You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 149
Chapter Security outline
Limit unauthorized peoples access to change/create data
As a 3. party Integrator I should not be able to Add/Change/Delete a Conference without being authorized As a 3. party Integrator I should not be able Add/Change/Delete a Session to Conferences without being authorized As a 3. party Integrator I should not be able Add/Change/Delete a Attachment to Sessions and Conferences aithout being authorized As a 3. party Integrator I should not be able Add/Change/Delete a Venue (and attch to Conference and Session) without being authorized
Reasons for Security
Different security models
Authentication vs Auhtorization
User verification vs access rights
Layers of security
User authentication
Protocol Enrcyption
Backend Storage
Local vs Remote
Local User Data base
Enterprise wide IDM
Global externalized Authentication (twitter, facebook)
security providers
Agorava - Social Authentication
CDI integration
Support for Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin
Attempted standarized via JSR-XX, Drop, to early
PicketLink - Application level security
JBoss’s answer to securiy on all levels
Application Level
Container Level
Agorava and PicketLink hidden in Security Module
Auto attaches where it’s needed via Interceptors, DefaultExceptionMappers and Servlets
@Produces @Current User
Only point 'shared' between other modules. Someone produces a @Current User == Authorized request
Makes it easy to test Security Related entry points via
Deploy custom Test scoped @Current User producer
Use warp to setup authorized or not scenarios
OAuth via Twitter for UI
Agovara hidden behind PicketLink API’s
Generates a users API token on login
Option to use GeekSeek API Tokens for REST api calls
Warp, Resolver, nothing new
CDI Producers to Produce @Current User
Filtering OPTIONS Allow header
Should not allow POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE in Allow header if unauthorized
Test Double TestResource (REST Service)
RESTEasy impl of DefaultOptionsHandler
Used when the Service itself has no @OPTIONS implements
public void shouldNotContainStateChangingMethodsForUnauthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldContainStateChangingMethodsForAuthorizedAccess() throws Exception { ... }
UnAuthorized(401) when attempting to POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE a resource if unauthorized
Test Double TestResource (REST Service)
Uses our own @ResourceModel RESTInterceptor chain
public void shouldAllowOPTIONSForNonauthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldAllowOPTIONSForAuthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldAllowGETForUnauthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldAllowGETForAuthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldNotAllowPUTForUnauthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldAllowPUTForAuuthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldNotAllowPOSTForUnauthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldAllowPOSTForAuthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldNotAllowDELETEForUnauthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldAllowDELETEForAuthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldNotAllowPATCHForUnauthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldAllowPATCHForAuthorizedAccess() throws Exception { .. }
WhoAmI Resource, check to see who you are authorized as
Used by UI to determine login info
302 redirect to User Resource on authorized
401 when not authorized
public void shouldReponseWithNotAuthorizedWhenNoUserFound() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldReponseSeeOtherWhenUserFound() throws Exception { .. }
OAuth Login
Should redirect back to where user came from on auth ok
Handle exception cases and auth responses from PicketLink Authenticator impl
TestCase use custom Authenticator to control the scenarios ControllableAuthenticator
public void shouldRedirectToRefererOnAuthSuccess() throws Exception { .. }
public void shouldReturnUnAuthorizedOnAuthFailure() throws Exception { .. }