The project captures data on application resources and nodes running in a Kubernetes cluster and continuously syncs the current state and select information into Ardoq as part of the application hosting Model. The project runs as a lightweight operator in your cluster, watching the resources and ensuring the data in your Ardoq workspace is constantly updated.
- Log into Ardoq
- Create an empty workspace based on the "Blank workspace" template
- The operator shall bootstrap the required model and custom field types on its first run, no need to worry about that.
Remote Helm repository Add and update the helm repository
helm repo add ardoq
helm repo update
Ensure repository is now available in your repo list
helm repo list
Deploy the helm chart
helm upgrade --install k8s-ardoq-bridge ardoq/k8s-ardoq-bridge --set "ardoq.baseUri='https://{your_custom_domain_here}/api/','{your_org_label_here}',ardoq.workspaceId='{your_workspace_id_here}',ardoq.apiKey={your_api_key_here},ardoq.cluster='{your_cluster_name_here}'"
Local Helm repository
helm upgrade --install k8s-ardoq-bridge ./helm/chart --set "ardoq.baseUri='https://{your_custom_domain_here}/api/','{your_org_label_here}',ardoq.workspaceId='{your_workspace_id_here}',ardoq.apiKey={your_api_key_here},ardoq.cluster='{your_cluster_name_here}'"
As an alternative to the --set option of the helm command, you can also edit the values.yaml file.
On either the namespace or the specific Resource, you simply add:
sync-to-ardoq: "enabled"
Additionally, you can enrich the resources as it is stored in Ardoq. This can further/later be used to assign ownership of the project. Options:
ardoq/stack: "nginx"
ardoq/team: DevOps
ardoq/project: "TestProject"
You can disable single/multiple resource(s) in a monitored namespace, by:
sync-to-ardoq: "disabled"
These are the types of Kubernetes resources that we monitor. Currently, we only watch StatefulSets and Deployments.
The operator uses the Kubernetes watch interface to consistently get updates on the resources and post them to your workspace. Each resource type monitored,i.e Deployments,StatefulSets and Nodes, gets its own goroutine (lightweight thread) and performs the sync serially ensuring "no resource gets left behind". It performs a single syncing pass on initialisation capturing all the labelled Application Resources and only performs subsequent syncs if the data stored in-memory differs from resource details being updated.
Sure,you are welcome to dig into the code or join us in the discussion board (, we are very happy to help.
We are currently only monitoring:
- Application Resources:
- Deployments
- StatefulSets
- Nodes
- Name
- ResourceType
- Namespace
- Replicas
- Image: List of container images running
- CreationTimestamp
- Stack: Custom Field based on a unique label; "ardoq/stack"
- Team: Custom Field based on a unique label; "ardoq/team"
- Project: Custom Field based on a unique label; "ardoq/project"
- Name
- Architecture
- Capacity: CPU, Memory, Storage and Number of Pods
- Allocatable: CPU, Memory, Storage and Number of Pods
- ContainerRuntime
- KernelVersion
- KubeletVersion
- KubeProxyVersion
- OperatingSystem
- OSImage
- Provider
- CreationTimestamp
- Region: Based on the label; ""
- Zone: Based on the label; ""
The operator only captures data on: Addition, Modification or Deletion of a resource
This syncs directly to a workspace you have created in your organisation. Access to this workspace is based on the access matrix you have defined for the given workspace. More details:
The interface is based on the Ardoq Rest API as documented in the Swagger docs.
Sure thing, all contributions are very welcome; improvements and optimisations even more.
We have a contribution guideline available under the docs Contribution Guideline and Development
Yes. A lot more available in: Documentation