diff --git a/src/components/Input/DateInput.js b/src/components/Input/DateInput.js
index 1af1d2971..5b54c2f5f 100644
--- a/src/components/Input/DateInput.js
+++ b/src/components/Input/DateInput.js
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ export default class DateInput extends React.Component {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.props.onClose && this.state.open !== prevState.open && !this.state.open) {
- const value = this.props.value !== undefined ? this.props.value : this.state.value;
+ const value = this.state.value;
const date = this.props.parse(value, this.props.dateFormat);
if (date) {
diff --git a/src/components/Input/DateInput.spec.js b/src/components/Input/DateInput.spec.js
index df6c5da94..f36674bce 100644
--- a/src/components/Input/DateInput.spec.js
+++ b/src/components/Input/DateInput.spec.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import isToday from 'date-fns/is_today';
import frLocale from 'date-fns/locale/fr';
import startOfToday from 'date-fns/start_of_today';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import React from 'react';
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import Button from '../Button/Button';
import Icon from '../Icon/Icon';
@@ -159,11 +159,17 @@ describe('', () => {
describe('date picker', () => {
- const callback = sinon.spy();
- const component = mount();
+ let callback;
+ let onCloseCallback;
+ let component;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ callback = sinon.spy();
+ onCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
+ component = mount();
+ });
it('should set date after clicking a date', () => {
- callback.resetHistory();
const firstDate = component.find('Day').first();
const expectedDate = firstDate.props().day.date;
@@ -172,7 +178,6 @@ describe('', () => {
it('should call onChange after clicking a date', () => {
- callback.resetHistory();
const lastDate = component.find('Day').first();
const expectedDate = lastDate.props().day.date;
@@ -180,7 +185,6 @@ describe('', () => {
it('should set date after clicking prev year', () => {
- callback.resetHistory();
const expectedDate = addYears(component.instance().getCurrentDate(), -1);
const prevYear = component.find('Button.js-prev-year');
@@ -191,7 +195,6 @@ describe('', () => {
it('should set date after clicking next year', () => {
- callback.resetHistory();
const expectedDate = addYears(component.instance().getCurrentDate(), 1);
const nextYear = component.find('Button.js-next-year');
@@ -202,7 +205,6 @@ describe('', () => {
it('should set date after clicking prev month', () => {
- callback.resetHistory();
const expectedDate = addMonths(component.instance().getCurrentDate(), -1);
const prevMonth = component.find('Button.js-prev-month');
@@ -213,7 +215,6 @@ describe('', () => {
it('should set date after clicking next month', () => {
- callback.resetHistory();
const expectedDate = addMonths(component.instance().getCurrentDate(), 1);
const nextMonth = component.find('Button.js-next-month');
@@ -230,7 +231,6 @@ describe('', () => {
it('should call onChange after clicking today', () => {
- callback.resetHistory();
const today = component.find('footer Button').at(0);
@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ describe('', () => {
it('should call onChange after clicking clear', () => {
- callback.resetHistory();
const clear = component.find('footer Button').at(1);
assert(callback.calledWith('', false));
@@ -272,6 +271,110 @@ describe('', () => {
input.simulate('keydown', { key: 'ArrowRight', keyCode: 39, which: 39 });
assert(isSameDay(component.instance().getCurrentDate(), expectedDate));
+ it('should call onClose when closing the date picker with the latest selected date in the current month', () => {
+ const toggle = component.find('InputGroup').find('Button');
+ toggle.simulate('click');
+ const initialDate = component.instance().getCurrentDate();
+ const isFirstOfMonth = initialDate.getDate() === 1;
+ const dayToPick = isFirstOfMonth ? component.find('Day').at(1) : component.find('Day').at(0);
+ const expectedDate = dayToPick.props().day.date;
+ dayToPick.simulate('click');
+ assert(onCloseCallback.calledOnce);
+ assert(onCloseCallback.calledWith(expectedDate, true));
+ });
+ it('should call onClose with the last selected date when we change the month', () => {
+ const toggle = component.find('InputGroup').find('Button');
+ toggle.simulate('click');
+ const nextMonth = component.find('Button.js-next-month');
+ nextMonth.simulate('click');
+ const tentativeIndexDayToPick = 15;
+ const tentativeDayToPick = component.find('Day').at(tentativeIndexDayToPick);
+ const dayToPick =
+ tentativeDayToPick.props().day.date.getDate() === component.instance().getCurrentDate().getDate()
+ ? component.find('Day').at(tentativeIndexDayToPick + 1)
+ : tentativeDayToPick;
+ const expectedDate = dayToPick.props().day.date;
+ dayToPick.simulate('click');
+ assert(onCloseCallback.calledOnce);
+ assert(onCloseCallback.calledWith(expectedDate, true));
+ });
+ });
+ describe('date picker with value property', () => {
+ let onChangeCallback;
+ let onCloseCallback;
+ let wrapper;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ onChangeCallback = sinon.spy();
+ onCloseCallback = sinon.spy();
+ const WrappingComponent = () => {
+ const [ dateValue, setDateValue ] = useState(new Date());
+ const onChange = (date, valid) => {
+ onChangeCallback(date, valid);
+ setDateValue(date);
+ };
+ return (
+ );
+ };
+ wrapper = mount();
+ });
+ it('should call onClose when closing the date picker with the latest selected date in the current month', () => {
+ const toggle = wrapper.find('DateInput').find('InputGroup').find('Button');
+ toggle.simulate('click');
+ const initialDate = wrapper.find('DateInput').instance().getCurrentDate();
+ const isFirstOfMonth = initialDate.getDate() === 1;
+ const dayToPick = isFirstOfMonth
+ ? wrapper.find('DateInput').find('Day').at(1)
+ : wrapper.find('DateInput').find('Day').at(0);
+ const expectedDate = dayToPick.props().day.date;
+ dayToPick.simulate('click');
+ assert(onCloseCallback.calledOnce);
+ assert(onCloseCallback.calledWith(expectedDate, true));
+ });
+ it('should call onClose with the last selected date when we change the month', () => {
+ const toggle = wrapper.find('DateInput').find('InputGroup').find('Button');
+ toggle.simulate('click');
+ const nextMonth = wrapper.find('DateInput').find('Button.js-next-month');
+ nextMonth.simulate('click');
+ const tentativeIndexDayToPick = 15;
+ const tentativeDayToPick = wrapper.find('DateInput').find('Day').at(tentativeIndexDayToPick);
+ const dayToPick =
+ tentativeDayToPick.props().day.date.getDate() ===
+ wrapper.find('DateInput').instance().getCurrentDate().getDate()
+ ? wrapper
+ .find('DateInput')
+ .find('Day')
+ .at(tentativeIndexDayToPick + 1)
+ : tentativeDayToPick;
+ const expectedDate = dayToPick.props().day.date;
+ dayToPick.simulate('click');
+ assert(onCloseCallback.calledOnce);
+ assert(onCloseCallback.calledWith(expectedDate, true));
+ });
describe('date picker with controlled visible dates', () => {