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26 lines (19 loc) · 1.2 KB

File metadata and controls

26 lines (19 loc) · 1.2 KB


Thanks for contributing to this project! You should follow these steps:

You need to install yarn 1.x.x.

  1. Fork the project
  2. Clone the project locally
  3. Install the dependencies running in the project's root directory yarn
  4. Make the changes making sure you follow conventional-commits when committing
  5. You can test them locally after running yarn build inside the examples folder or use yarn link to test the changes in another project as follows: a. cd inside the package that you want to test b. yarn link. Copy the package name that gets printed c. Go over to your project and run yarn link <PACKAGE_NAME> d. To finish linking you have to yarn unlink <PACKAGE_NAME>
  6. Create a PR


In order to publish, if you have the necessary permissions, you should run one of the followings workflows:

  • Publish
  • Publish Beta
  • Publish Alpha

This will determine the next version using conventional-commits, update the CHANGELOGs and publish to NPM the new version.