aoscxgo is a golang package that allows users to connect to and configure AOS-CX switches using REST API. The minimum supported firmware version is 10.09.
To login to the switch and create a client connection:
package main
import (
func main() {
sw, err := aoscxgo.Connect(
Hostname: "",
Username: "admin",
Password: "admin",
VerifyCertificate: false,
if (sw.Cookie == nil) || (err != nil) {
log.Printf("Failed to login to switch: %s", err)
log.Printf("Login Success")
This will login to the switch and create a cookie to use for authentication in further calls. This cookie is stored within the aoscxgo.Client object that will be passed into configuration modules like so:
vlan100 := aoscxgo.Vlan{
VlanId: 100,
Name: "uplink VLAN",
Description: "uplink VLAN",
AdminState: "up",
// if the vlan exists use
// err = vlan100.Update(sw)
err = vlan100.Create(sw)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error in creating VLAN 100: %s", err)
log.Printf("VLAN Create Success")
Each API resource will have the following functions (exceptions may vary):