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anandsadu edited this page May 18, 2016 · 40 revisions

Welcome to the appium-uiautomator2-server wiki!

Uiautomator v2 fixes most of the problems in v1. The most important difference is decoupling the upgrade process of the framework from the underlying Android OS. getUiAutomation method introduced in API 18 enables combination of uiautomator APIs with traditional instrumentation APIs.

A netty server that runs on the device listening for commands and executes using Google's UIAutomator V2 API.

This module is targeted to re implement appium-android-bootstrap's bootstrap module using Google's UIAutomator V2 API.

Expected Working Environment: This module should support for android API Level >= 19, though we have a issue to run on API Level 19.

How It works ?

Client passes the desired capabilities to the appium node server to start new session.Based on the automationName in the capabilities, appium redirects to the corresponding driver module.

If the AutomationName is "uiautomator2" then appium redirects to the appium-uiautomator2-driver.

Driver Module : Creates the session , push the uiautomtor2 serve apk to the device using adb and starts the server(Netty) on the device and initiates a session

Server :


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