We followed this webpage to create the doc with sphinx: https://daler.github.io/sphinxdoc-test/includeme.html
This is to be done the first time, then the next to upate it.
- Create a folder called simplicial-kuramoto-docs near the simplicial-kuramoto git folder (same level):
mkdir simplicial-kuramoto-docs
- Clone the simplicial-kuramoto repo in subfolder html:
git clone [email protected]:arnaudon/simplicial-kuramoto.git html
- move into it:
cd html
- Switch branches to gh-pages:
git branch gh-pages
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages # auto-switches branches to gh-pages
rm .git/index
git clean -fdx
- in the main repo, do
cd docs
make html
this will update the files in simplicial-kuramoto-docs.
- To update the git at the same time as compiling, just do
make full
Alternatively, you can update the git by hand using:
cd ../../simplicial-kuramoto-docs/html
git add .
git commit -m "rebuilt docs"
git push origin gh-pages