Bugfix: Front Minors
Bugfix: Back Minors
Bugfixes Cassandra
Bugfixes Elasticsearch
Package installation permissions fixes
Bugfix: DateTime field and parser
Bugfix: DateTime now parses string formats
Bugfix: Permission issues running Sparkta service
Bugfix: Minor errors in user interface
Hotfix: User interface was not showing up
Upgrade Spark version to 1.4.1
User Interface to help create your cubes
Automatic deployment in Mesos cluster
Policy status lifecycle
New WebSocket input
Elasticsearch output updated to version 1.7
New EntityCount and TotalEntityCount operators
Filters in operators
Added compatibility with Apache Spark 1.4.x
Released a specific distribution for Apache Spark 1.3.x
Support for fragment composition in policies.
Policy refactor. Improved semantic of the JSON.
Parquet and CSV outputs.
Improved Twitter input. Possibility to filter tweets by hashtag.
Fixed important bug in Elasticsearch output. Fields are mapped according to their type.
SandBox Stratio Sparkta
Integration with Spark 1.3.1
Auto create time series in outputs if not exist time dimension
Full integration in Outputs with Spark DataFrames
Auto create "Id" in DataFrames with dimensions
Save Raw data in Parquet files
Auto detection schema with policies
Reflexions for native plugins
Interactive documentation
Client SDK generation and discoverability
Compatibility with multiple oputputs
Output Cassandra :
Auto tables creation
Auto primary key and column families detection
Auto index creation
Output ElasticSearch :
Options in mapping date types
Auto index type with time fields
Output Redis
Input Kafka Direct Streaming integrated in Spark 1.3.0
Input RabbitMq
Full-Text operator
Accumulator operator
Last Value operator
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