DRP: 💣 Disaster Recovery Plan 💥
Personal script to configure an Ubuntu host to work with it.
It uses ansible to install packages and configure the system as I like 👩💻
A Vagrantfile is prepared to test the playbook inside the VM that will be launched:
vagrant up # This will boot the Ubuntu virtual machine and run the playbook
vagrant provision # To rerun the whole playbook
# To rerun some tags:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i .vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory -u ansible -e user=vagrant -t user_config
vagrant destroy # To tear down the virtual machine
We rely on two users to provision:
user which will be the one used to provision. We will create it in both control and target node- The user with which you have installed the Ubuntu OS. In these steps we will refer to it as
Following steps should be done:
[Target node] Ubuntu OS is installed.
user has been created as part of the normal installation -
[Target node] The script
has run succesfully -
[Control node] The script
has run succesfully
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts -u ansible -e user=jdoe
Following steps should be done:
- [Local node] Ubuntu OS is installed.
user has been created as part of the normal installation - [Local node] The script
has run succesfully
ansible-playbook --connection=local --inventory, playbook.yml -e user=jdoe