Note: This week's materials cover the basics of neural nets and deep learning and teach you how to use auto-diff frameworks. If you're already fluent in tensorflow OR pytorch OR theano - feel free to skip this week entirely..
In russian:
- Basic lecture on deep learning - video
- Deep learning frameworks - video
- Pytorch tutorial recommended
- Tensorflow tutorial (english only for now. Links are welcome)
- Theano tutorial
In english:
- Intro to neural nets and backprop (english) - video
- Intro to convnets - video
- Deep learning frameworks - video
- Tensorflow tutorial
- Theano tutorial
- Pytorch tutorial
- Karpathy's course on deep learning (english) -
- A neat little play-ground where you can train small NNs and see what they actually learn - playground
- Nuts and Bolts of deep learning by Andrew Ng (english) - video
- Deep learning philosophy: our humble take (english)
- Deep learning demystified - video
- Karpathy's lecture on deep learning for computer vision -
- Our humble DL course: HSE'fall17, Skoltech/YSDA'spring16 courses on deep learning (english).
- Srsly, just google
"deep learning %s"%s for s in what_you_want_to_know
Colab url (pytorch) From now on, we'll have two tracks: theano and tensorflow. We'll also add pytorch seminars as soon as they're ready.
Please pick seminar_theano.ipynb, seminar_tensorflow.ipynb or seminar_pytorch.ipynb.
Note: in this and all following weeks you're only required to get through practice in one of the frameworks. Looking into other alternatives is great for self-education but never mandatory.
The simplest choice is PyTorch: it's basically ye olde numpy with automatic gradients and a lot of pre-implemented DL stuff... except all the functions have different names.
If you want to be familiar with production-related stuff from day 1, choose TensorFlow. It's much more convenient to deploy (to non-python or to mobiles). The catch is that all those conveniences become inconveniences once you want to write something simple in jupyter.
Theano works like tensorflow but it offers a numpy-compatible interface and comes with built-in graph optimization. The payoff is that theano is not as popular as the first two. It is also not meant as a producton framework so deploying to mobiles may be a problem.
It's not like choosing house at Hogwarts, you'll be able to switch between frameworks easily once you master the underlying principles.