This specification document based on opset12 operation set supported in OpenVINO.
Examples of operation instances are expressed as IR V10 xml snippets. Such IR is generated by the Model Optimizer.
The semantics match corresponding nGraph operation classes declared in namespace opset12
NOTE: NVIDIA GPU plugin doesn't support operations with dynamic shape.
Layers | NVIDIA GPU plugin |
Abs | Supported |
Acos | Not Supported |
Acosh | Not Supported |
Add | Supported* |
Asin | Not Supported |
Asinh | Not Supported |
Assign | Not Supported |
Atan | Not Supported |
Atanh | Not Supported |
AvgPool | Supported |
BatchNormInference | Not Supported |
BatchToSpace | Not Supported |
BinaryConvolution | Not Supported |
Broadcast | Not Supported |
Bucketize | Not Supported |
CTCGreedyDecoder | Not Supported |
CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLen | Not Supported |
CTCLoss | Not Supported |
Ceiling | Not Supported |
Clamp | Supported |
Concat | Supported |
Constant | Supported |
Convert | Supported |
ConvertLike | Not Supported |
Convolution | Supported |
ConvolutionBackpropData | Supported* |
Cos | Supported |
Cosh | Supported |
CumSum | Not Supported |
DeformableConvolution | Not Supported |
DeformablePSROIPooling | Not Supported |
DepthToSpace | Not Supported |
DetectionOutput | Supported |
Divide | Supported |
Elu | Supported |
EmbeddingBagOffsetsSum | Not Supported |
EmbeddingBagPackedSum | Not Supported |
EmbeddingSegmentsSum | Not Supported |
Equal | Supported |
Erf | Not Supported |
Exp | Supported |
ExtractImagePatches | Not Supported |
FakeQuantize | Supported |
Floor | Supported |
FloorMod | Supported |
Gather | Supported* |
GatherElements | Not Supported |
GatherND_5 | Not Supported |
GatherTree | Not Supported |
Gelu | Supported |
Greater | Supported |
GreaterEqual | Supported |
GRN | Not Supported |
GroupConvolution | Supported |
GroupConvolutionBackpropData | Supported |
GRUCell | Supported* |
GRUSequence | Supported* |
HardSigmoid | Not Supported |
HSigmoid | Not Supported |
HSwish | Supported |
Interpolate | Supported* |
Less | Supported |
LessEqual | Supported |
Log | Supported |
LogicalAnd | Not Supported |
LogicalNot | Supported |
LogicalOr | Not Supported |
LogicalXor | Not Supported |
LogSoftmax | Not Supported |
Loop | Not Supported |
LRN | Not Supported |
LSTMCell | Supported* |
LSTMSequence | Supported* |
MatMul | Supported |
MaxPool | Supported |
Maximum | Supported |
Minimum | Supported |
Mish | Supported |
Mod | Supported |
MVN | Supported |
Multiply | Supported* |
Negative | Not Supported |
NonMaxSuppression | Not Supported |
NonZero | Not Supported |
NormalizeL2 | Not Supported |
NotEqual | Supported |
OneHot | Not Supported |
Pad | Supported* |
Parameter | Supported |
Power | Supported |
PReLU | Supported |
PriorBoxClustered | Not Supported |
PriorBox | Not Supported |
Proposal | Not Supported |
PSROIPooling | Not Supported |
Range | Supported* |
ReLU | Supported |
ReadValue | Not Supported |
ReduceL1 | Not Supported |
ReduceL2 | Not Supported |
ReduceLogicalAnd | Not Supported |
ReduceLogicalOr | Not Supported |
ReduceMax | Supported |
ReduceMean | Supported |
ReduceMin | Supported |
ReduceProd | Supported |
ReduceSum | Supported |
RegionYolo | Not Supported |
ReorgYolo | Not Supported |
Reshape | Supported |
Result | Supported |
ReverseSequence | Not Supported |
RNNCell | Not Supported |
RNNSequence | Not Supported |
ROIAlign | Not Supported |
ROIPooling | Not Supported |
Round | Supported |
ScatterElementsUpdate | Not Supported |
ScatterNDUpdate | Supported |
ScatterUpdate | Not Supported |
Select | Supported |
Selu | Not Supported |
ShapeOf | Not Supported |
ShuffleChannels | Not Supported |
Sigmoid | Supported |
Sign | Not Supported |
Sin | Supported |
Sinh | Supported |
SoftMax | Supported |
SoftPlus | Not Supported |
SpaceToBatch | Not Supported |
SpaceToDepth | Not Supported |
Split | Supported* |
Sqrt | Supported |
SquaredDifference | Supported |
Squeeze | Supported |
StridedSlice | Supported |
Subtract | Supported |
Swish | Supported |
Tan | Not Supported |
Tanh | Supported |
TensorIterator | Supported |
Tile | Not Supported |
TopK | Supported |
Transpose | Supported |
Unsqueeze | Supported |
VariadicSplit | Supported |
*- support is limited to the specific parameters. Refer to "Known Layers Limitation" section.
layer is not optimized'LSTMCell'
- supported OpenVino version: default only (
LSTMCell v4
) - supported activations: default only (
{"sigmoid", "tanh", "tanh"}
); - supported activation alphas: default only (
); - supported activation betas: default only (
); - supported clipping mode: default only (no clipping:
value); - shape limitations: no combination of
input_size == 1
andhidden_size == 1
simultaneously - cuDNN v8.1 crash observed, see
- supported OpenVino version: default only (
- supported OpenVino version: default only (
GRUCell v3
) - supported activations: default only (
{"sigmoid", "tanh"}
); - supported activation alphas: default only (
); - supported activation betas: default only (
); - supported clipping mode: default only (no clipping:
value); - shape limitations: no combination of
input_size == 1
andhidden_size == 1
simultaneously - cuDNN v8.1 crash observed, see
- supported OpenVino version: default only (
- Asymmetric paddings are not supported yet
- Supported modes:
; - Only default zero values are supported for
attributes; - True value of
attribute is supported inlinear
mode only; - Only 4D data tensors are supported in
- Supported modes:
- All limitations of LSTMCell
- "REVERSE" direction is not supported
- All limitations of GRUCell
- "REVERSE" and "BIDIRECTIONAL" directions are not supported
- supported
types are:NONE
- supported
- supported
types are:NONE
- supported
- supported range of values for indices tensor is
[0, data[axis] - 1]
, if a value is out of this range, CUDA runtime will crash during one of the subsequent operations.
- supported range of values for indices tensor is
values ofmode
are supported only.
value ofpad_mode
is supported only.