { #browser }
+### Checklist
+## General
+### Dependencies
+## Incomplete issues
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@@ -166,6 +166,9 @@ nav:
- Philosophy: philosophy.md
- Alternatives: alternatives.md
- License: license.md
+ - Bug reporting:
+ - bug-report/index.md
+ - How to create a reproduction: bug-report/reproduction.md
- Changelog:
- changelog/index.md
- How to upgrade: upgrade.md