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Introduce a breaking change
code testing
code testing
data-model changes
data-model changes
This issue or pull request already exists
EPIC - Ansible-CVP v3.7
EPIC - Ansible-CVP v3.7
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
module: cv_configlet_v3
module: cv_configlet_v3
Issue related to cv_cononfiglet module in v3
module: cv_configlet
module: cv_configlet
Issue related to cv_configlet module
module: cv_container_v3
module: cv_container_v3
Issue related to cv_container module in v3
module: cv_container
module: cv_container
Issue related to cv_container module
module: cv_device_v3
module: cv_device_v3
Issue related to cv_device module in v3
module: cv_device
module: cv_device
Issue related to cv_device module
module: cv_facts_v3
module: cv_facts_v3
module: cv_facts
module: cv_facts
Issue related to cv_facts module
module: cv_image_v3
module: cv_image_v3
module: cv_task_v3
module: cv_task_v3
Issue related to cv_tasks module in v3
module: cv_task
module: cv_task
Issue related to cv_task module
module_utils: cv_client
module_utils: cv_client
cv_client implementation issue
role: configlets_sync
role: configlets_sync
Issues related to configlets_sync role
role: ztp_configuration
role: ztp_configuration
Issue related to ztp_configuration role
state: accepted
state: accepted
Issue is part of the development roadmap
state: conflict resolved
state: conflict resolved
Conflict has been resolved
state: conflict
state: conflict
PR has conflict to resolve
state: invalid
state: invalid
This doesn't seem right
state: stale
state: stale
Staled issues waiting for closure
state: wontfix
state: wontfix
This will not be worked on
status: cherry_pick
status: cherry_pick
Issue / PR shall be cherry pick
status: gathering feedback
status: gathering feedback
Need feedback