This is a simple framework to help your kickstart your grpc service development in python, and to publish the same for someone to invoke...
Let's go
Here's the proto file
syntax = "proto3";
service Greet{
rpc hi(Inp) returns (Out);
rpc bye(Inp) returns (Out);
message Inp{
string name = 1;
message Out{
string text = 1;
Here's what a day to day workflow should look like.
~/Desktop via py v3.11.6 (base)
> tree
└── rpc
└── greet.proto
2 directories, 1 file
~/Desktop via py v3.11.6 (base)
> cd rpc/
~/Desktop/rpc via py v3.11.6 (base)
> create_grpc_service -f greet.proto -c yes
path: greet.proto
pb_path: /home/ashu/venvs/base/lib/python3.11/site-packages/grpc_assets/greet
Generating Server Code...
Parsing protobuf...
Parsed protobuf: [
"name": "Greet",
"methods": [
Adding service: Greet
Adding method: hi
Adding method: bye
Generating Client Code...
Parsing protobuf...
Parsed protobuf: [
"name": "Greet",
"methods": [
Adding service: Greet
Adding method: hi
Adding method: bye
This generates, two things... one service class and a test case, like so...
~/Desktop via py v3.11.6 (base)
> tree rpc/
├── greet.proto
└── tests
2 directories, 3 files
from grpc_assets.greet import greet_pb2
from grpc_assets.greet.greet_pb2_grpc import GreetServicer
syntax = "proto3";
service Greet{
rpc hi(Inp) returns (Out);
rpc bye(Inp) returns (Out);
message Inp{
string name = 1;
message Out{
string text = 1;
class GreetService(GreetServicer):
def hi(self, context):
# TODO: add inputs as per proto
# TODO: add logic and return output as per proto
def bye(self, context):
# TODO: add inputs as per proto
# TODO: add logic and return output as per proto
from grpc_assets.stub import get_stub
import grpc_assets.greet.greet_pb2 as pb2
from unittest import TestCase
syntax = "proto3";
service Greet{
rpc hi(Inp) returns (Out);
rpc bye(Inp) returns (Out);
message Inp{
string name = 1;
message Out{
string text = 1;
class GreetClientTestCase(TestCase):
stub = get_stub("greet")
def test_hi(self):
# stub.<your rpc method>(pb2.<your proto message>(params))
def test_bye(self):
# stub.<your rpc method>(pb2.<your proto message>(params))
Then all I have to do is implement the methods...
class GreetService(GreetServicer):
def hi(self, inp, context):
print(f"req: {inp}")
return greet_pb2.Out(text=f"Hi {}")
def bye(self, inp, context):
print(f"req: {inp}")
return greet_pb2.Out(text=f"Bye {}")
class GreetClientTestCase(TestCase):
stub = get_stub("greet")
def test_hi(self):
def test_bye(self):
That's it, then I should be able to call the service like so...
~/Desktop via py v3.11.6 (base)
x export GRPC_PORT=50001
~/Desktop via py v3.11.6 (base)
> servegrpc
/home/ashu/venvs/base/bin/servegrpc:21: PydanticDeprecatedSince20: `pydantic.config.Extra` is deprecated, use literal values instead (e.g. `extra='allow'`). Deprecated in Pydantic V2.0 to be removed in V3.0. See Pydantic V2 Migration Guide at
extra = Extra.ignore
starting grpc server...
req: name: "Ashu"
req: name: "Ashu"
> python3 -m unittest rpc.tests.test_greet
text: "Bye Ashu"
.text: "Hi Ashu"
Ran 2 tests in 0.006s
Note, here, I'm storing the protoc generated pb2 files under a package called grpc_assets under site-packages. Also, there's one catch, the code gen logic I wrote has one retriction, proto file name needs to match the main service name, which limits the number of services to 1.
This can always be improved upon.