WorkflowStatus contains overall status information about a workflow
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
artifactRepositoryRef | ArtifactRepositoryRefStatus | [optional] | |
compressedNodes | String | Compressed and base64 decoded Nodes map | [optional] |
conditions | List<Condition> | Conditions is a list of conditions the Workflow may have | [optional] |
estimatedDuration | Integer | EstimatedDuration in seconds. | [optional] |
finishedAt | org.joda.time.DateTime | [optional] | |
message | String | A human readable message indicating details about why the workflow is in this condition. | [optional] |
nodes | Map<String, NodeStatus> | Nodes is a mapping between a node ID and the node's status. | [optional] |
offloadNodeStatusVersion | String | Whether on not node status has been offloaded to a database. If exists, then Nodes and CompressedNodes will be empty. This will actually be populated with a hash of the offloaded data. | [optional] |
outputs | Outputs | [optional] | |
persistentVolumeClaims | List<io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1Volume> | PersistentVolumeClaims tracks all PVCs that were created as part of the The contents of this list are drained at the end of the workflow. | [optional] |
phase | String | Phase a simple, high-level summary of where the workflow is in its lifecycle. | [optional] |
progress | String | Progress to completion | [optional] |
resourcesDuration | Map<String, Long> | ResourcesDuration is the total for the workflow | [optional] |
startedAt | org.joda.time.DateTime | [optional] | |
storedTemplates | Map<String, Template> | StoredTemplates is a mapping between a template ref and the node's status. | [optional] |
storedWorkflowTemplateSpec | WorkflowSpec | [optional] | |
synchronization | SynchronizationStatus | [optional] |