- Author: Andres Solorzano.
- Level: Advanced.
- Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Spring Native, Spring WebFlux, Quartz, Flyway, Testcontainers, Postgres, DynamoDB and Docker.
This project uses the Spring Boot Framework to perform CRUD operations over Tasks records that store Quartz Jobs on a Postgres database. The idea is to use Reactive Programing with the help of the Spring WebFlux library, and a TDD methodology from the beginning with the support of Testcontainers to execute the Integration Tests. Also, the project uses Spring Native to compile the application into a native executable that runs on a Docker container alongside the other services in a Docker cluster.
This project has been configured to let you generate either a lightweight container or a native executable. It is also possible to run your tests in a native image.
NOTE: GraalVM 22.3+ is required.
First, generate the Spring Native image:
./mvnw clean -Pnative native:compile
Then, execute the following command from the root of the project:
docker compose up --build
Execute the following command:
aws dynamodb scan \
--table-name Devices \
--endpoint-url http://localhost:4566
Use this option if you want to explore more options such as running your tests in a native image.
IMPORTANT: The GraalVM native-image
compiler should be installed and configured on your machine.
Deploy the required services using Docker Compose command:
docker compose up tasks-postgres tasks-localstack
Open a new terminal window and export the following environment variables:
export HIPERIUM_CITY_TASKS_DB_CLUSTER_SECRET='{"dbClusterIdentifier":"hiperium-city-tasks-db-cluster","password":"postgres123","dbname":"HiperiumCityTasksDB","engine":"postgres","port":5432,"host":"localhost","username":"postgres"}'
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-2
export AWS_ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE=http://localhost:4566
Then, create and run the native executable from the project's root directory:
$ ./mvnw clean native:compile -Pnative spring-boot:run
You can also run your existing tests suite in a native image. This is an efficient way to validate the compatibility of your application.
To run your existing tests in a native image, run the following goal:
$ ./mvnw test -PnativeTest
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- GraalVM Native Image Support
- Testcontainers Postgres Module Reference Guide
- Spring Reactive Web
- Spring Data JPA
- Testcontainers
- Quartz Scheduler
- Flyway Migration
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:
These additional references should also help you: