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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Pre-requisites
    1. Install minishift
      1. Configure and validate minishift
    2. Install the kubefed2 binary
    3. Download the example code
  3. Federation deployment
    1. Create the two OpenShift clusters
      1. Configure client context for cluster admin access
    2. Deploy Federation
    3. Register the clusters in the cluster registry
  4. Example application
    1. Create a federated namespace
    2. Deploy the application
    3. Verify that the application is running
    4. Modify placement
  5. Clean up
  6. What’s next?
  7. Known Issues


This demo is a simple deployment of Kubernetes Federation v2 on two OpenShift clusters. A sample application is deployed to both clusters through the federation controller.


Federation requires an OpenShift 3.11 cluster and works on both OKD and OpenShift Container Platform (OCP).

This walkthrough will use 2 all-in-one OKD clusters deployed using minishift.

Install minishift

Follow the getting started guide for minishift in the OKD documentation to get minishift installed.

Note: the steps below will create a few entries in the kubectl / oc client configuration file (~/.kube/config). If you have an existing client configuration file that you want to preserve unmodified it is advisable to make a backup copy before starting.

Configure and validate minishift

Your system should have minishift configured and ready to use with your preferred VM driver and the oc client to interact with them. You can use the oc client bundled with minishift.

The steps in this walkthrough were tested with:

minishift version

minishift v1.28.0+48e89ed

Install the kubefed2 binary

The kubefed2 tool manages federated cluter registration. Download the 0.0.7 release and unpack it into a diretory in your PATH (the example uses $HOME/bin):

curl -LOs
tar xzf kubefed2.tar.gz -C ~/bin
rm -f kubefed2.tar.gz

Verify that kubefed2 is working:

kubefed2 version

kubefed2 version: version.Info{Version:"v0.0.7", GitCommit:"83b778b6d92a7929efb7687d3d3d64bf0b3ad3bc", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-03-19T18:40:46Z", GoVersion:"go1.11.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Download the example code

Clone the demo code to your local machine:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd federation-dev/

Federation deployment

Create the two OpenShift clusters

Start two minishift clusters with OKD version 3.11 called cluster1 and cluster2. Note that these cluster names are referenced throughout the walkthrough, so it's recommended that you adhere to them:

minishift start --profile cluster1 
minishift start --profile cluster2 

Each minishift invocation will generate output as it progresses and will conclude with instructions on how to access each cluster using a browser or the command line:

-- Starting profile 'cluster1'
-- Check if deprecated options are used ... OK
-- Checking if is reachable ... OK
[output truncated]
OpenShift server started.

The server is accessible via web console at:

You are logged in as:
    User:     developer
    Password: <any value>

To login as administrator:
    oc login -u system:admin

Configure client context for cluster admin access

In order to use the oc client bundled with minishift, run this to add it to your $PATH:

eval $(minishift oc-env)

Cluster-wide federation needs cluster administrator privileges, so switch the oc client contexts to use the system:admin account instead of the default unprivileged developer user:

oc config use-context cluster2
oc login -u system:admin
oc config rename-context cluster2 cluster2-developer
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) cluster2

And the same for cluster1:

oc config use-context cluster1
oc login -u system:admin
oc config rename-context cluster1 cluster1-developer
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) cluster1

After this our current client context is for system:admin in cluster1. The following commands assume this is the active context:

oc config current-context
oc whoami


The presence and naming of the client contexts is important because the kubefed2 tool uses them to manage cluster registration, and they are referenced by context name.

Deploy Federation

Federation target clusters do not require federation to be installed on them at all, but for convenience we will use one of the clusters (cluster1) to host the federation control plane.

The federation controller also needs elevated privileges. Grant cluster-admin level to the default service account of the federation-system project (the project itself will be created soon):

oc create clusterrolebinding federation-admin \
    --clusterrole="cluster-admin" \

Change directory to Federation V2 repo (The repository submodule is already pointing to tag/v0.0.7):

cd federation-v2/

Create the required namespaces:

oc create ns federation-system
oc create ns kube-multicluster-public

Deploy the federation control plane and its associated Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs):

sed -i "s/federation-v2:latest/federation-v2:v0.0.7/g" hack/install-latest.yaml
oc -n federation-system apply --validate=false -f hack/install-latest.yaml

Deploy the cluster registry and the namespace where clusters are registered (kube-multicluster-public):

oc apply --validate=false -f vendor/

The above created:

  • The federation CRDs
  • A StatefulSet that deploys the federation controller, and a Service for it.

Now deploy the CRDs that determine which Kubernetes resources are federated across the clusters:

for filename in ./config/enabletypedirectives/*.yaml
  kubefed2 enable -f "${filename}" --federation-namespace=federation-system

After a short while the federation controller manager pod is running:

oc get pod -n federation-system

NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
federation-controller-manager-69cd6d487f-rlmch   1/1       Running   0          31s

Register the clusters in the cluster registry

Verify that there are no clusters in the registry yet (but note that you can already reference the CRDs for federated clusters):

oc get federatedclusters -n federation-system
oc get clusters --all-namespaces

No resources found.

Now use the kubefed2 tool to register (join) the two clusters:

kubefed2 join cluster1 \
            --host-cluster-context cluster1 \
            --cluster-context cluster1 \
            --add-to-registry \
            --v=2 \
kubefed2 join cluster2 \
            --host-cluster-context cluster1 \
            --cluster-context cluster2 \
            --add-to-registry \
            --v=2 \

Note that the names of the clusters (cluster1 and cluster2) in the commands above are a refence to the contexts configured in the oc client. For this to work as expected you need to make sure that the client contexts have been properly configured with the right access levels and context names. The --cluster-context option for kubefed2 join can be used to override the refernce to the client context configuration. When the option is not present, kubefed2 uses the cluster name to identify the client context.

Verify that the federated clusters are registered and in a ready state (this can take a moment):

oc describe federatedclusters -n federation-system

Name:         cluster1
Namespace:    federation-system
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         FederatedCluster
  Creation Timestamp:  2019-03-21T14:23:21Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    31572
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 e173a643-4be4-11e9-a67c-525400a4ac7a
  Cluster Ref:
    Name:  cluster1
  Secret Ref:
    Name:  cluster1-thlc6
    Last Probe Time:       2019-03-21T14:23:57Z
    Last Transition Time:  2019-03-21T14:23:57Z
    Message:               /healthz responded with ok
    Reason:                ClusterReady
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
Events:                    <none>

Name:         cluster2
Namespace:    federation-system
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         FederatedCluster
  Creation Timestamp:  2019-03-21T14:23:26Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    31576
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 e413c004-4be4-11e9-a67c-525400a4ac7a
  Cluster Ref:
    Name:  cluster2
  Secret Ref:
    Name:  cluster2-rsngj
    Last Probe Time:       2019-03-21T14:23:57Z
    Last Transition Time:  2019-03-21T14:23:57Z
    Message:               /healthz responded with ok
    Reason:                ClusterReady
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
Events:                    <none>

Example application

Now that we have federation installed, let’s deploy an example app in both clusters through the federation control plane.

Create a federated namespace

Create a test project (test-namespace) and add a federated placement policy for it:

cat << EOF | oc create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: List
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Namespace
    name: test-namespace
- apiVersion:
  kind: FederatedNamespace
    name: test-namespace
    namespace: test-namespace
      - cluster1
      - cluster2

Verify that the namespace is present in both clusters now:

oc --context=cluster1 get ns | grep test
oc --context=cluster2 get ns | grep test

test-namespace                 Active    7s
test-namespace                 Active    7s

The container image we will use for our example application (nginx) requires the ability to choose its user id. Configure the clusters to grant that privilege:

for c in cluster1 cluster2; do
    oc --context ${c} \
        adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid \

Deploy the application

The sample application includes the following resources:

  • A Deployment of an nginx web server.
  • A Service of type NodePort for nginx.
  • A sample ConfigMap, Secret and ServiceAccount. These are not actually used by the sample application (static nginx) but are included to illustrate how federation would assist with more complex applications.

The sample-app directory contains definitions to deploy these resources. For each of them there is a resource template and a placement policy, and some of them also have overrides. For example: the sample nginx deployment template specifies 3 replicas, but there is also an override that sets the replicas to 5 on cluster2.

Instantiate all these federated resources:

cd ../
oc apply -R -f sample-app

Verify that the application is running

Verify that the various resources have been deployed in both clusters according to their respective placement policies and cluster overrides:

for resource in configmaps secrets deployments services; do
    for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
        echo ------------ ${cluster} ${resource} ------------
        oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace get ${resource}

Verify that the application can be accessed:

host=$(oc whoami --show-server | sed -e 's#https://##' -e 's/:8443//')
port=$(oc get svc -n test-namespace test-service -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})

curl -I $host:$port

Modify placement

Now modify the test namespace placement policy to remove cluster2, leaving it only active on cluster1:

oc -n test-namespace patch federatednamespace test-namespace \
    --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"placement":{"clusterNames": ["cluster1"]}}}'

Observe how the federated resources are now only present in cluster1:

for resource in configmaps secrets deployments services; do
    for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
        echo ------------ ${cluster} ${resource} ------------
        oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace get ${resource}

Now add cluster2 back to the federated namespace placement:

oc -n test-namespace patch federatednamespace test-namespace \
    --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"placement":{"clusterNames": ["cluster1", "cluster2"]}}}'

And verify that the federated resources were deployed on both clusters again:

for resource in configmaps secrets deployments services; do
    for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
        echo ------------ ${cluster} ${resource} ------------
        oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace get ${resource}

Clean up

To clean up only the test application run:

oc delete ns test-namespace

This leaves the two clusters with federation deployed. If you want to remove everything run:

for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
    oc config delete-context ${cluster}-developer
    oc config delete-context ${cluster}
    minishift profile delete ${cluster}

Note that the oc login commands that were used to switch to the system:admin account might have created additional entries in your oc client configuration (~/.kube/config).

What’s next?

This walkthrough does not go into detail of the components and resources involved in cluster federation. Feel free to explore the repository to review the YAML files that configure Federation and deploy the sample application. See also the upstream federation-v2 repo and its user guide, on which this guide is based.

Beyond that: minishift provides us with a quick and easy environment for testing, but it has limitations. More advanced aspects of cluster federation like managing ingress traffic or storage rely on supporting infrastructure for the clusters that is not available in minishift. These will be topics for more advanced guides.

Known Issues

One issue that has come up while working with this demo is a log entry generated once per minute per cluster over the lack of zone or region labels on the minishift nodes. The error is harmless, but may interfere with finding real issues in the federation-controller-manager logs. An example follows:

W0321 15:51:31.208448       1 controller.go:216] Failed to get zones and region for cluster cluster1: Zone name for node localhost not found. No label with key
W0321 15:51:31.298093       1 controller.go:216] Failed to get zones and region for cluster cluster2: Zone name for node localhost not found. No label with key

The work-around would be to go ahead and label the minishift nodes with some zone and region data, e.g.

oc --context=cluster1 label node localhost
oc --context=cluster2 label node localhost
oc --context=cluster1 label node localhost
oc --context=cluster2 label node localhost


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