==================================================================================== mini-dinstall - Apache with basic auth
- Install mini-dinstall
apt-get install mini-dinstall
- Add special user
adduser --quiet --system --group --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash --gecos "APT Repository" apt-repo
- Create directory for the reository
mkdir -p ~apt-repo/public_html/apt/mini-dinstall/incoming
Set the correct apache Vhost ServerName for the site
Copy all the files to thier destinations
cp mini-dinstall.conf ~apt-repo/.mini-dinstall.conf
cp htgroup ~apt-repo/.htgroup
cp sign_release.sh ~apt-repo/
cp apt.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
- Create the password file using htpasswd utility
htpasswd -c ~apt-repo/.htpasswd admin
- Make sure file ownership are correct
chown -R apt-repo:apt-repo ~apt-repo/
- enable the site and restart apache
a2ensite apt.conf
service apache2 restart
- Create a pgp key pair to sign the Release files, or comment out the
- Add a line in your sources.list
deb http://user:[email protected] stable/
- add your ssh key to
- modify and save dput.cf on your local machine as ~/.dput.cf