This project implements a BSD 3-Clause License,
specified within
Depending on circumstance: a descriptive, or non-descriptive issue title is acceptable.
The following is an example of a descriptive issue title:
index.php, include 'header.php'
More specifically, the following rules of a descriptive issue title must be followed:
- an issue title should never be over 50 characters
- an issue title should never contain possessive tones
- filename reference(s) in the issue title, should always be wrapped by single quotes
Otherwise, a non-descriptive issue title can be used as follows:
Implement flask upstart script
A non-descriptive issue title is generally used, when multiple files will be modified in a single pull request. Therefore, remember to capture the technology, or item(s) that will be implemented in less than 50 characters (without possessive tone).
- filename references should always be wrapped by single tildas
- codeblocks should always be wrapped by triple tildas (fenced code block), where the first set of triple tildas is followed by the language being used (syntax highlighted)
- one line code snippets must be wrapped by single tildas (inline format)
- when referring to another issue, always provide a reference to it. This can
be done by either linking
keywords within issue body, or by simply providing the issue number (i.e.
Branch names must be categorized into the following categories:
- bug: an existing feature contains a problem
- feature: any new, or enhanced feature
- remove: one or more file(s), or directory need to be removed
More specifically, branches should be named as follows:
bug-[issue number]
feature-[issue number]
remove-[issue number]
Therefore, an issue should be created prior to creating a new branch. Once the branch has been created, the corresponding branch can be created as follows:
git checkout -b [bug|feature|remove]-[issue number] master
Note: the [issue number]
should be an integer, without special characters.
When creating a commit, be sure to include an issue number, the filename modified, and a short message.
The following git commit message, is an acceptable syntax:
git commit -m "#230: index.php, implemented 'strtotime()' function"
The message should always be prefixed with an issue number that the commit corresponds to. When all components are factored in, the commit message should never be more than 50 characters long, never be in a possessive tone, and any references to a file, or method should be wrapped by a single quote.
Note: commits should be granular, such that, every commit corresponds to a small change within one file.
The following pull request title, is an acceptable syntax:
#230: index.php, included 'header.php'
More specifically, the following rules must be followed:
- a pull request title should always begin with the issue number, and the file modified
- a pull request title should never be over 50 characters (including the issue number)
- a pull request title should never contain possessive tones
- filename reference(s) in the pull request title, should always be wrapped by single quotes
Note: in some cases, the filename is longer than usual, and can be omitted from the pull request title.
Always include one of the following keywords followed by the issue number in a pull request body:
- Close
- Closes
- Closed
- Fix
- Fixes
- Fixed
- Resolve
- Resolves
- Resolved
For example, including Resolves #230
in the pull request body, will
automatically close issue #230
when the pull request is merged.