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Releases: arturgspb/bower-amcharts
Releases · arturgspb/bower-amcharts
Release 3.15.2
- Bug in new Microsoft Edge browser caused category labels and some other texts to disappear. The problem was fixed and the bug reported.
- Bug fix: Gantt chart used to zoom to wrong dates if minimum/maximum was set.
- Bug fix: Data labels were not being placed correctly for column charts with reversed value axis.
- includeAllValues property added to ValueAxis. If you set it to true, minimum and maximum of value axis will not change while zooming/scrolling.
Release 3.15.1
- New feature which allowed to add listeners in JSON config was not working properly in some cases.
- centerLabels property added to AxisBase. It always force-centers labels of date-based axis (equalSpacing must not be set to true).
- Radar chart’s fills were drawn incorrectly if connect was set to false and some data was missing.
- Pie chart could move a pixel back and forward when data was validated and chart redrawn.
- Using fields for graph of Gantt chart was not always working properly.
- Wrapping function improved.