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Database Table Structure

    Category {
        int id PK
        string title
        string description
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
        int added_by FK
    Admin {
        int id PK
        string name
        string email
        string password
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
    Province {
        int id PK
        string title
        string description
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
    District {
        int id PK
        int province_id FK
        string title
        string description
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
    Activity {
        int id PK
        int district_id FK
        string title
        string description
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
    HotelsAndRestaurant {
        int id PK
        int district_id FK
        string type
        string cuisine
        string comfort
        string title
        string description
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
    Transportation {
        int id PK
        int district_id FK
        string type
        string origin
        string destination
        string description
        string departure
        string arrival
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
    Attraction {
        int id PK
        int district_id FK
        string type
        string title
        string description
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
    User {
        int id PK
        string name
        string email
        string password
        boolean verified
        string image_url
        timestamp created_at
    UserVerification {
        int id PK
        int user_id FK
        string verification_code
        timestamp expires_at
        timestamp verified_at
        timestamp created_at
    UserItinerary {
        int id PK
        int user_id FK
    Itinerary {
        int id PK
        int user_itinerary_id FK
        int district_id FK
        timestamp created_at
    ItineraryActivity {
        int id PK
        int itinerary_id FK
        int activity_id FK
    ItineraryHotelRestaurant {
        int id PK
        int itinerary_id FK
        int hotel_restaurant_id FK
    ItineraryTransportation {
        int id PK
        int itinerary_id FK
        int transportation_id FK
    ItineraryAttraction {
        int id PK
        int itinerary_id FK
        int attraction_id FK

    Category ||--o{ Admin: "added_by"
    Province ||--o{ District: "province_id"
    District ||--o{ Activity: "district_id"
    District ||--o{ HotelsAndRestaurant: "district_id"
    District ||--o{ Transportation: "district_id"
    District ||--o{ Attraction: "district_id"
    User ||--o{ UserItinerary: "user_id"
    User ||--o{ UserVerification: "user_id"
    UserItinerary ||--o{ Itinerary: "user_itinerary_id"
    Itinerary ||--o{ ItineraryActivity: "itinerary_id"
    Itinerary ||--o{ ItineraryHotelRestaurant: "itinerary_id"
    Itinerary ||--o{ ItineraryTransportation: "itinerary_id"
    Itinerary ||--o{ ItineraryAttraction: "itinerary_id"
    Activity ||--o{ ItineraryActivity: "activity_id"
    HotelsAndRestaurant ||--o{ ItineraryHotelRestaurant: "hotel_restaurant_id"
    Transportation ||--o{ ItineraryTransportation: "transportation_id"
    Attraction ||--o{ ItineraryAttraction: "attraction_id"


Models (Tables) Overview


  • Purpose: Represents different categories of items or topics.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • title: String
    • description: String
    • image_url: String (URL to the image associated with the category)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
    • added_by: Integer (Foreign Key to Admin)
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to Admin (who added the category).


  • Purpose: Represents geographical provinces.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • title: String
    • description: String
    • image_url: String (URL to the image associated with the province)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Has many Districts.


  • Purpose: Represents smaller geographical areas within a province.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • province_id: Integer (Foreign Key to Province)
    • title: String
    • description: String
    • image_url: String (URL to the image associated with the district)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to Province (each district belongs to one province).
    • Has many Activities, HotelsAndRestaurants, Transportation, and Attractions.


  • Purpose: Represents various activities that can be done in a district.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • district_id: Integer (Foreign Key to District)
    • title: String
    • description: String
    • image_url: String (URL to the image associated with the activity)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to District (each activity is in one district).
    • Associated with itineraries through ItineraryActivity.


  • Purpose: Represents hotels and restaurants in a district.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • district_id: Integer (Foreign Key to District)
    • type: String
    • cuisine: String
    • comfort: String
    • title: String
    • description: String
    • image_url: String (URL to the image associated with the hotel or restaurant)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to District (each hotel/restaurant is in one district).
    • Associated with itineraries through ItineraryHotelRestaurant.


  • Purpose: Represents transportation options within a district.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • district_id: Integer (Foreign Key to District)
    • type: String
    • origin: String
    • destination: String
    • description: String
    • departure: String
    • arrival: String
    • image_url: String (URL to the image associated with the transportation)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to District (each transportation option is in one district).
    • Associated with itineraries through ItineraryTransportation.


  • Purpose: Represents tourist attractions in a district.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • district_id: Integer (Foreign Key to District)
    • type: String
    • title: String
    • description: String
    • image_url: String (URL to the image associated with the attraction)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to District (each attraction is in one district).
    • Associated with itineraries through ItineraryAttraction.


  • Purpose: Represents the users of the application.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • name: String
    • email: String
    • password: String
    • verified: Boolean
    • image_url: String (URL to the user's profile image)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Can have UserItineraries.
    • Can have UserVerification records.


  • Purpose: Represents verification codes sent to users for account verification.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • user_id: Integer (Foreign Key to User)
    • verification_code: String (Verification code sent to the user)
    • expires_at: TIMESTAMP (When the code expires)
    • verified_at: TIMESTAMP (When the user was verified, nullable)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to User (each verification record is for one user).


  • Purpose: Links users to itineraries, allowing users to have personal itineraries.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • user_id: Integer (Foreign Key to User)
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to User (each itinerary belongs to a user).
    • Can be linked to multiple Itineraries, but this relationship is optional.


  • Purpose: Represents a planned itinerary that includes activities, hotels/restaurants, transportation, and attractions for a specific district.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • user_itinerary_id: Integer (Foreign Key to UserItinerary)
    • district_id: Integer (Foreign Key to District)
    • image_url: String (URL to an image representing the itinerary)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to District (each itinerary is for one district).
    • Optionally linked to a UserItinerary.
    • Has many Activities, HotelsAndRestaurants, Transportations, and Attractions through their respective models.


  • Purpose: Links activities to specific itineraries.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • itinerary_id: Integer (Foreign Key to Itinerary)
    • activity_id: Integer (Foreign Key to Activity)
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to Itinerary (each record associates an activity with an itinerary).
    • Linked to Activity (each record specifies which activity is included in the itinerary).


  • Purpose: Links hotels and restaurants to specific itineraries.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • itinerary_id: Integer (Foreign Key to Itinerary)
    • hotel_restaurant_id: Integer (Foreign Key to HotelsAndRestaurant)
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to Itinerary (each record associates a hotel/restaurant with an itinerary).
    • Linked to HotelsAndRestaurant (each record specifies which hotel/restaurant is included in the itinerary).


  • Purpose: Links transportation options to specific itineraries.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • itinerary_id: Integer (Foreign Key to Itinerary)
    • transportation_id: Integer (Foreign Key to Transportation)
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to Itinerary (each record associates a transportation option with an itinerary).
    • Linked to Transportation (each record specifies which transportation option is included in the itinerary).


  • Purpose: Links attractions to specific itineraries.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • itinerary_id: Integer (Foreign Key to Itinerary)
    • attraction_id: Integer (Foreign Key to Attraction)
  • Relationships:
    • Linked to Itinerary (each record associates an attraction with an itinerary).
    • Linked to Attraction (each record specifies which attraction is included in the itinerary).


  • Purpose: Represents the administrators of the system.
  • Fields:
    • id: Integer (Primary Key)
    • name: String
    • email: String
    • password: String
    • image_url: String (URL to the admin's profile image)
    • created_at: TIMESTAMP
  • Relationships:
    • Can manage Categories and Itineraries.


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  • Python 99.0%
  • Mako 1.0%