Script to scrape craigslist for housing classifieds in the sfbay area and send email alerts.
You should really use, this script exists only because when I was looking for a place in SF ifttt stopped working for a couple of days and I needed an alternative.
You must configure this
$ grep -n CONFIG . -R
./ username => 'SENDER@EMAIL_CONFIG',
./ password => 'PASSWORD_CONFIG',
./ host => 'HOST_CONFIG',
./ port => PORT_CONFIG,
./ halo => 'HALO_CONFIG'
and this
$ grep -n PATH . -R
./ "dbi:SQLite:dbname=/PATH/TO/WHERE/YOU/DOWNLOADED/THE/SCRIPT/sqlite.db",
./Makefile:17: (crontab -l ; echo "52 * * * * /PATH/TO/WHERE/YOU/DOWNLOADED/THE/SCRIPT/") | crontab -
and have a look at the script itself and Makefile before using it.