diff --git a/cardano-calculator/.gitignore b/cardano-calculator/.gitignore index e69de29..722d5e7 100644 --- a/cardano-calculator/.gitignore +++ b/cardano-calculator/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +.vscode diff --git a/cardano-calculator/assets/css/cardano-calculator.css b/cardano-calculator/assets/css/cardano-calculator.css index 04a5504..17b893a 100644 --- a/cardano-calculator/assets/css/cardano-calculator.css +++ b/cardano-calculator/assets/css/cardano-calculator.css @@ -65,15 +65,53 @@ code { * SMALL SCREENS AND SWIPER * ****************************/ +.swiper-container { + width: 100%; + margin-top: 2rem; +} +.swiper-pagination { + position: relative!important; +} +.swiper-slide { + padding: 2rem 3rem 0 3rem; +} +.swiper-pagination-bullet { + width: calc(25% - 10px)!important; + height: auto!important; + margin: 0 5px!important; + padding: 5px 0!important; + border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc; + background: #fff!important; + border-radius: 0!important; + outline: 0!important; +} +.swiper-pagination-bullet-active { + background: #fff!important; + border-bottom: 2px solid #007bff!important; +} +.swiper-button-next, .swiper-button-prev { + outline: 0; +} + @media (max-width: 767.99px) { .swiper-container-horizontal > .swiper-pagination-bullets .swiper-pagination-bullet { font-size: 12px; } + .swiper-button-prev, .swiper-container-rtl .swiper-button-next { + left: 0; + } + .swiper-button-next, .swiper-container-rtl .swiper-button-prev { + right: 0; + } .swiper-slide { padding: 2rem 1.5rem; } + .no-padding-mobile { + padding: 0; + } + .card-body .form-group.col-md-3 { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; @@ -108,31 +146,30 @@ code { } } -.swiper-container { - width: 100%; - margin-top: 2rem; -} -.swiper-pagination { - position: relative!important; -} -.swiper-slide { - padding: 2rem 3rem 0 3rem; +/************** + * Numpad Overwrites * + **************/ + .nmpd-grid { + max-width: 100%; } -.swiper-pagination-bullet { - width: calc(25% - 10px)!important; - height: auto!important; - margin: 0 5px!important; - padding: 5px 0!important; - border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc; - background: #fff!important; - border-radius: 0!important; - outline: 0!important; +.nmpd-grid button { + width: 100%; } -.swiper-pagination-bullet-active { - background: #fff!important; - border-bottom: 2px solid #007bff!important; +.modal-backdrop { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); } -.swiper-button-next, .swiper-button-prev { - outline: 0; + +@media (max-width: 767.99px) { + + .nmpd-grid { + width: 100%; + } + } +/************** + * Tooltip Overwrites * + **************/ +.tooltip { + z-index: 1029!important; +} diff --git a/cardano-calculator/assets/css/vendor/jquery.numpad/jquery.numpad.css b/cardano-calculator/assets/css/vendor/jquery.numpad/jquery.numpad.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2fa604 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/assets/css/vendor/jquery.numpad/jquery.numpad.css @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +.nmpd-wrapper {display: none;} +.nmpd-target {cursor: pointer;} +.nmpd-grid {position:absolute; left:50px; top:50px; z-index:5000; -khtml-user-select: none; padding:10px; width: initial;} +.nmpd-overlay {z-index:4999;} +input.nmpd-display {text-align: right;} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cardano-calculator/assets/js/cardano-calculator.js b/cardano-calculator/assets/js/cardano-calculator.js index ffb87a4..bea5b84 100644 --- a/cardano-calculator/assets/js/cardano-calculator.js +++ b/cardano-calculator/assets/js/cardano-calculator.js @@ -44,6 +44,75 @@ function parseParamIntoContext(el, shift = 0) { return parsedValue } +function initNumpad() { + + $('.nmpd-wrapper').remove(); + + let delimiter = window.CardanoCalculatorLocale ? window.CardanoCalculatorLocale.separators.order : ',', + decimalMark = window.CardanoCalculatorLocale ? window.CardanoCalculatorLocale.separators.decimal : '.'; + + $.fn.numpad.defaults.gridTpl = ''; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.backgroundTpl = ''; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.displayTpl = ''; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.rowTpl = '
'; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.displayCellTpl = '
'; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.cellTpl = '
'; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.buttonNumberTpl = ''; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.buttonFunctionTpl = ''; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.textDone = 'Done'; // TODO: tranlate button + $.fn.numpad.defaults.textDelete = 'Del'; // TODO: tranlate button + $.fn.numpad.defaults.textClear = 'Clear'; // TODO: tranlate button + $.fn.numpad.defaults.textCancel = 'Cancel'; // TODO: tranlate button + $.fn.numpad.defaults.decimalSeparator = decimalMark; + $.fn.numpad.defaults.hidePlusMinusButton = true; + + $('.inp-param').each(function() { + + let target = $(this); + let isCleaveField = target.hasClass('cleave-num'); + + target.numpad({ + hideDecimalButton: !isCleaveField, + onKeypadCreate: function() { + + $(this).find('.done').addClass('btn-primary'); + + }, + onKeypadOpen: function() { + + let el = $(this).find('.nmpd-display'); + el.attr('readonly', true); + + }, + onKeypadClose: function() { + + let el = $(this).find('.nmpd-display'); + + if (isCleaveField) { + + let unformatted = accounting.unformat(el.val(), decimalMark); + let formatted = accounting.formatNumber(unformatted, 2, delimiter, decimalMark); + + target.val(formatted); + + } + + }, + onChange: function() { + + let el = $(this).find('.nmpd-display'); + + if (isCleaveField) { + // TODO: format numpads display field + } + + } + }); + + }); + +} + let Layouts = Object.freeze({ TABLE: { name: 'TABLE', @@ -355,6 +424,7 @@ function initCalcLayout(layoutName = Cookies.get('layout')) { initCleave(window.CardanoCalculatorLocale); initInputFieldEvents(); updateCalculations(); + ($.isMobile) ? initNumpad() : null; } }); } @@ -400,6 +470,7 @@ function initLocale() { Cookies.set('locale', selectedLocaleName); setCurrentLocale(selectedLocale); restartCleave(selectedLocale); + ($.isMobile) ? initNumpad() : null; updateCalculations(); } }); @@ -409,6 +480,8 @@ function initLocale() { $(function() { + $.isMobile = (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|ipad|iris|kindle|Android|Silk|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(navigator.userAgent.substr(0,4))) ? true : false; + initLocale(); Handlebars.registerHelper('str', function (str) { diff --git a/cardano-calculator/assets/js/vendor/jquery.numpad/jquery.numpad.js b/cardano-calculator/assets/js/vendor/jquery.numpad/jquery.numpad.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8c4484 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/assets/js/vendor/jquery.numpad/jquery.numpad.js @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +/** + * jQuery.NumPad + * + * Copyright (c) 2015 Andrej Kabachnik + * + * Licensed under the MIT license: + * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + * + * Project home: + * https://github.com/kabachello/jQuery.NumPad + * + * Version: 1.4 + * + */ +(function($){ + + // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4963053/focus-to-input-without-scrolling + var cursorFocus = function(elem) { + var x = window.scrollX, y = window.scrollY; + elem.focus(); + window.scrollTo(x, y); + } + + $.fn.numpad=function(options){ + + if (typeof options == 'string'){ + var nmpd = $.data(this[0], 'numpad'); + if (!nmpd) throw "Cannot perform '" + options + "' on a numpad prior to initialization!"; + switch (options){ + case 'open': + nmpd.open(nmpd.options.target ? nmpd.options.target : this.first()); + break; + case 'close': + nmpd.open(nmpd.options.target ? nmpd.options.target : this.first()); + break; + } + return this; + } + + // Apply the specified options overriding the defaults + options = $.extend({}, $.fn.numpad.defaults, options); + + // Create a numpad. One for all elements in this jQuery selector. + // Since numpad() can be called on multiple elements on one page, each call will create a unique numpad id. + var id = 'nmpd' + ($('.nmpd-wrapper').length + 1); + var nmpd = {}; + return this.each(function(){ + + // If an element with the generated unique numpad id exists, the numpad had been instantiated already. + // Otherwise create a new one! + if ($('#'+id).length == 0) { + /** @var nmpd jQuery object containing the entire numpad */ + nmpd = $('
').addClass('nmpd-wrapper'); + nmpd.options = options; + /** @var display jQuery object representing the display of the numpad (typically an input field) */ + var display = $(options.displayTpl).addClass('nmpd-display'); + nmpd.display = display; + /** @var grid jQuery object containing the grid for the numpad: the display, the buttons, etc. */ + var table = $(options.gridTpl).addClass('nmpd-grid'); + nmpd.grid = table; + table.append($(options.rowTpl).append($(options.displayCellTpl).append(display).append($('')))); + // Create rows and columns of the the grid with appropriate buttons + table.append( + $(options.rowTpl) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(7).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(8).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(9).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonFunctionTpl).html(options.textDelete).addClass('del').click(function(){ + nmpd.setValue(nmpd.getValue().toString().substring(0,nmpd.getValue().toString().length - 1)); + }))) + ).append( + $(options.rowTpl) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(4).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(5).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(6).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonFunctionTpl).html(options.textClear).addClass('clear').click(function(){ + nmpd.setValue(''); + }))) + ).append( + $(options.rowTpl) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(1).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(2).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(3).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonFunctionTpl).html(options.textCancel).addClass('cancel').click(function(){ + nmpd.close(false); + }))) + ).append( + $(options.rowTpl) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonFunctionTpl).html('±').addClass('neg').click(function(){ + nmpd.setValue(nmpd.getValue() * (-1)); + }))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonNumberTpl).html(0).addClass('numero'))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonFunctionTpl).html(options.decimalSeparator).addClass('sep').click(function(){ + nmpd.setValue(nmpd.getValue().toString() + options.decimalSeparator); + }))) + .append($(options.cellTpl).append($(options.buttonFunctionTpl).html(options.textDone).addClass('done'))) + ); + // Create the backdrop of the numpad - an overlay for the main page + nmpd.append($(options.backgroundTpl).addClass('nmpd-overlay').click(function(){nmpd.close(false);})); + // Append the grid table to the nmpd element + nmpd.append(table); + + // Hide buttons to be hidden + if (options.hidePlusMinusButton){ + nmpd.find('.neg').prop('disabled', true); + } + if (options.hideDecimalButton){ + nmpd.find('.sep').prop('disabled', true); + } + + // Attach events + if (options.onKeypadCreate){ + nmpd.on('numpad.create', options.onKeypadCreate); + } + if (options.onKeypadOpen){ + nmpd.on('numpad.open', options.onKeypadOpen); + } + if (options.onKeypadClose){ + nmpd.on('numpad.close', options.onKeypadClose); + } + if (options.onChange){ + nmpd.on('numpad.change', options.onChange); + } + (options.appendKeypadTo ? options.appendKeypadTo : $(document.body)).append(nmpd); + + // Special event for the numeric buttons + $('#'+id+' .numero').bind('click', function(){ + var val; + if ($('#'+id+' .dirty').val() == '0'){ + val = $(this).text(); + } else { + val = nmpd.getValue() ? nmpd.getValue().toString() + $(this).text() : $(this).text(); + } + nmpd.setValue(val); + }); + + // Finally, once the numpad is completely instantiated, trigger numpad.create + nmpd.trigger('numpad.create'); + } else { + // If the numpad was already instantiated previously, just load it into the nmpd variable + //nmpd = $('#'+id); + //nmpd.display = $('#'+id+' input.nmpd-display'); + } + + $.data(this, 'numpad', nmpd); + + // Make the target element readonly and save the numpad id in the data-numpad property. Also add the special nmpd-target CSS class. + $(this).attr("readonly", true).attr('data-numpad', id).addClass('nmpd-target'); + + // Register a listener to open the numpad on the event specified in the options + $(this).bind(options.openOnEvent,function(){ + nmpd.open(options.target ? options.target : $(this)); + }); + + // Define helper functions + + /** + * Gets the current value displayed in the numpad + * @return string | number + */ + nmpd.getValue = function(){ + return isNaN(nmpd.display.val().replace(options.decimalSeparator, ".")) ? 0 : nmpd.display.val(); + }; + + /** + * Sets the display value of the numpad + * @param string value + * @return jQuery object nmpd + */ + nmpd.setValue = function(value){ + if (nmpd.display.attr('maxLength') < value.toString().length) value = value.toString().substr(0, nmpd.display.attr('maxLength')); + nmpd.display.val(value); + nmpd.find('.dirty').val('1'); + nmpd.trigger('numpad.change', [value]); + return nmpd; + }; + + /** + * Closes the numpad writing it's value to the given target element + * @param jQuery object target + * @return jQuery object nmpd + */ + nmpd.close = function(target){ + // If a target element is given, set it's value to the dipslay value of the numpad. Otherwise just hide the numpad + if (target){ + if (target.prop("tagName") == 'INPUT'){ + target.val(nmpd.getValue().toString().replace('.', options.decimalSeparator)); + } else { + target.html(nmpd.getValue().toString().replace('.', options.decimalSeparator)); + } + } + // Hide the numpad and trigger numpad.close + nmpd.hide(); + nmpd.trigger('numpad.close'); + // Trigger a change event on the target element if the value has really been changed + // TODO check if the value has really been changed! + if (target && target.prop("tagName") == 'INPUT'){ + target.trigger('change'); + } + return nmpd; + }; + + /** + * Opens the numpad for a given target element optionally filling it with a given value + * @param jQuery object target + * @param string initialValue + * @return jQuery object nmpd + */ + nmpd.open = function(target, initialValue){ + // Set the initial value + // Use nmpd.display.val to avoid triggering numpad.change for the initial value + if (initialValue){ + nmpd.display.val(initialValue); + } else { + if (target.prop("tagName") == 'INPUT'){ + nmpd.display.val(target.val()); + nmpd.display.attr('maxLength', target.attr('maxLength')); + } else { + nmpd.display.val(isNaN(parseFloat(target.text())) ? '' : parseFloat(target.text())); + } + } + // Mark the numpad as not dirty initially + $('#'+id+' .dirty').val(0); + // Show the numpad and position it on the page + cursorFocus(nmpd.show().find('.cancel')); + position(nmpd.find('.nmpd-grid'), options.position, options.positionX, options.positionY); + // Register a click handler on the done button to update the target element + // Make sure all other click handlers get removed. Otherwise some unwanted sideeffects may occur if the numpad is + // opened multiple times for some reason + $('#'+id+' .done').off('click'); + $('#'+id+' .done').one('click', function(){ nmpd.close(target); }); + // Finally trigger numpad.open + nmpd.trigger('numpad.open'); + return nmpd; + }; + }); + }; + + /** + * Positions any given jQuery element within the page + */ + function position(element, mode, posX, posY) { + var x = 0; + var y = 0; + if (mode == 'fixed'){ + element.css('position','fixed'); + + if (posX == 'left'){ + x = 0; + } else if (posX == 'right'){ + x = $(window).width() - element.outerWidth(); + } else if (posX == 'center'){ + x = ($(window).width() / 2) - (element.outerWidth() / 2); + } else if ($.type(posX) == 'number'){ + x = posX; + } + element.css('left', x); + + if (posY == 'top'){ + y = 0; + } else if (posY == 'bottom'){ + y = $(window).height() - element.outerHeight(); + } else if (posY == 'middle'){ + y = ($(window).height() / 2) - (element.outerHeight() / 2); + } else if ($.type(posY) == 'number'){ + y = posY; + } + element.css('top', y); + } + return element; + } + + // Default values for numpad options + $.fn.numpad.defaults = { + target: false, + openOnEvent: 'click', + backgroundTpl: '
', + gridTpl: '
', + displayTpl: '', + displayCellTpl: '', + rowTpl: '', + cellTpl: '', + buttonNumberTpl: '', + buttonFunctionTpl: '', + gridTableClass: '', + hidePlusMinusButton: false, + hideDecimalButton: false, + textDone: 'Done', + textDelete: 'Del', + textClear: 'Clear', + textCancel: 'Cancel', + decimalSeparator: ',', + precision: null, + appendKeypadTo: false, + position: 'fixed', + positionX: 'center', + positionY: 'middle', + onKeypadCreate: false, + onKeypadOpen: false, + onKeypadClose: false, + onChange: false + }; +})(jQuery); diff --git a/cardano-calculator/index.html b/cardano-calculator/index.html index b1a5ebe..a01e6c9 100644 --- a/cardano-calculator/index.html +++ b/cardano-calculator/index.html @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ + @@ -626,6 +627,8 @@


+ + diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/accounting.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/accounting.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a869238 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/accounting.js @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +/*! + * accounting.js v0.4.1 + * Copyright 2014 Open Exchange Rates + * + * Freely distributable under the MIT license. + * Portions of accounting.js are inspired or borrowed from underscore.js + * + * Full details and documentation: + * http://openexchangerates.github.io/accounting.js/ + */ + +(function(root, undefined) { + + /* --- Setup --- */ + + // Create the local library object, to be exported or referenced globally later + var lib = {}; + + // Current version + lib.version = '0.4.1'; + + + /* --- Exposed settings --- */ + + // The library's settings configuration object. Contains default parameters for + // currency and number formatting + lib.settings = { + currency: { + symbol : "$", // default currency symbol is '$' + format : "%s%v", // controls output: %s = symbol, %v = value (can be object, see docs) + decimal : ".", // decimal point separator + thousand : ",", // thousands separator + precision : 2, // decimal places + grouping : 3 // digit grouping (not implemented yet) + }, + number: { + precision : 0, // default precision on numbers is 0 + grouping : 3, // digit grouping (not implemented yet) + thousand : ",", + decimal : "." + } + }; + + + /* --- Internal Helper Methods --- */ + + // Store reference to possibly-available ECMAScript 5 methods for later + var nativeMap = Array.prototype.map, + nativeIsArray = Array.isArray, + toString = Object.prototype.toString; + + /** + * Tests whether supplied parameter is a string + * from underscore.js + */ + function isString(obj) { + return !!(obj === '' || (obj && obj.charCodeAt && obj.substr)); + } + + /** + * Tests whether supplied parameter is a string + * from underscore.js, delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray + */ + function isArray(obj) { + return nativeIsArray ? nativeIsArray(obj) : toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; + } + + /** + * Tests whether supplied parameter is a true object + */ + function isObject(obj) { + return obj && toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]'; + } + + /** + * Extends an object with a defaults object, similar to underscore's _.defaults + * + * Used for abstracting parameter handling from API methods + */ + function defaults(object, defs) { + var key; + object = object || {}; + defs = defs || {}; + // Iterate over object non-prototype properties: + for (key in defs) { + if (defs.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + // Replace values with defaults only if undefined (allow empty/zero values): + if (object[key] == null) object[key] = defs[key]; + } + } + return object; + } + + /** + * Implementation of `Array.map()` for iteration loops + * + * Returns a new Array as a result of calling `iterator` on each array value. + * Defers to native Array.map if available + */ + function map(obj, iterator, context) { + var results = [], i, j; + + if (!obj) return results; + + // Use native .map method if it exists: + if (nativeMap && obj.map === nativeMap) return obj.map(iterator, context); + + // Fallback for native .map: + for (i = 0, j = obj.length; i < j; i++ ) { + results[i] = iterator.call(context, obj[i], i, obj); + } + return results; + } + + /** + * Check and normalise the value of precision (must be positive integer) + */ + function checkPrecision(val, base) { + val = Math.round(Math.abs(val)); + return isNaN(val)? base : val; + } + + + /** + * Parses a format string or object and returns format obj for use in rendering + * + * `format` is either a string with the default (positive) format, or object + * containing `pos` (required), `neg` and `zero` values (or a function returning + * either a string or object) + * + * Either string or format.pos must contain "%v" (value) to be valid + */ + function checkCurrencyFormat(format) { + var defaults = lib.settings.currency.format; + + // Allow function as format parameter (should return string or object): + if ( typeof format === "function" ) format = format(); + + // Format can be a string, in which case `value` ("%v") must be present: + if ( isString( format ) && format.match("%v") ) { + + // Create and return positive, negative and zero formats: + return { + pos : format, + neg : format.replace("-", "").replace("%v", "-%v"), + zero : format + }; + + // If no format, or object is missing valid positive value, use defaults: + } else if ( !format || !format.pos || !format.pos.match("%v") ) { + + // If defaults is a string, casts it to an object for faster checking next time: + return ( !isString( defaults ) ) ? defaults : lib.settings.currency.format = { + pos : defaults, + neg : defaults.replace("%v", "-%v"), + zero : defaults + }; + + } + // Otherwise, assume format was fine: + return format; + } + + + /* --- API Methods --- */ + + /** + * Takes a string/array of strings, removes all formatting/cruft and returns the raw float value + * Alias: `accounting.parse(string)` + * + * Decimal must be included in the regular expression to match floats (defaults to + * accounting.settings.number.decimal), so if the number uses a non-standard decimal + * separator, provide it as the second argument. + * + * Also matches bracketed negatives (eg. "$ (1.99)" => -1.99) + * + * Doesn't throw any errors (`NaN`s become 0) but this may change in future + */ + var unformat = lib.unformat = lib.parse = function(value, decimal) { + // Recursively unformat arrays: + if (isArray(value)) { + return map(value, function(val) { + return unformat(val, decimal); + }); + } + + // Fails silently (need decent errors): + value = value || 0; + + // Return the value as-is if it's already a number: + if (typeof value === "number") return value; + + // Default decimal point comes from settings, but could be set to eg. "," in opts: + decimal = decimal || lib.settings.number.decimal; + + // Build regex to strip out everything except digits, decimal point and minus sign: + var regex = new RegExp("[^0-9-" + decimal + "]", ["g"]), + unformatted = parseFloat( + ("" + value) + .replace(/\((.*)\)/, "-$1") // replace bracketed values with negatives + .replace(regex, '') // strip out any cruft + .replace(decimal, '.') // make sure decimal point is standard + ); + + // This will fail silently which may cause trouble, let's wait and see: + return !isNaN(unformatted) ? unformatted : 0; + }; + + + /** + * Implementation of toFixed() that treats floats more like decimals + * + * Fixes binary rounding issues (eg. (0.615).toFixed(2) === "0.61") that present + * problems for accounting- and finance-related software. + */ + var toFixed = lib.toFixed = function(value, precision) { + precision = checkPrecision(precision, lib.settings.number.precision); + var power = Math.pow(10, precision); + + // Multiply up by precision, round accurately, then divide and use native toFixed(): + return (Math.round(lib.unformat(value) * power) / power).toFixed(precision); + }; + + + /** + * Format a number, with comma-separated thousands and custom precision/decimal places + * Alias: `accounting.format()` + * + * Localise by overriding the precision and thousand / decimal separators + * 2nd parameter `precision` can be an object matching `settings.number` + */ + var formatNumber = lib.formatNumber = lib.format = function(number, precision, thousand, decimal) { + // Resursively format arrays: + if (isArray(number)) { + return map(number, function(val) { + return formatNumber(val, precision, thousand, decimal); + }); + } + + // Clean up number: + number = unformat(number); + + // Build options object from second param (if object) or all params, extending defaults: + var opts = defaults( + (isObject(precision) ? precision : { + precision : precision, + thousand : thousand, + decimal : decimal + }), + lib.settings.number + ), + + // Clean up precision + usePrecision = checkPrecision(opts.precision), + + // Do some calc: + negative = number < 0 ? "-" : "", + base = parseInt(toFixed(Math.abs(number || 0), usePrecision), 10) + "", + mod = base.length > 3 ? base.length % 3 : 0; + + // Format the number: + return negative + (mod ? base.substr(0, mod) + opts.thousand : "") + base.substr(mod).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + opts.thousand) + (usePrecision ? opts.decimal + toFixed(Math.abs(number), usePrecision).split('.')[1] : ""); + }; + + + /** + * Format a number into currency + * + * Usage: accounting.formatMoney(number, symbol, precision, thousandsSep, decimalSep, format) + * defaults: (0, "$", 2, ",", ".", "%s%v") + * + * Localise by overriding the symbol, precision, thousand / decimal separators and format + * Second param can be an object matching `settings.currency` which is the easiest way. + * + * To do: tidy up the parameters + */ + var formatMoney = lib.formatMoney = function(number, symbol, precision, thousand, decimal, format) { + // Resursively format arrays: + if (isArray(number)) { + return map(number, function(val){ + return formatMoney(val, symbol, precision, thousand, decimal, format); + }); + } + + // Clean up number: + number = unformat(number); + + // Build options object from second param (if object) or all params, extending defaults: + var opts = defaults( + (isObject(symbol) ? symbol : { + symbol : symbol, + precision : precision, + thousand : thousand, + decimal : decimal, + format : format + }), + lib.settings.currency + ), + + // Check format (returns object with pos, neg and zero): + formats = checkCurrencyFormat(opts.format), + + // Choose which format to use for this value: + useFormat = number > 0 ? formats.pos : number < 0 ? formats.neg : formats.zero; + + // Return with currency symbol added: + return useFormat.replace('%s', opts.symbol).replace('%v', formatNumber(Math.abs(number), checkPrecision(opts.precision), opts.thousand, opts.decimal)); + }; + + + /** + * Format a list of numbers into an accounting column, padding with whitespace + * to line up currency symbols, thousand separators and decimals places + * + * List should be an array of numbers + * Second parameter can be an object containing keys that match the params + * + * Returns array of accouting-formatted number strings of same length + * + * NB: `white-space:pre` CSS rule is required on the list container to prevent + * browsers from collapsing the whitespace in the output strings. + */ + lib.formatColumn = function(list, symbol, precision, thousand, decimal, format) { + if (!list) return []; + + // Build options object from second param (if object) or all params, extending defaults: + var opts = defaults( + (isObject(symbol) ? symbol : { + symbol : symbol, + precision : precision, + thousand : thousand, + decimal : decimal, + format : format + }), + lib.settings.currency + ), + + // Check format (returns object with pos, neg and zero), only need pos for now: + formats = checkCurrencyFormat(opts.format), + + // Whether to pad at start of string or after currency symbol: + padAfterSymbol = formats.pos.indexOf("%s") < formats.pos.indexOf("%v") ? true : false, + + // Store value for the length of the longest string in the column: + maxLength = 0, + + // Format the list according to options, store the length of the longest string: + formatted = map(list, function(val, i) { + if (isArray(val)) { + // Recursively format columns if list is a multi-dimensional array: + return lib.formatColumn(val, opts); + } else { + // Clean up the value + val = unformat(val); + + // Choose which format to use for this value (pos, neg or zero): + var useFormat = val > 0 ? formats.pos : val < 0 ? formats.neg : formats.zero, + + // Format this value, push into formatted list and save the length: + fVal = useFormat.replace('%s', opts.symbol).replace('%v', formatNumber(Math.abs(val), checkPrecision(opts.precision), opts.thousand, opts.decimal)); + + if (fVal.length > maxLength) maxLength = fVal.length; + return fVal; + } + }); + + // Pad each number in the list and send back the column of numbers: + return map(formatted, function(val, i) { + // Only if this is a string (not a nested array, which would have already been padded): + if (isString(val) && val.length < maxLength) { + // Depending on symbol position, pad after symbol or at index 0: + return padAfterSymbol ? val.replace(opts.symbol, opts.symbol+(new Array(maxLength - val.length + 1).join(" "))) : (new Array(maxLength - val.length + 1).join(" ")) + val; + } + return val; + }); + }; + + + /* --- Module Definition --- */ + + // Export accounting for CommonJS. If being loaded as an AMD module, define it as such. + // Otherwise, just add `accounting` to the global object + if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { + if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { + exports = module.exports = lib; + } + exports.accounting = lib; + } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { + // Return the library as an AMD module: + define([], function() { + return lib; + }); + } else { + // Use accounting.noConflict to restore `accounting` back to its original value. + // Returns a reference to the library's `accounting` object; + // e.g. `var numbers = accounting.noConflict();` + lib.noConflict = (function(oldAccounting) { + return function() { + // Reset the value of the root's `accounting` variable: + root.accounting = oldAccounting; + // Delete the noConflict method: + lib.noConflict = undefined; + // Return reference to the library to re-assign it: + return lib; + }; + })(root.accounting); + + // Declare `fx` on the root (global/window) object: + root['accounting'] = lib; + } + + // Root will be `window` in browser or `global` on the server: +}(this)); diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/accounting.min.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/accounting.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c80f421 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/accounting.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/*! + * accounting.js v0.4.1, copyright 2014 Open Exchange Rates, MIT license, http://openexchangerates.github.io/accounting.js + */ +(function(p,z){function q(a){return!!(""===a||a&&a.charCodeAt&&a.substr)}function m(a){return u?u(a):"[object Array]"===v.call(a)}function r(a){return"[object Object]"===v.call(a)}function s(a,b){var d,a=a||{},b=b||{};for(d in b)b.hasOwnProperty(d)&&null==a[d]&&(a[d]=b[d]);return a}function j(a,b,d){var c=[],e,h;if(!a)return c;if(w&&a.map===w)return a.map(b,d);for(e=0,h=a.length;ea?"-":"",g=parseInt(y(Math.abs(a||0),h),10)+"",l=3a?g.neg:g.zero).replace("%s",f.symbol).replace("%v",t(Math.abs(a),n(f.precision),f.thousand,f.decimal))};c.formatColumn=function(a,b,d,i,e,h){if(!a)return[];var f=s(r(b)?b:{symbol:b,precision:d,thousand:i,decimal:e,format:h},c.settings.currency),g=x(f.format),l=g.pos.indexOf("%s")a?g.neg:g.zero).replace("%s",f.symbol).replace("%v",t(Math.abs(a),n(f.precision),f.thousand,f.decimal));if(a.length>k)k=a.length;return a});return j(a,function(a){return q(a)&&a.length").appendTo(b),e=d.css("display");d.remove();if(e==="none"||e===""){ch||(ch=c.createElement("iframe"),ch.frameBorder=ch.width=ch.height=0),b.appendChild(ch);if(!ci||!ch.createElement)ci=(ch.contentWindow||ch.contentDocument).document,ci.write((c.compatMode==="CSS1Compat"?"":"")+""),ci.close();d=ci.createElement(a),ci.body.appendChild(d),e=f.css(d,"display"),b.removeChild(ch)}cg[a]=e}return cg[a]}function cr(a,b){var 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+q,"'\"`"]):m.push(["str",/^(?:'(?:[^\n\r'\\]|\\.)*(?:'|$)|"(?:[^\n\r"\\]|\\.)*(?:"|$))/,q,"\"'"]);a.verbatimStrings&&e.push(["str",/^@"(?:[^"]|"")*(?:"|$)/,q]);var h=a.hashComments;h&&(a.cStyleComments?(h>1?m.push(["com",/^#(?:##(?:[^#]|#(?!##))*(?:###|$)|.*)/,q,"#"]):m.push(["com",/^#(?:(?:define|elif|else|endif|error|ifdef|include|ifndef|line|pragma|undef|warning)\b|[^\n\r]*)/,q,"#"]),e.push(["str",/^<(?:(?:(?:\.\.\/)*|\/?)(?:[\w-]+(?:\/[\w-]+)+)?[\w-]+\.h|[a-z]\w*)>/,q])):m.push(["com",/^#[^\n\r]*/, +q,"#"]));a.cStyleComments&&(e.push(["com",/^\/\/[^\n\r]*/,q]),e.push(["com",/^\/\*[\S\s]*?(?:\*\/|$)/,q]));a.regexLiterals&&e.push(["lang-regex",/^(?:^^\.?|[!+-]|!=|!==|#|%|%=|&|&&|&&=|&=|\(|\*|\*=|\+=|,|-=|->|\/|\/=|:|::|;|<|<<|<<=|<=|=|==|===|>|>=|>>|>>=|>>>|>>>=|[?@[^]|\^=|\^\^|\^\^=|{|\||\|=|\|\||\|\|=|~|break|case|continue|delete|do|else|finally|instanceof|return|throw|try|typeof)\s*(\/(?=[^*/])(?:[^/[\\]|\\[\S\s]|\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\[\S\s])*(?:]|$))+\/)/]);(h=a.types)&&e.push(["typ",h]);a=(""+a.keywords).replace(/^ | $/g, +"");a.length&&e.push(["kwd",RegExp("^(?:"+a.replace(/[\s,]+/g,"|")+")\\b"),q]);m.push(["pln",/^\s+/,q," \r\n\t\xa0"]);e.push(["lit",/^@[$_a-z][\w$@]*/i,q],["typ",/^(?:[@_]?[A-Z]+[a-z][\w$@]*|\w+_t\b)/,q],["pln",/^[$_a-z][\w$@]*/i,q],["lit",/^(?:0x[\da-f]+|(?:\d(?:_\d+)*\d*(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d\+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)[a-z]*/i,q,"0123456789"],["pln",/^\\[\S\s]?/,q],["pun",/^.[^\s\w"-$'./@\\`]*/,q]);return x(m,e)}function D(a,m){function e(a){switch(a.nodeType){case 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accounting.js is a tiny JavaScript library by Open Exchange Rates, providing simple and advanced number, money and currency formatting.

+ +

Features custom output formats, parsing/unformatting of numbers, easy localisation and spreadsheet-style column formatting (to line up symbols and decimals).

+ +

It's lightweight, has no dependencies and is suitable for all client-side and server-side JavaScript applications.

+ +


+ +
+ +

Library Methods

+ +

formatMoney() - format any number into currency

+ +

The most basic library function for formatting numbers as money values, with customisable currency symbol, precision (decimal places), and thousand/decimal separators:

// Default usage:
+accounting.formatMoney(12345678); // $12,345,678.00
+// European formatting (custom symbol and separators), can also use options object as second parameter:
+accounting.formatMoney(4999.99, "€", 2, ".", ","); // €4.999,99
+// Negative values can be formatted nicely:
+accounting.formatMoney(-500000, "£ ", 0); // £ -500,000
+// Simple `format` string allows control of symbol position (%v = value, %s = symbol):
+accounting.formatMoney(5318008, { symbol: "GBP",  format: "%v %s" }); // 5,318,008.00 GBP
+ + +

formatColumn() - format a list of values for column-display

+ +

This table demonstrates how accounting.js can take a list of numbers and money-format them with padding to line up currency symbols and decimal places


In order for the padded spaces to render correctly, the containing element must be CSS styled with white-space: pre (pre-formatted) - otherwise the browser will squash them into single spaces.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Original Number:With accounting.js:Different settings:European format:Symbol after value:
// Format list of numbers for display:
+accounting.formatColumn([123.5, 3456.49, 777888.99, 12345678, -5432], "$ ");
+ + +

formatNumber() - format a number with custom precision and localisation

+ +

The base function of the library, which takes any number or array of numbers, runs accounting.unformat() to remove any formatting, and returns the number(s) formatted with separated thousands and custom precision:

accounting.formatNumber(5318008); // 5,318,008
+accounting.formatNumber(9876543.21, 3, " "); // 9 876 543.210
+ + +

toFixed() - better rounding for floating point numbers

+ +

Implementation of toFixed() that treats floats more like decimal values than binary, fixing inconsistent precision rounding in JavaScript (where some .05 values round up, while others round down):

(0.615).toFixed(2); // "0.61"
+accounting.toFixed(0.615, 2); // "0.62"
+ + +

unformat() - parse a value from any formatted number/currency string

+ +

Takes any number and removes all currency formatting. Aliased as accounting.parse()

accounting.unformat("£ 12,345,678.90 GBP"); // 12345678.9
+ +

Demo / Try it out

+ + +

Money formatting:

+ +

Enter any number into the box and choose currency. Uses accounting.formatMoney():


+ + +


Result: $ 0.00

+ + +

Column formatting:

+ +

Edit the values in the table to see how formatColumn() keeps them aligned:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
$ 1,000,000.00GBP 1,000,000
$ -5,000.00GBP (5,000)
$ 0.00GBP --
+ + +

Basic Instructions:

+ +

1. Download the script and put it somewhere, then reference it in your HTML like so:

<script src="path/to/accounting.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+	// Library ready to use:
+	accounting.formatMoney(5318008);
+ +

2. See the documentation and source-code for full method/parameter information.

+ + +
+ +


+ +

Information on the parameters of each method. See library methods above for more examples. Optional parameters are in [italics], with the default value indicated.

+ + +


+ +
// Settings object that controls default parameters for library methods:
+accounting.settings = {
+	currency: {
+		symbol : "$",   // default currency symbol is '$'
+		format: "%s%v", // controls output: %s = symbol, %v = value/number (can be object: see below)
+		decimal : ".",  // decimal point separator
+		thousand: ",",  // thousands separator
+		precision : 2   // decimal places
+	},
+	number: {
+		precision : 0,  // default precision on numbers is 0
+		thousand: ",",
+		decimal : "."
+	}
+// These can be changed externally to edit the library's defaults:
+accounting.settings.currency.format = "%s %v";
+// Format can be an object, with `pos`, `neg` and `zero`:
+accounting.settings.currency.format = {
+	pos : "%s %v",   // for positive values, eg. "$ 1.00" (required)
+	neg : "%s (%v)", // for negative values, eg. "$ (1.00)" [optional]
+	zero: "%s  -- "  // for zero values, eg. "$  --" [optional]
+// Example using underscore.js - extend default settings (also works with $.extend in jQuery):
+accounting.settings.number = _.defaults({
+	precision: 2,
+	thousand: " "
+}, accounting.settings.number);
+ + +


+ +
// Standard usage and parameters (returns string):
+accounting.formatMoney(number,[symbol = "$"],[precision = 2],[thousand = ","],[decimal = "."],[format = "%s%v"])
+// Second parameter can be an object:
+accounting.formatMoney(number, [options])
+// Available fields in options object, matching `settings.currency`:
+var options = {
+	symbol : "$",
+	decimal : ".",
+	thousand: ",",
+	precision : 2,
+	format: "%s%v"
+// Example usage:
+accounting.formatMoney(12345678); // $12,345,678.00
+accounting.formatMoney(4999.99, "€", 2, ".", ","); // €4.999,99
+accounting.formatMoney(-500000, "£ ", 0); // £ -500,000
+// Example usage with options object:
+accounting.formatMoney(5318008, {
+	symbol: "GBP",
+	precision: 0,
+	thousand: "·",
+	format: {
+		pos : "%s %v",
+		neg : "%s (%v)",
+		zero: "%s  --"
+	}
+// Will recursively format an array of values:
+accounting.formatMoney([123, 456, [78, 9]], "$", 0); // ["$123", "$456", ["$78", "$9"]]
+ + + +


+ +
// Standard usage and parameters (returns array):
+accounting.formatColumn(list, [symbol = "$"],[precision = 2],[thousand = ","],[decimal = "."],[format = "%s%v"])
+// Second parameter can be an object (see formatNumber for available options):
+accounting.formatColumn(list, [options])
+// Example usage (NB. use a space after the symbol to add arbitrary padding to all values):
+var list = [123, 12345];
+accounting.formatColumn(list, "$ ", 0); // ["$    123", "$ 12,345"]
+// List of numbers can be a multi-dimensional array (formatColumn is applied recursively):
+var list = [[1, 100], [900, 9]];
+accounting.formatColumn(list); // [["$  1.00", "$100.00"], ["$900.00", "$  9.00"]]
+ + +


+ +
// Standard usage and parameters (returns string):
+accounting.formatNumber(number, [precision = 0], [thousand = ","], [decimal = "."])
+// Second parameter can also be an object matching `settings.number`:
+accounting.formatNumber(number, [object])
+// Example usage:
+accounting.formatNumber(9876543); // 9,876,543
+accounting.formatNumber(4999.99, 2, ".", ","); // 4.999,99
+// Example usage with options object:
+accounting.formatNumber(5318008, {
+	precision : 3,
+	thousand : " "
+// Will recursively format an array of values:
+accounting.formatNumber([123456, [7890, 123]]); // ["123,456", ["7,890", "123"]]
+ + +


+ +
// Standard usage and parameters (returns string):
+accounting.toFixed(number, [precision = 0]);
+// Example usage:
+accounting.toFixed(0.615, 2); // "0.62"
+// Compare to regular JavaScript `Number.toFixed()` method:
+(0.615).toFixed(2); // "0.61"
+ + +


+ +
// Standard usage and parameters (returns number):
+accounting.unformat(string, [decimal]);
+// Example usage:
+accounting.unformat("GBP £ 12,345,678.90"); // 12345678.9
+// If a non-standard decimal separator was used (eg. a comma) unformat() will need it in order to work out
+// which part of the number is a decimal/float:
+accounting.unformat("€ 1.000.000,00", ","); // 1000000
+ +
+ + +


+ +

Next Version:

  • Add more fine-grained control of formatting, with negatives and zero-values
  • +
  • Implement map() and type-checking helper methods to clean up API methods
  • +
  • Find performance bottlenecks and work on speed optimisations
  • +
  • Write more tests, docs and examples, add FAQ
  • +
  • Implement feedback
  • +
+ +


  • Add padding parameter to override amount of space between currency symbol and value.
  • +
  • Add digit-grouping control, to allow eg. "$10,0000"
  • +
  • Add choice of rounding method for precision (up, down or nearest-neighbour).
  • +
  • Add several other general and excel-style money formatting methods.
  • +
  • Create NPM package, if there's demand for it.
  • +
  • Create wrapper for jQuery as a separate plugin (not in core) to allow eg. $('td.accounting').formatMoney()
  • +
+ +

See the Github Issues page for currently active issues.

+ +

Feedback / Support

+ +

Please create issues on the accounting.js Github repository if you have feedback or need support, or contact Open Exchange Rates here.

+ +


+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/license b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/license new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9964d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/license @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2014 Open Exchange Rates + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person +obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation +files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without +restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, +copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the +Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following +conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES +OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, +WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR +OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/package.json b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b09618 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "_from": "accounting", + "_id": "accounting@0.4.1", + "_inBundle": false, + "_integrity": "sha1-h91BA+/39EYPHhhvXGd+1s9WaIM=", + "_location": "/accounting", + "_phantomChildren": {}, + "_requested": { + "type": "tag", + "registry": true, + "raw": "accounting", + "name": "accounting", + "escapedName": "accounting", + "rawSpec": "", + "saveSpec": null, + "fetchSpec": "latest" + }, + "_requiredBy": [ + "#USER", + "/" + ], + "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/accounting/-/accounting-0.4.1.tgz", + "_shasum": "87dd4103eff7f4460f1e186f5c677ed6cf566883", + "_spec": "accounting", + "_where": "C:\\Users\\Stahlherz\\Desktop\\Cardano Calc Fork\\antipalos.github.io\\cardano-calculator", + "author": { + "name": "Open Exchange Rates", + "email": "info@openexchangerates.org", + "url": "https://www.openexchangerates.org" + }, + "bugs": { + "url": "https://github.com/openexchangerates/accounting.js/issues" + }, + "bundleDependencies": false, + "contributors": [ + { + "name": "Open Exchange Rates", + "email": "info@openxchangerates.org", + "url": "https://openexchangerates.org" + }, + { + "name": "Joss Crowcroft", + "email": "josscrowcroft@gmail.com", + "url": "http://www.josscrowcroft.com" + } + ], + "dependencies": {}, + "deprecated": false, + "description": "number, money and currency formatting library", + "homepage": "http://openexchangerates.github.io/accounting.js", + "keywords": [ + "accounting", + "number", + "money", + "currency", + "format", + "utilities", + "finance", + "exchange" + ], + "main": "accounting.js", + "name": "accounting", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git://github.com/openexchangerates/accounting.js.git" + }, + "version": "0.4.1" +} diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/readme.md b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/readme.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1d8149 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/readme.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +**accounting.js** is a tiny JavaScript library for number, money and currency parsing/formatting. It's lightweight, fully localisable, has no dependencies, and works great client-side or server-side. Use standalone or as a nodeJS/npm and AMD/requireJS module. + +Visit the plugin homepage for demos and documentation: **http://openexchangerates.github.io/accounting.js/** + +Please checkout or download the latest stable tag before using in production. [Bug reports](https://github.com/openexchangerates/accounting.js/issues) and pull requests are welcome. + +Maintained by [Open Exchange Rates](https://openexchangerates.org "Free reliable exchange rates/currency conversion data API") and originally by [@josscrowcroft](http://twitter.com/josscrowcroft) and other [contributors](https://github.com/openexchangerates/accounting.js/contributors). + +--- + +### Works great with: + +* **[money.js](http://openexchangerates.github.com/money.js "JavaScript and NodeJS Currency Conversion Library")** - a tiny (1kb) standalone JavaScript currency conversion library, for web & nodeJS +* **[Open Exchange Rates](https://openexchangerates.org "realtime and historical exchange rates/currency conversion data API")** - the free currency conversion data API + +--- + +## Changelog + +**v0.4.1** - Alias `accounting.formatNumber()` as `accounting.format()` + +**v0.4** - Transferred repository to Open Exchange Rates for ongoing maintenance + +**v0.3.2** - Fixed package.json dependencies (should be empty object) + +**v0.3.0** +* Rewrote library structure similar to underscore.js for use as a nodeJS/npm and AMD module. Use `npm install accounting` and then `var accounting = require("accounting");` in your nodeJS scripts. +* Also works with requireJS or any AMD module loader. +* **unformat** now only attempts to parse the number if it's not already a valid number. +* `acounting.unformat` now also aliased as `acounting.parse` +* Fixed an IE bug in the `defaults` method + +**v0.2.2** - Fixed same issue as \#Num: #24 in **formatNumber**; switch to Google Closure Compiler for minified version. + +**v0.2.1** - Fixed issue \#Num: #24 (locally-defined settings object was being modified by **formatMoney**) + +**v0.2** +* Rewrote formatting system for **formatMoney** and **formatColumn** for better control of string output +* Now supports separate formats for negative and zero values (optionally) via `accounting.settings.currency.format` +* Internal improvements and helper methods + +**v0.1.4** +* **formatMoney** recursively formats arrays +* Added Jasmine test suite (thanks to [millermedeiros](https://github.com/millermedeiros)) and QUnit functionality/speed tests + +**v0.1.3** +* Added configurable settings object for default formatting parameters. +* Added `format` parameter to control symbol and value position (default `"%s%v"`, or [symbol][value]) +* Methods consistently accept object as 2nd parameter, matching/overriding the library defaults + +**v0.1.2** +* **formatColumn** works recursively on nested arrays (e.g. `accounting.formatColumn( [[1,12,123,1234], [1234,123,12,1]] )`, returns matching array with inner columns lined up) +* Fix rounding in **formatNumber** + +**v0.1.1** +* Added **toFixed** method (`accounting.toFixed(value, precision)`), which treats floats more like decimals for more accurate currency rounding +* Minified version preserves semicolons +* Fixed `NaN` errors when no value in **unformat** + +**v0.1** - First version diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/formatMoneySpec.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/formatMoneySpec.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbfe12d --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/formatMoneySpec.js @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +describe('formatMoney()', function(){ + + it('should work for small numbers', function(){ + + expect( accounting.formatMoney(123) ).toBe( '$123.00' ); + expect( accounting.formatMoney(123.45) ).toBe( '$123.45' ); + expect( accounting.formatMoney(12345.67) ).toBe( '$12,345.67' ); + + }); + + it('should work for negative numbers', function(){ + + expect( accounting.formatMoney(-123) ).toBe( '$-123.00' ); + expect( accounting.formatMoney(-123.45) ).toBe( '$-123.45' ); + expect( accounting.formatMoney(-12345.67) ).toBe( '$-12,345.67' ); + + }); + + it('should allow precision to be `0` and not override with default `2`', function(){ + expect( accounting.formatMoney(5318008, "$", 0) ).toBe( '$5,318,008' ); + }); + +}); diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/formatNumberSpec.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/formatNumberSpec.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ee6a51 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/formatNumberSpec.js @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +describe('formatNumber', function(){ + + describe('rounding and enforce precision', function(){ + + it('should enforce precision and round values', function(){ + + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123.456789, 0) ).toBe( '123' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123.456789, 1) ).toBe( '123.5' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123.456789, 2) ).toBe( '123.46' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123.456789, 3) ).toBe( '123.457' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123.456789, 4) ).toBe( '123.4568' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123.456789, 5) ).toBe( '123.45679' ); + + }); + + it('should fix floting point rounding error', function(){ + + expect( accounting.formatNumber(0.615, 2) ).toBe( '0.62' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(0.614, 2) ).toBe( '0.61' ); + + }); + + it('should work for large numbers', function(){ + + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123456.54321, 0) ).toBe( '123,457' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123456.54321, 1) ).toBe( '123,456.5' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123456.54321, 2) ).toBe( '123,456.54' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123456.54321, 3) ).toBe( '123,456.543' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123456.54321, 4) ).toBe( '123,456.5432' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(123456.54321, 5) ).toBe( '123,456.54321' ); + + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 0) ).toBe( '98,765,432' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 1) ).toBe( '98,765,432.1' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 2) ).toBe( '98,765,432.12' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 3) ).toBe( '98,765,432.120' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 4) ).toBe( '98,765,432.1200' ); + + }); + + it('should work for negative numbers', function(){ + + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-123456.54321, 0) ).toBe( '-123,457' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-123456.54321, 1) ).toBe( '-123,456.5' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-123456.54321, 2) ).toBe( '-123,456.54' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-123456.54321, 3) ).toBe( '-123,456.543' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-123456.54321, 4) ).toBe( '-123,456.5432' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-123456.54321, 5) ).toBe( '-123,456.54321' ); + + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-98765432.12, 0) ).toBe( '-98,765,432' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-98765432.12, 1) ).toBe( '-98,765,432.1' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-98765432.12, 2) ).toBe( '-98,765,432.12' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-98765432.12, 3) ).toBe( '-98,765,432.120' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(-98765432.12, 4) ).toBe( '-98,765,432.1200' ); + + }); + + }); + + + describe('separators', function(){ + + it('should allow setting thousands separator', function(){ + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 0, '|') ).toBe( '98|765|432' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 1, '>') ).toBe( '98>765>432.1' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 2, '*') ).toBe( '98*765*432.12' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 3, '\'') ).toBe( '98\'765\'432.120' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 4, ']') ).toBe( '98]765]432.1200' ); + }); + + + it('should allow setting decimal separator', function(){ + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 0, null, '|') ).toBe( '98,765,432' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 1, null, '>') ).toBe( '98,765,432>1' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 2, null, '*') ).toBe( '98,765,432*12' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 3, null, '\'') ).toBe( '98,765,432\'120' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 4, null, ']') ).toBe( '98,765,432]1200' ); + }); + + it('should allow setting thousand and decimal separators', function(){ + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 0, '\\', '|') ).toBe( '98\\765\\432' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 1, '<', '>') ).toBe( '98<765<432>1' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 2, '&', '*') ).toBe( '98&765&432*12' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 3, '"', '\'') ).toBe( '98"765"432\'120' ); + expect( accounting.formatNumber(98765432.12, 4, '[', ']') ).toBe( '98[765[432]1200' ); + }); + + it('should use default separators if null', function(){ + expect( accounting.formatNumber(12345.12345, 2, null, null) ).toBe('12,345.12'); + }); + + it('should use empty separators if passed as empty string', function(){ + expect( accounting.formatNumber(12345.12345, 2, '', '') ).toBe('1234512'); + }); + + }); + + + describe('multiple numbers (array)', function(){ + + it('should handle an array of numbers', function(){ + + var vals = accounting.formatNumber([123, 456.78, 1234.123], 2); + + expect( vals[0] ).toBe( '123.00' ); + expect( vals[1] ).toBe( '456.78' ); + expect( vals[2] ).toBe( '1,234.12' ); + }); + + }); + + describe('properties object', function(){ + + it('should accept a properties object', function(){ + + var val = accounting.formatNumber(123456789.1234, { + thousand : '.', + decimal : ',', + precision : 3 + }); + + expect( val ).toBe( '123.456.789,123' ); + }); + + it('properties should be optional', function(){ + var val = accounting.formatNumber(123456789.1234, {}); + expect( val ).toBe( '123,456,789' ); + }); + + }); + + +}); diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/unformatSpec.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/unformatSpec.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f0f17e --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/core/unformatSpec.js @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +describe('unformat()', function(){ + + it('should remove padding special chars', function(){ + expect( accounting.unformat('$ 123,456') ).toBe( 123456 ); + expect( accounting.unformat('$ 123,456.78') ).toBe( 123456.78 ); + expect( accounting.unformat('&*()$ 123,456') ).toBe( 123456 ); + expect( accounting.unformat(';$@#$%^&123,456.78') ).toBe( 123456.78 ); + }); + + it('should work with negative numbers', function(){ + expect( accounting.unformat('$ -123,456') ).toBe( -123456 ); + expect( accounting.unformat('$ -123,456.78') ).toBe( -123456.78 ); + expect( accounting.unformat('&*()$ -123,456') ).toBe( -123456 ); + expect( accounting.unformat(';$@#$%^&-123,456.78') ).toBe( -123456.78 ); + }); + + it('should accept different decimal separators', function(){ + expect( accounting.unformat('$ 123,456', ',') ).toBe( 123.456 ); + expect( accounting.unformat('$ 123456|78', '|') ).toBe( 123456.78 ); + expect( accounting.unformat('&*()$ 123>456', '>') ).toBe( 123.456 ); + expect( accounting.unformat(';$@#$%^&123,456\'78', '\'') ).toBe( 123456.78 ); + }); + + it('should accept an array', function(){ + var vals = accounting.unformat(['$ 123', '$567.89', 'R$12,345,678.901']); + expect( vals[0] ).toBe( 123 ); + expect( vals[1] ).toBe( 567.89 ); + expect( vals[2] ).toBe( 12345678.901 ); + }); + +}); diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/MIT.LICENSE b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/MIT.LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1eb9b49 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/MIT.LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Pivotal Labs + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81402b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +jasmine.TrivialReporter = function(doc) { + this.document = doc || document; + this.suiteDivs = {}; + this.logRunningSpecs = false; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.createDom = function(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) { + var el = document.createElement(type); + + for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var child = arguments[i]; + + if (typeof child === 'string') { + el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child)); + } else { + if (child) { el.appendChild(child); } + } + } + + for (var attr in attrs) { + if (attr == "className") { + el[attr] = attrs[attr]; + } else { + el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]); + } + } + + return el; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) { + var showPassed, showSkipped; + + this.outerDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine_reporter' }, + this.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' }, + this.createDom('div', { className: 'logo' }, + this.createDom('a', { href: 'http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine/', target: "_blank" }, "Jasmine"), + this.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, runner.env.versionString())), + this.createDom('div', { className: 'options' }, + "Show ", + showPassed = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__", type: 'checkbox' }), + this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__" }, " passed "), + showSkipped = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__", type: 'checkbox' }), + this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__" }, " skipped") + ) + ), + + this.runnerDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'runner running' }, + this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?' }, "run all"), + this.runnerMessageSpan = this.createDom('span', {}, "Running..."), + this.finishedAtSpan = this.createDom('span', { className: 'finished-at' }, "")) + ); + + this.document.body.appendChild(this.outerDiv); + + var suites = runner.suites(); + for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) { + var suite = suites[i]; + var suiteDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' }, + this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, "run"), + this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, suite.description)); + this.suiteDivs[suite.id] = suiteDiv; + var parentDiv = this.outerDiv; + if (suite.parentSuite) { + parentDiv = this.suiteDivs[suite.parentSuite.id]; + } + parentDiv.appendChild(suiteDiv); + } + + this.startedAt = new Date(); + + var self = this; + showPassed.onclick = function(evt) { + if (showPassed.checked) { + self.outerDiv.className += ' show-passed'; + } else { + self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-passed/, ''); + } + }; + + showSkipped.onclick = function(evt) { + if (showSkipped.checked) { + self.outerDiv.className += ' show-skipped'; + } else { + self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-skipped/, ''); + } + }; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) { + var results = runner.results(); + var className = (results.failedCount > 0) ? "runner failed" : "runner passed"; + this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("class", className); + //do it twice for IE + this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("className", className); + var specs = runner.specs(); + var specCount = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) { + if (this.specFilter(specs[i])) { + specCount++; + } + } + var message = "" + specCount + " spec" + (specCount == 1 ? "" : "s" ) + ", " + results.failedCount + " failure" + ((results.failedCount == 1) ? "" : "s"); + message += " in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s"; + this.runnerMessageSpan.replaceChild(this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?'}, message), this.runnerMessageSpan.firstChild); + + this.finishedAtSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Finished at " + new Date().toString())); +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) { + var results = suite.results(); + var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed'; + if (results.totalCount == 0) { // todo: change this to check results.skipped + status = 'skipped'; + } + this.suiteDivs[suite.id].className += " " + status; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) { + if (this.logRunningSpecs) { + this.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...'); + } +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) { + var results = spec.results(); + var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed'; + if (results.skipped) { + status = 'skipped'; + } + var specDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'spec ' + status }, + this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()) }, "run"), + this.createDom('a', { + className: 'description', + href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()), + title: spec.getFullName() + }, spec.description)); + + + var resultItems = results.getItems(); + var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' }); + for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) { + var result = resultItems[i]; + + if (result.type == 'log') { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString())); + } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message)); + + if (result.trace.stack) { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack)); + } + } + } + + if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) { + specDiv.appendChild(messagesDiv); + } + + this.suiteDivs[spec.suite.id].appendChild(specDiv); +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.log = function() { + var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console; + if (console && console.log) { + if (console.log.apply) { + console.log.apply(console, arguments); + } else { + console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie + } + } +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.getLocation = function() { + return this.document.location; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.specFilter = function(spec) { + var paramMap = {}; + var params = this.getLocation().search.substring(1).split('&'); + for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { + var p = params[i].split('='); + paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]); + } + + if (!paramMap["spec"]) return true; + return spec.getFullName().indexOf(paramMap["spec"]) == 0; +}; diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine.css b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6583fe7 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine.css @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +body { + font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "Lucida Grande", "Calibri", "Arial", sans-serif; +} + + +.jasmine_reporter a:visited, .jasmine_reporter a { + color: #303; +} + +.jasmine_reporter a:hover, .jasmine_reporter a:active { + color: blue; +} + +.run_spec { + float:right; + padding-right: 5px; + font-size: .8em; + text-decoration: none; +} + +.jasmine_reporter { + margin: 0 5px; +} + +.banner { + color: #303; + background-color: #fef; + padding: 5px; +} + +.logo { + float: left; + font-size: 1.1em; + padding-left: 5px; +} + +.logo .version { + font-size: .6em; + padding-left: 1em; +} + +.runner.running { + background-color: yellow; +} + + +.options { + text-align: right; + font-size: .8em; +} + + + + +.suite { + border: 1px outset gray; + margin: 5px 0; + padding-left: 1em; +} + +.suite .suite { + margin: 5px; +} + +.suite.passed { + background-color: #dfd; +} + +.suite.failed { + background-color: #fdd; +} + +.spec { + margin: 5px; + padding-left: 1em; + clear: both; +} + +.spec.failed, .spec.passed, .spec.skipped { + padding-bottom: 5px; + border: 1px solid gray; +} + +.spec.failed { + background-color: #fbb; + border-color: red; +} + +.spec.passed { + background-color: #bfb; + border-color: green; +} + +.spec.skipped { + background-color: #bbb; +} + +.messages { + border-left: 1px dashed gray; + padding-left: 1em; + padding-right: 1em; +} + +.passed { + background-color: #cfc; + display: none; +} + +.failed { + background-color: #fbb; +} + +.skipped { + color: #777; + background-color: #eee; + display: none; +} + + +/*.resultMessage {*/ + /*white-space: pre;*/ +/*}*/ + +.resultMessage span.result { + display: block; + line-height: 2em; + color: black; +} + +.resultMessage .mismatch { + color: black; +} + +.stackTrace { + white-space: pre; + font-size: .8em; + margin-left: 10px; + max-height: 5em; + overflow: auto; + border: 1px inset red; + padding: 1em; + background: #eef; +} + +.finished-at { + padding-left: 1em; + font-size: .6em; +} + +.show-passed .passed, +.show-skipped .skipped { + display: block; +} + + +#jasmine_content { + position:fixed; + right: 100%; +} + +.runner { + border: 1px solid gray; + display: block; + margin: 5px 0; + padding: 2px 0 2px 10px; +} diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63e415d --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine.js @@ -0,0 +1,2421 @@ +/** + * Top level namespace for Jasmine, a lightweight JavaScript BDD/spec/testing framework. + * + * @namespace + */ +var jasmine = {}; + +/** + * @private + */ +jasmine.unimplementedMethod_ = function() { + throw new Error("unimplemented method"); +}; + +/** + * Use jasmine.undefined instead of undefined, since undefined is just + * a plain old variable and may be redefined by somebody else. + * + * @private + */ +jasmine.undefined = jasmine.___undefined___; + +/** + * Default interval in milliseconds for event loop yields (e.g. to allow network activity or to refresh the screen with the HTML-based runner). Small values here may result in slow test running. Zero means no updates until all tests have completed. + * + */ +jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 250; + +/** + * Default timeout interval in milliseconds for waitsFor() blocks. + */ +jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5000; + +jasmine.getGlobal = function() { + function getGlobal() { + return this; + } + + return getGlobal(); +}; + +/** + * Allows for bound functions to be compared. Internal use only. + * + * @ignore + * @private + * @param base {Object} bound 'this' for the function + * @param name {Function} function to find + */ +jasmine.bindOriginal_ = function(base, name) { + var original = base[name]; + if (original.apply) { + return function() { + return original.apply(base, arguments); + }; + } else { + // IE support + return jasmine.getGlobal()[name]; + } +}; + +jasmine.setTimeout = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setTimeout'); +jasmine.clearTimeout = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'clearTimeout'); +jasmine.setInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setInterval'); +jasmine.clearInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'clearInterval'); + +jasmine.MessageResult = function(values) { + this.type = 'log'; + this.values = values; + this.trace = new Error(); // todo: test better +}; + +jasmine.MessageResult.prototype.toString = function() { + var text = ""; + for(var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) { + if (i > 0) text += " "; + if (jasmine.isString_(this.values[i])) { + text += this.values[i]; + } else { + text += jasmine.pp(this.values[i]); + } + } + return text; +}; + +jasmine.ExpectationResult = function(params) { + this.type = 'expect'; + this.matcherName = params.matcherName; + this.passed_ = params.passed; + this.expected = params.expected; + this.actual = params.actual; + + this.message = this.passed_ ? 'Passed.' : params.message; + this.trace = this.passed_ ? '' : new Error(this.message); +}; + +jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.toString = function () { + return this.message; +}; + +jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.passed = function () { + return this.passed_; +}; + +/** + * Getter for the Jasmine environment. Ensures one gets created + */ +jasmine.getEnv = function() { + return jasmine.currentEnv_ = jasmine.currentEnv_ || new jasmine.Env(); +}; + +/** + * @ignore + * @private + * @param value + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isArray_ = function(value) { + return jasmine.isA_("Array", value); +}; + +/** + * @ignore + * @private + * @param value + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isString_ = function(value) { + return jasmine.isA_("String", value); +}; + +/** + * @ignore + * @private + * @param value + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isNumber_ = function(value) { + return jasmine.isA_("Number", value); +}; + +/** + * @ignore + * @private + * @param {String} typeName + * @param value + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isA_ = function(typeName, value) { + return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']'; +}; + +/** + * Pretty printer for expecations. Takes any object and turns it into a human-readable string. + * + * @param value {Object} an object to be outputted + * @returns {String} + */ +jasmine.pp = function(value) { + var stringPrettyPrinter = new jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter(); + stringPrettyPrinter.format(value); + return stringPrettyPrinter.string; +}; + +/** + * Returns true if the object is a DOM Node. + * + * @param {Object} obj object to check + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isDomNode = function(obj) { + return obj['nodeType'] > 0; +}; + +/** + * Returns a matchable 'generic' object of the class type. For use in expecations of type when values don't matter. + * + * @example + * // don't care about which function is passed in, as long as it's a function + * expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function)); + * + * @param {Class} clazz + * @returns matchable object of the type clazz + */ +jasmine.any = function(clazz) { + return new jasmine.Matchers.Any(clazz); +}; + +/** + * Jasmine Spies are test doubles that can act as stubs, spies, fakes or when used in an expecation, mocks. + * + * Spies should be created in test setup, before expectations. They can then be checked, using the standard Jasmine + * expectation syntax. Spies can be checked if they were called or not and what the calling params were. + * + * A Spy has the following fields: wasCalled, callCount, mostRecentCall, and argsForCall (see docs). + * + * Spies are torn down at the end of every spec. + * + * Note: Do not call new jasmine.Spy() directly - a spy must be created using spyOn, jasmine.createSpy or jasmine.createSpyObj. + * + * @example + * // a stub + * var myStub = jasmine.createSpy('myStub'); // can be used anywhere + * + * // spy example + * var foo = { + * not: function(bool) { return !bool; } + * } + * + * // actual foo.not will not be called, execution stops + * spyOn(foo, 'not'); + + // foo.not spied upon, execution will continue to implementation + * spyOn(foo, 'not').andCallThrough(); + * + * // fake example + * var foo = { + * not: function(bool) { return !bool; } + * } + * + * // foo.not(val) will return val + * spyOn(foo, 'not').andCallFake(function(value) {return value;}); + * + * // mock example + * foo.not(7 == 7); + * expect(foo.not).toHaveBeenCalled(); + * expect(foo.not).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true); + * + * @constructor + * @see spyOn, jasmine.createSpy, jasmine.createSpyObj + * @param {String} name + */ +jasmine.Spy = function(name) { + /** + * The name of the spy, if provided. + */ + this.identity = name || 'unknown'; + /** + * Is this Object a spy? + */ + this.isSpy = true; + /** + * The actual function this spy stubs. + */ + this.plan = function() { + }; + /** + * Tracking of the most recent call to the spy. + * @example + * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo'); + * mySpy(1, 2); + * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [1, 2]; + */ + this.mostRecentCall = {}; + + /** + * Holds arguments for each call to the spy, indexed by call count + * @example + * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo'); + * mySpy(1, 2); + * mySpy(7, 8); + * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [7, 8]; + * mySpy.argsForCall[0] = [1, 2]; + * mySpy.argsForCall[1] = [7, 8]; + */ + this.argsForCall = []; + this.calls = []; +}; + +/** + * Tells a spy to call through to the actual implemenatation. + * + * @example + * var foo = { + * bar: function() { // do some stuff } + * } + * + * // defining a spy on an existing property: foo.bar + * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andCallThrough(); + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallThrough = function() { + this.plan = this.originalValue; + return this; +}; + +/** + * For setting the return value of a spy. + * + * @example + * // defining a spy from scratch: foo() returns 'baz' + * var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andReturn('baz'); + * + * // defining a spy on an existing property: foo.bar() returns 'baz' + * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andReturn('baz'); + * + * @param {Object} value + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.andReturn = function(value) { + this.plan = function() { + return value; + }; + return this; +}; + +/** + * For throwing an exception when a spy is called. + * + * @example + * // defining a spy from scratch: foo() throws an exception w/ message 'ouch' + * var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andThrow('baz'); + * + * // defining a spy on an existing property: foo.bar() throws an exception w/ message 'ouch' + * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andThrow('baz'); + * + * @param {String} exceptionMsg + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.andThrow = function(exceptionMsg) { + this.plan = function() { + throw exceptionMsg; + }; + return this; +}; + +/** + * Calls an alternate implementation when a spy is called. + * + * @example + * var baz = function() { + * // do some stuff, return something + * } + * // defining a spy from scratch: foo() calls the function baz + * var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andCall(baz); + * + * // defining a spy on an existing property: foo.bar() calls an anonymnous function + * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andCall(function() { return 'baz';} ); + * + * @param {Function} fakeFunc + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallFake = function(fakeFunc) { + this.plan = fakeFunc; + return this; +}; + +/** + * Resets all of a spy's the tracking variables so that it can be used again. + * + * @example + * spyOn(foo, 'bar'); + * + * foo.bar(); + * + * expect(foo.bar.callCount).toEqual(1); + * + * foo.bar.reset(); + * + * expect(foo.bar.callCount).toEqual(0); + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.reset = function() { + this.wasCalled = false; + this.callCount = 0; + this.argsForCall = []; + this.calls = []; + this.mostRecentCall = {}; +}; + +jasmine.createSpy = function(name) { + + var spyObj = function() { + spyObj.wasCalled = true; + spyObj.callCount++; + var args = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments); + spyObj.mostRecentCall.object = this; + spyObj.mostRecentCall.args = args; + spyObj.argsForCall.push(args); + spyObj.calls.push({object: this, args: args}); + return spyObj.plan.apply(this, arguments); + }; + + var spy = new jasmine.Spy(name); + + for (var prop in spy) { + spyObj[prop] = spy[prop]; + } + + spyObj.reset(); + + return spyObj; +}; + +/** + * Determines whether an object is a spy. + * + * @param {jasmine.Spy|Object} putativeSpy + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isSpy = function(putativeSpy) { + return putativeSpy && putativeSpy.isSpy; +}; + +/** + * Creates a more complicated spy: an Object that has every property a function that is a spy. Used for stubbing something + * large in one call. + * + * @param {String} baseName name of spy class + * @param {Array} methodNames array of names of methods to make spies + */ +jasmine.createSpyObj = function(baseName, methodNames) { + if (!jasmine.isArray_(methodNames) || methodNames.length == 0) { + throw new Error('createSpyObj requires a non-empty array of method names to create spies for'); + } + var obj = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) { + obj[methodNames[i]] = jasmine.createSpy(baseName + '.' + methodNames[i]); + } + return obj; +}; + +/** + * All parameters are pretty-printed and concatenated together, then written to the current spec's output. + * + * Be careful not to leave calls to jasmine.log in production code. + */ +jasmine.log = function() { + var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec; + spec.log.apply(spec, arguments); +}; + +/** + * Function that installs a spy on an existing object's method name. Used within a Spec to create a spy. + * + * @example + * // spy example + * var foo = { + * not: function(bool) { return !bool; } + * } + * spyOn(foo, 'not'); // actual foo.not will not be called, execution stops + * + * @see jasmine.createSpy + * @param obj + * @param methodName + * @returns a Jasmine spy that can be chained with all spy methods + */ +var spyOn = function(obj, methodName) { + return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.spyOn(obj, methodName); +}; + +/** + * Creates a Jasmine spec that will be added to the current suite. + * + * // TODO: pending tests + * + * @example + * it('should be true', function() { + * expect(true).toEqual(true); + * }); + * + * @param {String} desc description of this specification + * @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec + */ +var it = function(desc, func) { + return jasmine.getEnv().it(desc, func); +}; + +/** + * Creates a disabled Jasmine spec. + * + * A convenience method that allows existing specs to be disabled temporarily during development. + * + * @param {String} desc description of this specification + * @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec + */ +var xit = function(desc, func) { + return jasmine.getEnv().xit(desc, func); +}; + +/** + * Starts a chain for a Jasmine expectation. + * + * It is passed an Object that is the actual value and should chain to one of the many + * jasmine.Matchers functions. + * + * @param {Object} actual Actual value to test against and expected value + */ +var expect = function(actual) { + return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.expect(actual); +}; + +/** + * Defines part of a jasmine spec. Used in cominbination with waits or waitsFor in asynchrnous specs. + * + * @param {Function} func Function that defines part of a jasmine spec. + */ +var runs = function(func) { + jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.runs(func); +}; + +/** + * Waits a fixed time period before moving to the next block. + * + * @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead + * @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait + */ +var waits = function(timeout) { + jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waits(timeout); +}; + +/** + * Waits for the latchFunction to return true before proceeding to the next block. + * + * @param {Function} latchFunction + * @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage + * @param {Number} optional_timeout + */ +var waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) { + jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waitsFor.apply(jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec, arguments); +}; + +/** + * A function that is called before each spec in a suite. + * + * Used for spec setup, including validating assumptions. + * + * @param {Function} beforeEachFunction + */ +var beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) { + jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach(beforeEachFunction); +}; + +/** + * A function that is called after each spec in a suite. + * + * Used for restoring any state that is hijacked during spec execution. + * + * @param {Function} afterEachFunction + */ +var afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) { + jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(afterEachFunction); +}; + +/** + * Defines a suite of specifications. + * + * Stores the description and all defined specs in the Jasmine environment as one suite of specs. Variables declared + * are accessible by calls to beforeEach, it, and afterEach. Describe blocks can be nested, allowing for specialization + * of setup in some tests. + * + * @example + * // TODO: a simple suite + * + * // TODO: a simple suite with a nested describe block + * + * @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test. + * @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs. + */ +var describe = function(description, specDefinitions) { + return jasmine.getEnv().describe(description, specDefinitions); +}; + +/** + * Disables a suite of specifications. Used to disable some suites in a file, or files, temporarily during development. + * + * @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test. + * @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs. + */ +var xdescribe = function(description, specDefinitions) { + return jasmine.getEnv().xdescribe(description, specDefinitions); +}; + + +// Provide the XMLHttpRequest class for IE 5.x-6.x: +jasmine.XmlHttpRequest = (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined") ? function() { + try { + return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); + } catch(e) { + } + try { + return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); + } catch(e) { + } + try { + return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); + } catch(e) { + } + try { + return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); + } catch(e) { + } + throw new Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest."); +} : XMLHttpRequest; +/** + * @namespace + */ +jasmine.util = {}; + +/** + * Declare that a child class inherit it's prototype from the parent class. + * + * @private + * @param {Function} childClass + * @param {Function} parentClass + */ +jasmine.util.inherit = function(childClass, parentClass) { + /** + * @private + */ + var subclass = function() { + }; + subclass.prototype = parentClass.prototype; + childClass.prototype = new subclass; +}; + +jasmine.util.formatException = function(e) { + var lineNumber; + if (e.line) { + lineNumber = e.line; + } + else if (e.lineNumber) { + lineNumber = e.lineNumber; + } + + var file; + + if (e.sourceURL) { + file = e.sourceURL; + } + else if (e.fileName) { + file = e.fileName; + } + + var message = (e.name && e.message) ? (e.name + ': ' + e.message) : e.toString(); + + if (file && lineNumber) { + message += ' in ' + file + ' (line ' + lineNumber + ')'; + } + + return message; +}; + +jasmine.util.htmlEscape = function(str) { + if (!str) return str; + return str.replace(/&/g, '&') + .replace(//g, '>'); +}; + +jasmine.util.argsToArray = function(args) { + var arrayOfArgs = []; + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) arrayOfArgs.push(args[i]); + return arrayOfArgs; +}; + +jasmine.util.extend = function(destination, source) { + for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property]; + return destination; +}; + +/** + * Environment for Jasmine + * + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.Env = function() { + this.currentSpec = null; + this.currentSuite = null; + this.currentRunner_ = new jasmine.Runner(this); + + this.reporter = new jasmine.MultiReporter(); + + this.updateInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL; + this.defaultTimeoutInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; + this.lastUpdate = 0; + this.specFilter = function() { + return true; + }; + + this.nextSpecId_ = 0; + this.nextSuiteId_ = 0; + this.equalityTesters_ = []; + + // wrap matchers + this.matchersClass = function() { + jasmine.Matchers.apply(this, arguments); + }; + jasmine.util.inherit(this.matchersClass, jasmine.Matchers); + + jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(jasmine.Matchers.prototype, this.matchersClass); +}; + + +jasmine.Env.prototype.setTimeout = jasmine.setTimeout; +jasmine.Env.prototype.clearTimeout = jasmine.clearTimeout; +jasmine.Env.prototype.setInterval = jasmine.setInterval; +jasmine.Env.prototype.clearInterval = jasmine.clearInterval; + +/** + * @returns an object containing jasmine version build info, if set. + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.version = function () { + if (jasmine.version_) { + return jasmine.version_; + } else { + throw new Error('Version not set'); + } +}; + +/** + * @returns string containing jasmine version build info, if set. + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.versionString = function() { + if (jasmine.version_) { + var version = this.version(); + return version.major + "." + version.minor + "." + version.build + " revision " + version.revision; + } else { + return "version unknown"; + } +}; + +/** + * @returns a sequential integer starting at 0 + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSpecId = function () { + return this.nextSpecId_++; +}; + +/** + * @returns a sequential integer starting at 0 + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSuiteId = function () { + return this.nextSuiteId_++; +}; + +/** + * Register a reporter to receive status updates from Jasmine. + * @param {jasmine.Reporter} reporter An object which will receive status updates. + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) { + this.reporter.addReporter(reporter); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.execute = function() { + this.currentRunner_.execute(); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.describe = function(description, specDefinitions) { + var suite = new jasmine.Suite(this, description, specDefinitions, this.currentSuite); + + var parentSuite = this.currentSuite; + if (parentSuite) { + parentSuite.add(suite); + } else { + this.currentRunner_.add(suite); + } + + this.currentSuite = suite; + + var declarationError = null; + try { + specDefinitions.call(suite); + } catch(e) { + declarationError = e; + } + + this.currentSuite = parentSuite; + + if (declarationError) { + this.it("encountered a declaration exception", function() { + throw declarationError; + }); + } + + return suite; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) { + if (this.currentSuite) { + this.currentSuite.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction); + } else { + this.currentRunner_.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction); + } +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.currentRunner = function () { + return this.currentRunner_; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) { + if (this.currentSuite) { + this.currentSuite.afterEach(afterEachFunction); + } else { + this.currentRunner_.afterEach(afterEachFunction); + } + +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.xdescribe = function(desc, specDefinitions) { + return { + execute: function() { + } + }; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.it = function(description, func) { + var spec = new jasmine.Spec(this, this.currentSuite, description); + this.currentSuite.add(spec); + this.currentSpec = spec; + + if (func) { + spec.runs(func); + } + + return spec; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.xit = function(desc, func) { + return { + id: this.nextSpecId(), + runs: function() { + } + }; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.compareObjects_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) { + if (a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === b && b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === a) { + return true; + } + + a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = b; + b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = a; + + var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) { + return obj != null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined; + }; + + for (var property in b) { + if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) { + mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual."); + } + } + for (property in a) { + if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) { + mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual."); + } + } + for (property in b) { + if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue; + if (!this.equals_(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) { + mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(b[property].toString()) : b[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (a[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual."); + } + } + + if (jasmine.isArray_(a) && jasmine.isArray_(b) && a.length != b.length) { + mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length"); + } + + delete a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__; + delete b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__; + return (mismatchKeys.length == 0 && mismatchValues.length == 0); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.equals_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) { + mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || []; + mismatchValues = mismatchValues || []; + + for (var i = 0; i < this.equalityTesters_.length; i++) { + var equalityTester = this.equalityTesters_[i]; + var result = equalityTester(a, b, this, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues); + if (result !== jasmine.undefined) return result; + } + + if (a === b) return true; + + if (a === jasmine.undefined || a === null || b === jasmine.undefined || b === null) { + return (a == jasmine.undefined && b == jasmine.undefined); + } + + if (jasmine.isDomNode(a) && jasmine.isDomNode(b)) { + return a === b; + } + + if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) { + return a.getTime() == b.getTime(); + } + + if (a instanceof jasmine.Matchers.Any) { + return a.matches(b); + } + + if (b instanceof jasmine.Matchers.Any) { + return b.matches(a); + } + + if (jasmine.isString_(a) && jasmine.isString_(b)) { + return (a == b); + } + + if (jasmine.isNumber_(a) && jasmine.isNumber_(b)) { + return (a == b); + } + + if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") { + return this.compareObjects_(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues); + } + + //Straight check + return (a === b); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.contains_ = function(haystack, needle) { + if (jasmine.isArray_(haystack)) { + for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) { + if (this.equals_(haystack[i], needle)) return true; + } + return false; + } + return haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.addEqualityTester = function(equalityTester) { + this.equalityTesters_.push(equalityTester); +}; +/** No-op base class for Jasmine reporters. + * + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.Reporter = function() { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.log = function(str) { +}; + +/** + * Blocks are functions with executable code that make up a spec. + * + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + * @param {Function} func + * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec + */ +jasmine.Block = function(env, func, spec) { + this.env = env; + this.func = func; + this.spec = spec; +}; + +jasmine.Block.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) { + try { + this.func.apply(this.spec); + } catch (e) { + this.spec.fail(e); + } + onComplete(); +}; +/** JavaScript API reporter. + * + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.JsApiReporter = function() { + this.started = false; + this.finished = false; + this.suites_ = []; + this.results_ = {}; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) { + this.started = true; + var suites = runner.topLevelSuites(); + for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) { + var suite = suites[i]; + this.suites_.push(this.summarize_(suite)); + } +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.suites = function() { + return this.suites_; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarize_ = function(suiteOrSpec) { + var isSuite = suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite; + var summary = { + id: suiteOrSpec.id, + name: suiteOrSpec.description, + type: isSuite ? 'suite' : 'spec', + children: [] + }; + + if (isSuite) { + var children = suiteOrSpec.children(); + for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { + summary.children.push(this.summarize_(children[i])); + } + } + return summary; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.results = function() { + return this.results_; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpec = function(specId) { + return this.results_[specId]; +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) { + this.finished = true; +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) { + this.results_[spec.id] = { + messages: spec.results().getItems(), + result: spec.results().failedCount > 0 ? "failed" : "passed" + }; +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.log = function(str) { +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpecs = function(specIds){ + var results = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < specIds.length; i++) { + var specId = specIds[i]; + results[specId] = this.summarizeResult_(this.results_[specId]); + } + return results; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarizeResult_ = function(result){ + var summaryMessages = []; + var messagesLength = result.messages.length; + for (var messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messagesLength; messageIndex++) { + var resultMessage = result.messages[messageIndex]; + summaryMessages.push({ + text: resultMessage.type == 'log' ? resultMessage.toString() : jasmine.undefined, + passed: resultMessage.passed ? resultMessage.passed() : true, + type: resultMessage.type, + message: resultMessage.message, + trace: { + stack: resultMessage.passed && !resultMessage.passed() ? resultMessage.trace.stack : jasmine.undefined + } + }); + } + + return { + result : result.result, + messages : summaryMessages + }; +}; + +/** + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + * @param actual + * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec + */ +jasmine.Matchers = function(env, actual, spec, opt_isNot) { + this.env = env; + this.actual = actual; + this.spec = spec; + this.isNot = opt_isNot || false; + this.reportWasCalled_ = false; +}; + +// todo: @deprecated as of Jasmine 0.11, remove soon [xw] +jasmine.Matchers.pp = function(str) { + throw new Error("jasmine.Matchers.pp() is no longer supported, please use jasmine.pp() instead!"); +}; + +// todo: @deprecated Deprecated as of Jasmine 0.10. Rewrite your custom matchers to return true or false. [xw] +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.report = function(result, failing_message, details) { + throw new Error("As of jasmine 0.11, custom matchers must be implemented differently -- please see jasmine docs"); +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_ = function(prototype, matchersClass) { + for (var methodName in prototype) { + if (methodName == 'report') continue; + var orig = prototype[methodName]; + matchersClass.prototype[methodName] = jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_(methodName, orig); + } +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_ = function(matcherName, matcherFunction) { + return function() { + var matcherArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments); + var result = matcherFunction.apply(this, arguments); + + if (this.isNot) { + result = !result; + } + + if (this.reportWasCalled_) return result; + + var message; + if (!result) { + if (this.message) { + message = this.message.apply(this, arguments); + if (jasmine.isArray_(message)) { + message = message[this.isNot ? 1 : 0]; + } + } else { + var englishyPredicate = matcherName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(s) { return ' ' + s.toLowerCase(); }); + message = "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + (this.isNot ? " not " : " ") + englishyPredicate; + if (matcherArgs.length > 0) { + for (var i = 0; i < matcherArgs.length; i++) { + if (i > 0) message += ","; + message += " " + jasmine.pp(matcherArgs[i]); + } + } + message += "."; + } + } + var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({ + matcherName: matcherName, + passed: result, + expected: matcherArgs.length > 1 ? matcherArgs : matcherArgs[0], + actual: this.actual, + message: message + }); + this.spec.addMatcherResult(expectationResult); + return jasmine.undefined; + }; +}; + + + + +/** + * toBe: compares the actual to the expected using === + * @param expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBe = function(expected) { + return this.actual === expected; +}; + +/** + * toNotBe: compares the actual to the expected using !== + * @param expected + * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toBe() instead. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotBe = function(expected) { + return this.actual !== expected; +}; + +/** + * toEqual: compares the actual to the expected using common sense equality. Handles Objects, Arrays, etc. + * + * @param expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toEqual = function(expected) { + return this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected); +}; + +/** + * toNotEqual: compares the actual to the expected using the ! of jasmine.Matchers.toEqual + * @param expected + * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toNotEqual() instead. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotEqual = function(expected) { + return !this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to the expected using a regular expression. Constructs a RegExp, so takes + * a pattern or a String. + * + * @param expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toMatch = function(expected) { + return new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to the expected using the boolean inverse of jasmine.Matchers.toMatch + * @param expected + * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toMatch() instead. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotMatch = function(expected) { + return !(new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual)); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeDefined = function() { + return (this.actual !== jasmine.undefined); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeUndefined = function() { + return (this.actual === jasmine.undefined); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to null. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeNull = function() { + return (this.actual === null); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that boolean not-nots the actual. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeTruthy = function() { + return !!this.actual; +}; + + +/** + * Matcher that boolean nots the actual. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeFalsy = function() { + return !this.actual; +}; + + +/** + * Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was called. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled = function() { + if (arguments.length > 0) { + throw new Error('toHaveBeenCalled does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith'); + } + + if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) { + throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.'); + } + + this.message = function() { + return [ + "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called.", + "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called." + ]; + }; + + return this.actual.wasCalled; +}; + +/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalled() instead */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasCalled = jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled; + +/** + * Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was not called. + * + * @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalled() instead + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalled = function() { + if (arguments.length > 0) { + throw new Error('wasNotCalled does not take arguments'); + } + + if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) { + throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.'); + } + + this.message = function() { + return [ + "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to not have been called.", + "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called." + ]; + }; + + return !this.actual.wasCalled; +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was called with a set of parameters. + * + * @example + * + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith = function() { + var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments); + if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) { + throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.'); + } + this.message = function() { + if (this.actual.callCount == 0) { + // todo: what should the failure message for .not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() be? is this right? test better. [xw] + return [ + "Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was never called.", + "Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was." + ]; + } else { + return [ + "Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall), + "Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall) + ]; + } + }; + + return this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs); +}; + +/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasCalledWith = jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith; + +/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalledWith = function() { + var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments); + if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) { + throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.'); + } + + this.message = function() { + return [ + "Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was", + "Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was" + ] + }; + + return !this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks that the expected item is an element in the actual Array. + * + * @param {Object} expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toContain = function(expected) { + return this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks that the expected item is NOT an element in the actual Array. + * + * @param {Object} expected + * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toNotContain() instead. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotContain = function(expected) { + return !this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected); +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeLessThan = function(expected) { + return this.actual < expected; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeGreaterThan = function(expected) { + return this.actual > expected; +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks that the expected exception was thrown by the actual. + * + * @param {String} expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toThrow = function(expected) { + var result = false; + var exception; + if (typeof this.actual != 'function') { + throw new Error('Actual is not a function'); + } + try { + this.actual(); + } catch (e) { + exception = e; + } + if (exception) { + result = (expected === jasmine.undefined || this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected)); + } + + var not = this.isNot ? "not " : ""; + + this.message = function() { + if (exception && (expected === jasmine.undefined || !this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected))) { + return ["Expected function " + not + "to throw", expected ? expected.message || expected : " an exception", ", but it threw", exception.message || exception].join(' '); + } else { + return "Expected function to throw an exception."; + } + }; + + return result; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.Any = function(expectedClass) { + this.expectedClass = expectedClass; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.matches = function(other) { + if (this.expectedClass == String) { + return typeof other == 'string' || other instanceof String; + } + + if (this.expectedClass == Number) { + return typeof other == 'number' || other instanceof Number; + } + + if (this.expectedClass == Function) { + return typeof other == 'function' || other instanceof Function; + } + + if (this.expectedClass == Object) { + return typeof other == 'object'; + } + + return other instanceof this.expectedClass; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.toString = function() { + return ''; +}; + +/** + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.MultiReporter = function() { + this.subReporters_ = []; +}; +jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.MultiReporter, jasmine.Reporter); + +jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) { + this.subReporters_.push(reporter); +}; + +(function() { + var functionNames = [ + "reportRunnerStarting", + "reportRunnerResults", + "reportSuiteResults", + "reportSpecStarting", + "reportSpecResults", + "log" + ]; + for (var i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) { + var functionName = functionNames[i]; + jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype[functionName] = (function(functionName) { + return function() { + for (var j = 0; j < this.subReporters_.length; j++) { + var subReporter = this.subReporters_[j]; + if (subReporter[functionName]) { + subReporter[functionName].apply(subReporter, arguments); + } + } + }; + })(functionName); + } +})(); +/** + * Holds results for a set of Jasmine spec. Allows for the results array to hold another jasmine.NestedResults + * + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.NestedResults = function() { + /** + * The total count of results + */ + this.totalCount = 0; + /** + * Number of passed results + */ + this.passedCount = 0; + /** + * Number of failed results + */ + this.failedCount = 0; + /** + * Was this suite/spec skipped? + */ + this.skipped = false; + /** + * @ignore + */ + this.items_ = []; +}; + +/** + * Roll up the result counts. + * + * @param result + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.rollupCounts = function(result) { + this.totalCount += result.totalCount; + this.passedCount += result.passedCount; + this.failedCount += result.failedCount; +}; + +/** + * Adds a log message. + * @param values Array of message parts which will be concatenated later. + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.log = function(values) { + this.items_.push(new jasmine.MessageResult(values)); +}; + +/** + * Getter for the results: message & results. + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.getItems = function() { + return this.items_; +}; + +/** + * Adds a result, tracking counts (total, passed, & failed) + * @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult|jasmine.NestedResults} result + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.addResult = function(result) { + if (result.type != 'log') { + if (result.items_) { + this.rollupCounts(result); + } else { + this.totalCount++; + if (result.passed()) { + this.passedCount++; + } else { + this.failedCount++; + } + } + } + this.items_.push(result); +}; + +/** + * @returns {Boolean} True if everything below passed + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.passed = function() { + return this.passedCount === this.totalCount; +}; +/** + * Base class for pretty printing for expectation results. + */ +jasmine.PrettyPrinter = function() { + this.ppNestLevel_ = 0; +}; + +/** + * Formats a value in a nice, human-readable string. + * + * @param value + */ +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.format = function(value) { + if (this.ppNestLevel_ > 40) { + throw new Error('jasmine.PrettyPrinter: format() nested too deeply!'); + } + + this.ppNestLevel_++; + try { + if (value === jasmine.undefined) { + this.emitScalar('undefined'); + } else if (value === null) { + this.emitScalar('null'); + } else if (value === jasmine.getGlobal()) { + this.emitScalar(''); + } else if (value instanceof jasmine.Matchers.Any) { + this.emitScalar(value.toString()); + } else if (typeof value === 'string') { + this.emitString(value); + } else if (jasmine.isSpy(value)) { + this.emitScalar("spy on " + value.identity); + } else if (value instanceof RegExp) { + this.emitScalar(value.toString()); + } else if (typeof value === 'function') { + this.emitScalar('Function'); + } else if (typeof value.nodeType === 'number') { + this.emitScalar('HTMLNode'); + } else if (value instanceof Date) { + this.emitScalar('Date(' + value + ')'); + } else if (value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__) { + this.emitScalar(''); + } else if (jasmine.isArray_(value) || typeof value == 'object') { + value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = true; + if (jasmine.isArray_(value)) { + this.emitArray(value); + } else { + this.emitObject(value); + } + delete value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__; + } else { + this.emitScalar(value.toString()); + } + } finally { + this.ppNestLevel_--; + } +}; + +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.iterateObject = function(obj, fn) { + for (var property in obj) { + if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue; + fn(property, obj.__lookupGetter__ ? (obj.__lookupGetter__(property) != null) : false); + } +}; + +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_; +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_; +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_; +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter = function() { + jasmine.PrettyPrinter.call(this); + + this.string = ''; +}; +jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter, jasmine.PrettyPrinter); + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = function(value) { + this.append(value); +}; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = function(value) { + this.append("'" + value + "'"); +}; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = function(array) { + this.append('[ '); + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + if (i > 0) { + this.append(', '); + } + this.format(array[i]); + } + this.append(' ]'); +}; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = function(obj) { + var self = this; + this.append('{ '); + var first = true; + + this.iterateObject(obj, function(property, isGetter) { + if (first) { + first = false; + } else { + self.append(', '); + } + + self.append(property); + self.append(' : '); + if (isGetter) { + self.append(''); + } else { + self.format(obj[property]); + } + }); + + this.append(' }'); +}; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.append = function(value) { + this.string += value; +}; +jasmine.Queue = function(env) { + this.env = env; + this.blocks = []; + this.running = false; + this.index = 0; + this.offset = 0; + this.abort = false; +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.addBefore = function(block) { + this.blocks.unshift(block); +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.add = function(block) { + this.blocks.push(block); +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.insertNext = function(block) { + this.blocks.splice((this.index + this.offset + 1), 0, block); + this.offset++; +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.start = function(onComplete) { + this.running = true; + this.onComplete = onComplete; + this.next_(); +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.isRunning = function() { + return this.running; +}; + +jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE = true; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.next_ = function() { + var self = this; + var goAgain = true; + + while (goAgain) { + goAgain = false; + + if (self.index < self.blocks.length && !this.abort) { + var calledSynchronously = true; + var completedSynchronously = false; + + var onComplete = function () { + if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && calledSynchronously) { + completedSynchronously = true; + return; + } + + if (self.blocks[self.index].abort) { + self.abort = true; + } + + self.offset = 0; + self.index++; + + var now = new Date().getTime(); + if (self.env.updateInterval && now - self.env.lastUpdate > self.env.updateInterval) { + self.env.lastUpdate = now; + self.env.setTimeout(function() { + self.next_(); + }, 0); + } else { + if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && completedSynchronously) { + goAgain = true; + } else { + self.next_(); + } + } + }; + self.blocks[self.index].execute(onComplete); + + calledSynchronously = false; + if (completedSynchronously) { + onComplete(); + } + + } else { + self.running = false; + if (self.onComplete) { + self.onComplete(); + } + } + } +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.results = function() { + var results = new jasmine.NestedResults(); + for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) { + if (this.blocks[i].results) { + results.addResult(this.blocks[i].results()); + } + } + return results; +}; + + +/** + * Runner + * + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + */ +jasmine.Runner = function(env) { + var self = this; + self.env = env; + self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env); + self.before_ = []; + self.after_ = []; + self.suites_ = []; +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.execute = function() { + var self = this; + if (self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting) { + self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting(this); + } + self.queue.start(function () { + self.finishCallback(); + }); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) { + beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach'; + this.before_.splice(0,0,beforeEachFunction); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) { + afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach'; + this.after_.splice(0,0,afterEachFunction); +}; + + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.finishCallback = function() { + this.env.reporter.reportRunnerResults(this); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.addSuite = function(suite) { + this.suites_.push(suite); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.add = function(block) { + if (block instanceof jasmine.Suite) { + this.addSuite(block); + } + this.queue.add(block); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.specs = function () { + var suites = this.suites(); + var specs = []; + for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) { + specs = specs.concat(suites[i].specs()); + } + return specs; +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.suites = function() { + return this.suites_; +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.topLevelSuites = function() { + var topLevelSuites = []; + for (var i = 0; i < this.suites_.length; i++) { + if (!this.suites_[i].parentSuite) { + topLevelSuites.push(this.suites_[i]); + } + } + return topLevelSuites; +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.results = function() { + return this.queue.results(); +}; +/** + * Internal representation of a Jasmine specification, or test. + * + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + * @param {jasmine.Suite} suite + * @param {String} description + */ +jasmine.Spec = function(env, suite, description) { + if (!env) { + throw new Error('jasmine.Env() required'); + } + if (!suite) { + throw new Error('jasmine.Suite() required'); + } + var spec = this; + spec.id = env.nextSpecId ? env.nextSpecId() : null; + spec.env = env; + spec.suite = suite; + spec.description = description; + spec.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env); + + spec.afterCallbacks = []; + spec.spies_ = []; + + spec.results_ = new jasmine.NestedResults(); + spec.results_.description = description; + spec.matchersClass = null; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.getFullName = function() { + return this.suite.getFullName() + ' ' + this.description + '.'; +}; + + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.results = function() { + return this.results_; +}; + +/** + * All parameters are pretty-printed and concatenated together, then written to the spec's output. + * + * Be careful not to leave calls to jasmine.log in production code. + */ +jasmine.Spec.prototype.log = function() { + return this.results_.log(arguments); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.runs = function (func) { + var block = new jasmine.Block(this.env, func, this); + this.addToQueue(block); + return this; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.addToQueue = function (block) { + if (this.queue.isRunning()) { + this.queue.insertNext(block); + } else { + this.queue.add(block); + } +}; + +/** + * @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult} result + */ +jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatcherResult = function(result) { + this.results_.addResult(result); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.expect = function(actual) { + var positive = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this); + positive.not = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this, true); + return positive; +}; + +/** + * Waits a fixed time period before moving to the next block. + * + * @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead + * @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait + */ +jasmine.Spec.prototype.waits = function(timeout) { + var waitsFunc = new jasmine.WaitsBlock(this.env, timeout, this); + this.addToQueue(waitsFunc); + return this; +}; + +/** + * Waits for the latchFunction to return true before proceeding to the next block. + * + * @param {Function} latchFunction + * @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage + * @param {Number} optional_timeout + */ +jasmine.Spec.prototype.waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) { + var latchFunction_ = null; + var optional_timeoutMessage_ = null; + var optional_timeout_ = null; + + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var arg = arguments[i]; + switch (typeof arg) { + case 'function': + latchFunction_ = arg; + break; + case 'string': + optional_timeoutMessage_ = arg; + break; + case 'number': + optional_timeout_ = arg; + break; + } + } + + var waitsForFunc = new jasmine.WaitsForBlock(this.env, optional_timeout_, latchFunction_, optional_timeoutMessage_, this); + this.addToQueue(waitsForFunc); + return this; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.fail = function (e) { + var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({ + passed: false, + message: e ? jasmine.util.formatException(e) : 'Exception' + }); + this.results_.addResult(expectationResult); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.getMatchersClass_ = function() { + return this.matchersClass || this.env.matchersClass; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatchers = function(matchersPrototype) { + var parent = this.getMatchersClass_(); + var newMatchersClass = function() { + parent.apply(this, arguments); + }; + jasmine.util.inherit(newMatchersClass, parent); + jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(matchersPrototype, newMatchersClass); + this.matchersClass = newMatchersClass; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.finishCallback = function() { + this.env.reporter.reportSpecResults(this); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) { + this.removeAllSpies(); + this.finishCallback(); + if (onComplete) { + onComplete(); + } +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.after = function(doAfter) { + if (this.queue.isRunning()) { + this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, doAfter, this)); + } else { + this.afterCallbacks.unshift(doAfter); + } +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) { + var spec = this; + if (!spec.env.specFilter(spec)) { + spec.results_.skipped = true; + spec.finish(onComplete); + return; + } + + this.env.reporter.reportSpecStarting(this); + + spec.env.currentSpec = spec; + + spec.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue(); + + spec.queue.start(function () { + spec.finish(onComplete); + }); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue = function() { + var runner = this.env.currentRunner(); + var i; + + for (var suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) { + for (i = 0; i < suite.before_.length; i++) { + this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.before_[i], this)); + } + } + for (i = 0; i < runner.before_.length; i++) { + this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.before_[i], this)); + } + for (i = 0; i < this.afterCallbacks.length; i++) { + this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, this.afterCallbacks[i], this)); + } + for (suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) { + for (i = 0; i < suite.after_.length; i++) { + this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.after_[i], this)); + } + } + for (i = 0; i < runner.after_.length; i++) { + this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.after_[i], this)); + } +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.explodes = function() { + throw 'explodes function should not have been called'; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.spyOn = function(obj, methodName, ignoreMethodDoesntExist) { + if (obj == jasmine.undefined) { + throw "spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for " + methodName + "()"; + } + + if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] === jasmine.undefined) { + throw methodName + '() method does not exist'; + } + + if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] && obj[methodName].isSpy) { + throw new Error(methodName + ' has already been spied upon'); + } + + var spyObj = jasmine.createSpy(methodName); + + this.spies_.push(spyObj); + spyObj.baseObj = obj; + spyObj.methodName = methodName; + spyObj.originalValue = obj[methodName]; + + obj[methodName] = spyObj; + + return spyObj; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.removeAllSpies = function() { + for (var i = 0; i < this.spies_.length; i++) { + var spy = this.spies_[i]; + spy.baseObj[spy.methodName] = spy.originalValue; + } + this.spies_ = []; +}; + +/** + * Internal representation of a Jasmine suite. + * + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + * @param {String} description + * @param {Function} specDefinitions + * @param {jasmine.Suite} parentSuite + */ +jasmine.Suite = function(env, description, specDefinitions, parentSuite) { + var self = this; + self.id = env.nextSuiteId ? env.nextSuiteId() : null; + self.description = description; + self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env); + self.parentSuite = parentSuite; + self.env = env; + self.before_ = []; + self.after_ = []; + self.children_ = []; + self.suites_ = []; + self.specs_ = []; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.getFullName = function() { + var fullName = this.description; + for (var parentSuite = this.parentSuite; parentSuite; parentSuite = parentSuite.parentSuite) { + fullName = parentSuite.description + ' ' + fullName; + } + return fullName; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) { + this.env.reporter.reportSuiteResults(this); + this.finished = true; + if (typeof(onComplete) == 'function') { + onComplete(); + } +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) { + beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach'; + this.before_.unshift(beforeEachFunction); +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) { + afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach'; + this.after_.unshift(afterEachFunction); +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.results = function() { + return this.queue.results(); +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.add = function(suiteOrSpec) { + this.children_.push(suiteOrSpec); + if (suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite) { + this.suites_.push(suiteOrSpec); + this.env.currentRunner().addSuite(suiteOrSpec); + } else { + this.specs_.push(suiteOrSpec); + } + this.queue.add(suiteOrSpec); +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.specs = function() { + return this.specs_; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.suites = function() { + return this.suites_; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.children = function() { + return this.children_; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) { + var self = this; + this.queue.start(function () { + self.finish(onComplete); + }); +}; +jasmine.WaitsBlock = function(env, timeout, spec) { + this.timeout = timeout; + jasmine.Block.call(this, env, null, spec); +}; + +jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsBlock, jasmine.Block); + +jasmine.WaitsBlock.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) { + this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + this.timeout + ' ms...'); + this.env.setTimeout(function () { + onComplete(); + }, this.timeout); +}; +/** + * A block which waits for some condition to become true, with timeout. + * + * @constructor + * @extends jasmine.Block + * @param {jasmine.Env} env The Jasmine environment. + * @param {Number} timeout The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the condition to become true. + * @param {Function} latchFunction A function which returns true when the desired condition has been met. + * @param {String} message The message to display if the desired condition hasn't been met within the given time period. + * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec The Jasmine spec. + */ +jasmine.WaitsForBlock = function(env, timeout, latchFunction, message, spec) { + this.timeout = timeout || env.defaultTimeoutInterval; + this.latchFunction = latchFunction; + this.message = message; + this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch = 0; + jasmine.Block.call(this, env, null, spec); +}; +jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsForBlock, jasmine.Block); + +jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT = 10; + +jasmine.WaitsForBlock.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) { + this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen')); + var latchFunctionResult; + try { + latchFunctionResult = this.latchFunction.apply(this.spec); + } catch (e) { + this.spec.fail(e); + onComplete(); + return; + } + + if (latchFunctionResult) { + onComplete(); + } else if (this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch >= this.timeout) { + var message = 'timed out after ' + this.timeout + ' msec waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen'); + this.spec.fail({ + name: 'timeout', + message: message + }); + + this.abort = true; + onComplete(); + } else { + this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch += jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT; + var self = this; + this.env.setTimeout(function() { + self.execute(onComplete); + }, jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT); + } +}; +// Mock setTimeout, clearTimeout +// Contributed by Pivotal Computer Systems, www.pivotalsf.com + +jasmine.FakeTimer = function() { + this.reset(); + + var self = this; + self.setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) { + self.timeoutsMade++; + self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, false); + return self.timeoutsMade; + }; + + self.setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) { + self.timeoutsMade++; + self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, true); + return self.timeoutsMade; + }; + + self.clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) { + self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined; + }; + + self.clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) { + self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined; + }; + +}; + +jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.reset = function() { + this.timeoutsMade = 0; + this.scheduledFunctions = {}; + this.nowMillis = 0; +}; + +jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.tick = function(millis) { + var oldMillis = this.nowMillis; + var newMillis = oldMillis + millis; + this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, newMillis); + this.nowMillis = newMillis; +}; + +jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.runFunctionsWithinRange = function(oldMillis, nowMillis) { + var scheduledFunc; + var funcsToRun = []; + for (var timeoutKey in this.scheduledFunctions) { + scheduledFunc = this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey]; + if (scheduledFunc != jasmine.undefined && + scheduledFunc.runAtMillis >= oldMillis && + scheduledFunc.runAtMillis <= nowMillis) { + funcsToRun.push(scheduledFunc); + this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined; + } + } + + if (funcsToRun.length > 0) { + funcsToRun.sort(function(a, b) { + return a.runAtMillis - b.runAtMillis; + }); + for (var i = 0; i < funcsToRun.length; ++i) { + try { + var funcToRun = funcsToRun[i]; + this.nowMillis = funcToRun.runAtMillis; + funcToRun.funcToCall(); + if (funcToRun.recurring) { + this.scheduleFunction(funcToRun.timeoutKey, + funcToRun.funcToCall, + funcToRun.millis, + true); + } + } catch(e) { + } + } + this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis); + } +}; + +jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.scheduleFunction = function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) { + this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = { + runAtMillis: this.nowMillis + millis, + funcToCall: funcToCall, + recurring: recurring, + timeoutKey: timeoutKey, + millis: millis + }; +}; + +/** + * @namespace + */ +jasmine.Clock = { + defaultFakeTimer: new jasmine.FakeTimer(), + + reset: function() { + jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled(); + jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.reset(); + }, + + tick: function(millis) { + jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled(); + jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.tick(millis); + }, + + runFunctionsWithinRange: function(oldMillis, nowMillis) { + jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis); + }, + + scheduleFunction: function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) { + jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.scheduleFunction(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring); + }, + + useMock: function() { + if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) { + var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec; + spec.after(jasmine.Clock.uninstallMock); + + jasmine.Clock.installMock(); + } + }, + + installMock: function() { + jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer; + }, + + uninstallMock: function() { + jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled(); + jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real; + }, + + real: { + setTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout, + clearTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout, + setInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval, + clearInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval + }, + + assertInstalled: function() { + if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) { + throw new Error("Mock clock is not installed, use jasmine.Clock.useMock()"); + } + }, + + isInstalled: function() { + return jasmine.Clock.installed == jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer; + }, + + installed: null +}; +jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real; + +//else for IE support +jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) { + if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply) { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout(funcToCall, millis); + } +}; + +jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) { + if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply) { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval(funcToCall, millis); + } +}; + +jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) { + if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout(timeoutKey); + } +}; + +jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) { + if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval(timeoutKey); + } +}; + + +jasmine.version_= { + "major": 1, + "minor": 0, + "build": 2, + "revision": 1298837858 +}; diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/runner.html b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/runner.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54be51c --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/jasmine/runner.html @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + + Jasmine Test Runner + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/methods.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/methods.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19e354b --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/methods.js @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +$(document).ready(function() { + + module("Library Methods"); + + test("accounting.unformat()", function() { + equals(accounting.unformat("$12,345,678.90 USD"), 12345678.9, 'Can unformat currency to float'); + equals(accounting.unformat(1234567890), 1234567890, 'Returns same value when passed an integer'); + equals(accounting.unformat("string"), 0, 'Returns 0 for a string with no numbers'); + equals(accounting.unformat({joss:1}), 0, 'Returns 0 for object'); + + accounting.settings.number.decimal = ','; + equals(accounting.unformat("100,00"), 100, 'Uses decimal separator from settings'); + equals(accounting.unformat("¤1.000,00"), 1000, 'Uses decimal separator from settings'); + accounting.settings.number.decimal = '.'; + }); + + test("accounting.toFixed()", function() { + equals(accounting.toFixed(54321, 5), "54321.00000", 'Performs basic float zero-padding'); + equals(accounting.toFixed(0.615, 2), "0.62", 'Rounds 0.615 to "0.62" instead of "0.61"'); + }); + + test("accounting.formatNumber()", function() { + // Check custom precision and separators: + equals(accounting.formatNumber(4999.99, 2, ".", ","), "4.999,99", 'Custom precision and decimal/thousand separators are a-ok') + + // check usage with options object parameter: + equal(accounting.formatNumber(5318008, { + precision : 3, + thousand : "__", + decimal : "--" + }), "5__318__008--000", 'Correctly handles custom precision and separators passed in via second param options object'); + + + // check rounding: + equals(accounting.formatNumber(0.615, 2), "0.62", 'Rounds 0.615 up to "0.62" with precision of 2'); + + // manually and recursively formatted arrays should have same values: + var numbers = [8008135, [1234, 5678], 1000]; + var formattedManually = [accounting.formatNumber(8008135), [accounting.formatNumber(1234), accounting.formatNumber(5678)], accounting.formatNumber(1000)]; + var formattedRecursively = accounting.formatNumber(numbers); + equals(formattedRecursively.toString(), formattedManually.toString(), 'can recursively format multi-dimensional arrays'); + }); + + + test("accounting.formatMoney()", function() { + equals(accounting.formatMoney(12345678), "$12,345,678.00", "Default usage with default parameters is ok"); + equals(accounting.formatMoney(4999.99, "$ ", 2, ".", ","), "$ 4.999,99", 'custom formatting via straight params works ok'); + equals(accounting.formatMoney(-500000, "£ ", 0), "£ -500,000", 'negative values, custom params, works ok'); + equals(accounting.formatMoney(5318008, { symbol: "GBP", format: "%v %s" }), "5,318,008.00 GBP", "`format` parameter is observed in string output"); + equals(accounting.formatMoney(1000, { format: "test %v 123 %s test" }), "test 1,000.00 123 $ test", "`format` parameter is observed in string output, despite being rather strange"); + + // Format param is an object: + var format = { + pos: "%s %v", + neg: "%s (%v)", + zero:"%s --" + } + equals(accounting.formatMoney(0, { symbol: "GBP", format:format}), "GBP --", "`format` parameter provided given as an object with `zero` format, correctly observed in string output"); + equals(accounting.formatMoney(-1000, { symbol: "GBP", format:format}), "GBP (1,000.00)", "`format` parameter provided given as an object with `neg` format, correctly observed in string output"); + equals(accounting.formatMoney(1000, { symbol: "GBP", format:{neg:"--%v %s"}}), "GBP1,000.00", "`format` parameter provided, but only `neg` value provided - positive value should be formatted by default format (%s%v)"); + + accounting.settings.currency.format = "%s%v"; + accounting.formatMoney(0, {format:""}); + equals(typeof accounting.settings.currency.format, "object", "`settings.currency.format` default string value should be reformatted to an object, the first time it is used"); + }); + + + test("accounting.formatColumn()", function() { + // standard usage: + var list = [123, 12345]; + equals(accounting.formatColumn(list, "$ ", 0).toString(), (["$ 123", "$ 12,345"]).toString(), "formatColumn works as expected"); + + + // multi-dimensional array (formatColumn should be applied recursively): + var list = [[1, 100], [900, 9]]; + equals(accounting.formatColumn(list).toString(), ([["$ 1.00", "$100.00"], ["$900.00", "$ 9.00"]]).toString(), "formatcolumn works on multi-dimensional array"); + + + // random numbers, must come back same length: + var column = accounting.formatColumn([Math.random(), Math.random() * 1000, Math.random() * 10000000]); + ok((column[0].length === column[2].length && column[1].length === column[2].length), "formatColumn() with 3 random numbers returned strings of matching length"); + + + // random numbers, must come back same length: + var column = accounting.formatColumn([Math.random(), Math.random() * 1000, Math.random() * 10000000], { + format: '(%v] --++== %s', + thousand: ')(', + decimal: ')[', + precision: 3 + }); + ok((column[0].length === column[2].length && column[1].length === column[2].length), "formatColumn() with 3 random numbers returned strings of matching length, even with a weird custom `format` parameter"); + + + + }); + +}); diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/speed.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/speed.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5d0f86 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/speed.js @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +(function() { + + var numbers = []; + for (var i=0; i<1000; i++) numbers.push((Math.random() * (1000*i))); + var strings = $.map(numbers, function(num){ return accounting.formatMoney(num*1000, "HK$ "); }); + + JSLitmus.test('unformat()', function(count) { + var i = 0; + while ( count-- ) { + accounting.unformat(strings[i]) + i++; + i > strings.length && (i = 0); + } + }); + + JSLitmus.test('unformat(array)', function(count) { + var i = 0; + while ( count-- ) { + accounting.unformat([strings[i], strings[i+1]]); + i += 2; + i > numbers.length && (i = 0); + } + }); + + JSLitmus.test('toFixed()', function(count) { + while ( count-- ) { + accounting.toFixed(count*1000, 2); + } + }); + + JSLitmus.test('formatNumber()', function(count) { + var i = 0; + while ( count-- ) { + accounting.formatNumber(numbers[i]); + i++; + i > numbers.length && (i = 0); + } + }); + + JSLitmus.test('formatNumber(array)', function(count) { + var i = 0; + while ( count-- ) { + accounting.formatNumber([numbers[i], numbers[i+1]]); + i += 2; + i > numbers.length && (i = 0); + } + }); + + JSLitmus.test('formatMoney()', function(count) { + var i = 0; + while ( count-- ) { + accounting.formatMoney(numbers[i]); + i++; + i > numbers.length && (i = 0); + } + }); + + JSLitmus.test('formatMoney(array)', function(count) { + var i = 0; + while ( count-- ) { + accounting.formatMoney([numbers[i], numbers[i+1]]); + i += 2; + i > numbers.length && (i = 0); + } + }); + + JSLitmus.test('formatColumn()', function(count) { + var i = 0; + while ( count-- ) { + accounting.formatColumn([numbers[i], numbers[i+1]]); + i += 2; + i > numbers.length && (i = 0); + } + }); + +})(); diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/test.html b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/test.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c9b02c --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/test.html @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + + + accounting.js test suite + + + + + + + + + + +

accounting.js tests




    accounting.js speed tests


    Each library method is represented here running on predefined random numbers/strings, with default parameters, to provide a sense of how fast they might run in different browsers.

    + + +
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IN +// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, +// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR +// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE +// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +(function() { + // Private methods and state + + // Get platform info but don't go crazy trying to recognize everything + // that's out there. This is just for the major platforms and OSes. + var platform = 'unknown platform', ua = navigator.userAgent; + + // Detect OS + var oses = ['Windows','iPhone OS','(Intel |PPC )?Mac OS X','Linux'].join('|'); + var pOS = new RegExp('((' + oses + ') [^ \);]*)').test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : null; + if (!pOS) pOS = new RegExp('((' + oses + ')[^ \);]*)').test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : null; + + // Detect browser + var pName = /(Chrome|MSIE|Safari|Opera|Firefox)/.test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : null; + + // Detect version + var vre = new RegExp('(Version|' + pName + ')[ \/]([^ ;]*)'); + var pVersion = (pName && vre.test(ua)) ? RegExp.$2 : null; + var platform = (pOS && pName && pVersion) ? pName + ' ' + pVersion + ' on ' + pOS : 'unknown platform'; + + /** + * A smattering of methods that are needed to implement the JSLitmus testbed. + */ + var jsl = { + /** + * Enhanced version of escape() + */ + escape: function(s) { + s = s.replace(/,/g, '\\,'); + s = escape(s); + s = s.replace(/\+/g, '%2b'); + s = s.replace(/ /g, '+'); + return s; + }, + + /** + * Get an element by ID. + */ + $: function(id) { + return document.getElementById(id); + }, + + /** + * Null function + */ + F: function() {}, + + /** + * Set the status shown in the UI + */ + status: function(msg) { + var el = jsl.$('jsl_status'); + if (el) el.innerHTML = msg || ''; + }, + + /** + * Convert a number to an abbreviated string like, "15K" or "10M" + */ + toLabel: function(n) { + if (n == Infinity) { + return 'Infinity'; + } else if (n > 1e9) { + n = Math.round(n/1e8); + return n/10 + 'B'; + } else if (n > 1e6) { + n = Math.round(n/1e5); + return n/10 + 'M'; + } else if (n > 1e3) { + n = Math.round(n/1e2); + return n/10 + 'K'; + } + return n; + }, + + /** + * Copy properties from src to dst + */ + extend: function(dst, src) { + for (var k in src) dst[k] = src[k]; return dst; + }, + + /** + * Like Array.join(), but for the key-value pairs in an object + */ + join: function(o, delimit1, delimit2) { + if (o.join) return o.join(delimit1); // If it's an array + var pairs = []; + for (var k in o) pairs.push(k + delimit1 + o[k]); + return pairs.join(delimit2); + }, + + /** + * Array#indexOf isn't supported in IE, so we use this as a cross-browser solution + */ + indexOf: function(arr, o) { + if (arr.indexOf) return arr.indexOf(o); + for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (arr[i] === o) return i; + return -1; + } + }; + + /** + * Test manages a single test (created with + * JSLitmus.test()) + * + * @private + */ + var Test = function (name, f) { + if (!f) throw new Error('Undefined test function'); + if (!(/function[^\(]*\(([^,\)]*)/).test(f.toString())) { + throw new Error('"' + name + '" test: Test is not a valid Function object'); + } + this.loopArg = RegExp.$1; + this.name = name; + this.f = f; + }; + + jsl.extend(Test, /** @lends Test */ { + /** Calibration tests for establishing iteration loop overhead */ + CALIBRATIONS: [ + new Test('calibrating loop', function(count) {while (count--);}), + new Test('calibrating function', jsl.F) + ], + + /** + * Run calibration tests. Returns true if calibrations are not yet + * complete (in which case calling code should run the tests yet again). + * onCalibrated - Callback to invoke when calibrations have finished + */ + calibrate: function(onCalibrated) { + for (var i = 0; i < Test.CALIBRATIONS.length; i++) { + var cal = Test.CALIBRATIONS[i]; + if (cal.running) return true; + if (!cal.count) { + cal.isCalibration = true; + cal.onStop = onCalibrated; + //cal.MIN_TIME = .1; // Do calibrations quickly + cal.run(2e4); + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + }); + + jsl.extend(Test.prototype, {/** @lends Test.prototype */ + /** Initial number of iterations */ + INIT_COUNT: 10, + /** Max iterations allowed (i.e. used to detect bad looping functions) */ + MAX_COUNT: 1e9, + /** Minimum time a test should take to get valid results (secs) */ + MIN_TIME: .5, + + /** Callback invoked when test state changes */ + onChange: jsl.F, + + /** Callback invoked when test is finished */ + onStop: jsl.F, + + /** + * Reset test state + */ + reset: function() { + delete this.count; + delete this.time; + delete this.running; + delete this.error; + }, + + /** + * Run the test (in a timeout). We use a timeout to make sure the browser + * has a chance to finish rendering any UI changes we've made, like + * updating the status message. + */ + run: function(count) { + count = count || this.INIT_COUNT; + jsl.status(this.name + ' x ' + count); + this.running = true; + var me = this; + setTimeout(function() {me._run(count);}, 200); + }, + + /** + * The nuts and bolts code that actually runs a test + */ + _run: function(count) { + var me = this; + + // Make sure calibration tests have run + if (!me.isCalibration && Test.calibrate(function() {me.run(count);})) return; + this.error = null; + + try { + var start, f = this.f, now, i = count; + + // Start the timer + start = new Date(); + + // Now for the money shot. If this is a looping function ... + if (this.loopArg) { + // ... let it do the iteration itself + f(count); + } else { + // ... otherwise do the iteration for it + while (i--) f(); + } + + // Get time test took (in secs) + this.time = Math.max(1,new Date() - start)/1000; + + // Store iteration count and per-operation time taken + this.count = count; + this.period = this.time/count; + + // Do we need to do another run? + this.running = this.time <= this.MIN_TIME; + + // ... if so, compute how many times we should iterate + if (this.running) { + // Bump the count to the nearest power of 2 + var x = this.MIN_TIME/this.time; + var pow = Math.pow(2, Math.max(1, Math.ceil(Math.log(x)/Math.log(2)))); + count *= pow; + if (count > this.MAX_COUNT) { + throw new Error('Max count exceeded. If this test uses a looping function, make sure the iteration loop is working properly.'); + } + } + } catch (e) { + // Exceptions are caught and displayed in the test UI + this.reset(); + this.error = e; + } + + // Figure out what to do next + if (this.running) { + me.run(count); + } else { + jsl.status(''); + me.onStop(me); + } + + // Finish up + this.onChange(this); + }, + + /** + * Get the number of operations per second for this test. + * + * @param normalize if true, iteration loop overhead taken into account + */ + getHz: function(/**Boolean*/ normalize) { + var p = this.period; + + // Adjust period based on the calibration test time + if (normalize && !this.isCalibration) { + var cal = Test.CALIBRATIONS[this.loopArg ? 0 : 1]; + + // If the period is within 20% of the calibration time, then zero the + // it out + p = p < cal.period*1.2 ? 0 : p - cal.period; + } + + return Math.round(1/p); + }, + + /** + * Get a friendly string describing the test + */ + toString: function() { + return this.name + ' - ' + this.time/this.count + ' secs'; + } + }); + + // CSS we need for the UI + var STYLESHEET = ''; + + // HTML markup for the UI + var MARKUP = '
    \ + \ + \ +
    \ +
    \ + Normalize results \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ + \ +
    ' + platform + '
    \ +
    \ + \ + Powered by JSLitmus \ +
    '; + + /** + * The public API for creating and running tests + */ + window.JSLitmus = { + /** The list of all tests that have been registered with JSLitmus.test */ + _tests: [], + /** The queue of tests that need to be run */ + _queue: [], + + /** + * The parsed query parameters the current page URL. This is provided as a + * convenience for test functions - it's not used by JSLitmus proper + */ + params: {}, + + /** + * Initialize + */ + _init: function() { + // Parse query params into JSLitmus.params[] hash + var match = (location + '').match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/); + if (match) { + var pairs = match[1].split('&'); + for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { + var pair = pairs[i].split('='); + if (pair.length > 1) { + var key = pair.shift(); + var value = pair.length > 1 ? pair.join('=') : pair[0]; + this.params[key] = value; + } + } + } + + // Write out the stylesheet. We have to do this here because IE + // doesn't honor sheets written after the document has loaded. + document.write(STYLESHEET); + + // Setup the rest of the UI once the document is loaded + if (window.addEventListener) { + window.addEventListener('load', this._setup, false); + } else if (document.addEventListener) { + document.addEventListener('load', this._setup, false); + } else if (window.attachEvent) { + window.attachEvent('onload', this._setup); + } + + return this; + }, + + /** + * Set up the UI + */ + _setup: function() { + var el = jsl.$('jslitmus_container'); + if (!el) document.body.appendChild(el = document.createElement('div')); + + el.innerHTML = MARKUP; + + // Render the UI for all our tests + for (var i=0; i < JSLitmus._tests.length; i++) + JSLitmus.renderTest(JSLitmus._tests[i]); + }, + + /** + * (Re)render all the test results + */ + renderAll: function() { + for (var i = 0; i < JSLitmus._tests.length; i++) + JSLitmus.renderTest(JSLitmus._tests[i]); + JSLitmus.renderChart(); + }, + + /** + * (Re)render the chart graphics + */ + renderChart: function() { + var url = JSLitmus.chartUrl(); + jsl.$('chart_link').href = url; + jsl.$('chart_image').src = url; + jsl.$('chart').style.display = ''; + + // Update the tiny URL + jsl.$('tiny_url').src = 'http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='+escape(url); + }, + + /** + * (Re)render the results for a specific test + */ + renderTest: function(test) { + // Make a new row if needed + if (!test._row) { + var trow = jsl.$('test_row_template'); + if (!trow) return; + + test._row = trow.cloneNode(true); + test._row.style.display = ''; + test._row.id = ''; + test._row.onclick = function() {JSLitmus._queueTest(test);}; + test._row.title = 'Run ' + test.name + ' test'; + trow.parentNode.appendChild(test._row); + test._row.cells[0].innerHTML = test.name; + } + + var cell = test._row.cells[1]; + var cns = [test.loopArg ? 'test_looping' : 'test_nonlooping']; + + if (test.error) { + cns.push('test_error'); + cell.innerHTML = + '
    ' + test.error + '
    ' + + '
    • ' + + jsl.join(test.error, ': ', '
    • ') + + '
    '; + } else { + if (test.running) { + cns.push('test_running'); + cell.innerHTML = 'running'; + } else if (jsl.indexOf(JSLitmus._queue, test) >= 0) { + cns.push('test_pending'); + cell.innerHTML = 'pending'; + } else if (test.count) { + cns.push('test_done'); + var hz = test.getHz(jsl.$('test_normalize').checked); + cell.innerHTML = hz != Infinity ? hz : '∞'; + } else { + cell.innerHTML = 'ready'; + } + } + cell.className = cns.join(' '); + }, + + /** + * Create a new test + */ + test: function(name, f) { + // Create the Test object + var test = new Test(name, f); + JSLitmus._tests.push(test); + + // Re-render if the test state changes + test.onChange = JSLitmus.renderTest; + + // Run the next test if this one finished + test.onStop = function(test) { + if (JSLitmus.onTestFinish) JSLitmus.onTestFinish(test); + JSLitmus.currentTest = null; + JSLitmus._nextTest(); + }; + + // Render the new test + this.renderTest(test); + }, + + /** + * Add all tests to the run queue + */ + runAll: function(e) { + e = e || window.event; + var reverse = e && e.shiftKey, len = JSLitmus._tests.length; + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + JSLitmus._queueTest(JSLitmus._tests[!reverse ? i : (len - i - 1)]); + } + }, + + /** + * Remove all tests from the run queue. The current test has to finish on + * it's own though + */ + stop: function() { + while (JSLitmus._queue.length) { + var test = JSLitmus._queue.shift(); + JSLitmus.renderTest(test); + } + }, + + /** + * Run the next test in the run queue + */ + _nextTest: function() { + if (!JSLitmus.currentTest) { + var test = JSLitmus._queue.shift(); + if (test) { + jsl.$('stop_button').disabled = false; + JSLitmus.currentTest = test; + test.run(); + JSLitmus.renderTest(test); + if (JSLitmus.onTestStart) JSLitmus.onTestStart(test); + } else { + jsl.$('stop_button').disabled = true; + JSLitmus.renderChart(); + } + } + }, + + /** + * Add a test to the run queue + */ + _queueTest: function(test) { + if (jsl.indexOf(JSLitmus._queue, test) >= 0) return; + JSLitmus._queue.push(test); + JSLitmus.renderTest(test); + JSLitmus._nextTest(); + }, + + /** + * Generate a Google Chart URL that shows the data for all tests + */ + chartUrl: function() { + var n = JSLitmus._tests.length, markers = [], data = []; + var d, min = 0, max = -1e10; + var normalize = jsl.$('test_normalize').checked; + + // Gather test data + for (var i=0; i < JSLitmus._tests.length; i++) { + var test = JSLitmus._tests[i]; + if (test.count) { + var hz = test.getHz(normalize); + var v = hz != Infinity ? hz : 0; + data.push(v); + markers.push('t' + jsl.escape(test.name + '(' + jsl.toLabel(hz)+ ')') + ',000000,0,' + + markers.length + ',10'); + max = Math.max(v, max); + } + } + if (markers.length <= 0) return null; + + // Build chart title + var title = document.getElementsByTagName('title'); + title = (title && title.length) ? title[0].innerHTML : null; + var chart_title = []; + if (title) chart_title.push(title); + chart_title.push('Ops/sec (' + platform + ')'); + + // Build labels + var labels = [jsl.toLabel(min), jsl.toLabel(max)]; + + var w = 250, bw = 15; + var bs = 5; + var h = markers.length*(bw + bs) + 30 + chart_title.length*20; + + var params = { + chtt: escape(chart_title.join('|')), + chts: '000000,10', + cht: 'bhg', // chart type + chd: 't:' + data.join(','), // data set + chds: min + ',' + max, // max/min of data + chxt: 'x', // label axes + chxl: '0:|' + labels.join('|'), // labels + chsp: '0,1', + chm: markers.join('|'), // test names + chbh: [bw, 0, bs].join(','), // bar widths + // chf: 'bg,lg,0,eeeeee,0,eeeeee,.5,ffffff,1', // gradient + chs: w + 'x' + h + }; + return 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' + jsl.join(params, '=', '&'); + } + }; + + JSLitmus._init(); +})(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/vendor/qunit.css b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/vendor/qunit.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d0d3a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/vendor/qunit.css @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +/** Font Family and Sizes */ + +#qunit-tests, #qunit-header, .qunit-header, #qunit-banner, #qunit-testrunner-toolbar, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult { + font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue", Calibri, Helvetica, Arial; +} + +#qunit-testrunner-toolbar, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult, #qunit-tests li { font-size: small; } +#qunit-tests { font-size: smaller; } + + +/** Resets */ + +#qunit-tests, #qunit-tests ol, #qunit-header, #qunit-banner, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + + +/** Header */ + +#qunit-header, .qunit-header { + padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 1em; + + color: #8699a4; + background-color: #0d3349; + + font-size: 1.5em; + line-height: 1em; + font-weight: normal; + + border-radius: 15px 15px 0 0; + -moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 0 0; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 15px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 15px; +} + +#qunit-header a { + text-decoration: none; + color: #c2ccd1; +} + +#qunit-header a:hover, +#qunit-header a:focus { + color: #fff; +} + +#qunit-banner { + height: 5px; +} + +#qunit-testrunner-toolbar { + padding: 0em 0 0.5em 2em; +} + +#qunit-userAgent { + padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 2.5em; + background-color: #2b81af; + color: #fff; + text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 2px 2px 1px; +} + + +/** Tests: Pass/Fail */ + +#qunit-tests { + list-style-position: inside; +} + +#qunit-tests li { + padding: 0.4em 0.5em 0.4em 2.5em; + border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; + list-style-position: inside; +} + +#qunit-tests li strong { + cursor: pointer; +} + +#qunit-tests ol { + margin-top: 0.5em; + padding: 0.5em; + + background-color: #fff; + + border-radius: 15px; + -moz-border-radius: 15px; + -webkit-border-radius: 15px; + + box-shadow: inset 0px 2px 13px #999; + -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 2px 13px #999; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 2px 13px #999; +} + +#qunit-tests table { + border-collapse: collapse; + margin-top: .2em; +} + +#qunit-tests th { + text-align: right; + vertical-align: top; + padding: 0 .5em 0 0; +} + +#qunit-tests td { + vertical-align: top; +} + +#qunit-tests pre { + margin: 0; + white-space: pre-wrap; + word-wrap: break-word; +} + +#qunit-tests del { + background-color: #e0f2be; + color: #374e0c; + text-decoration: none; +} + +#qunit-tests ins { + background-color: #ffcaca; + color: #500; + text-decoration: none; +} + +/*** Test Counts */ + +#qunit-tests b.counts { color: black; } +#qunit-tests b.passed { color: #5E740B; } +#qunit-tests b.failed { color: #710909; } + +#qunit-tests li li { + margin: 0.5em; + padding: 0.4em 0.5em 0.4em 0.5em; + background-color: #fff; + border-bottom: none; + list-style-position: inside; +} + +/*** Passing Styles */ + +#qunit-tests li li.pass { + color: #5E740B; + background-color: #fff; + border-left: 26px solid #C6E746; +} + +#qunit-tests .pass { color: #528CE0; background-color: #D2E0E6; } +#qunit-tests .pass .test-name { color: #366097; } + +#qunit-tests .pass .test-actual, +#qunit-tests .pass .test-expected { color: #999999; } + +#qunit-banner.qunit-pass { background-color: #C6E746; } + +/*** Failing Styles */ + +#qunit-tests li li.fail { + color: #710909; + background-color: #fff; + border-left: 26px solid #EE5757; +} + +#qunit-tests .fail { color: #000000; background-color: #EE5757; } +#qunit-tests .fail .test-name, +#qunit-tests .fail .module-name { color: #000000; } + +#qunit-tests .fail .test-actual { color: #EE5757; } +#qunit-tests .fail .test-expected { color: green; } + +#qunit-banner.qunit-fail, +#qunit-testrunner-toolbar { background-color: #EE5757; } + + +/** Footer */ + +#qunit-testresult { + padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 2.5em; + + color: #2b81af; + background-color: #D2E0E6; + + border-radius: 0 0 15px 15px; + -moz-border-radius: 0 0 15px 15px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 15px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; +} + +/** Fixture */ + +#qunit-fixture { + position: absolute; + top: -10000px; + left: -10000px; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/vendor/qunit.js b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/vendor/qunit.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..345630b --- /dev/null +++ b/cardano-calculator/node_modules/accounting/tests/qunit/vendor/qunit.js @@ -0,0 +1,2360 @@ +/* + * QUnit - A JavaScript Unit Testing Framework + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit + * + * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig, Jörn Zaefferer + * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) + * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. + */ + +(function(window) { + +var QUnit = { + + // Initialize the configuration options + init: function init() { + config = { + stats: { all: 0, bad: 0 }, + moduleStats: { all: 0, bad: 0 }, + started: +new Date, + blocking: false, + autorun: false, + assertions: [], + filters: [], + queue: [] + }; + + var tests = id("qunit-tests"), + banner = id("qunit-banner"), + result = id("qunit-testresult"); + + if ( tests ) { + tests.innerHTML = ""; + } + + if ( banner ) { + banner.className = ""; + } + + if ( result ) { + result.parentNode.removeChild( result ); + } + }, + + // call on start of module test to prepend name to all tests + module: function module(name, testEnvironment) { + + synchronize(function() { + if ( config.currentModule ) { + QUnit.moduleDone( config.currentModule, config.moduleStats.bad, config.moduleStats.all ); + } + + config.currentModule = name; + config.moduleTestEnvironment = testEnvironment; + config.moduleStats = { all: 0, bad: 0 }; + + QUnit.moduleStart( name, testEnvironment ); + }); + }, + + asyncTest: function asyncTest(testName, expected, callback) { + if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { + callback = expected; + expected = 0; + } + + QUnit.test(testName, expected, callback, true); + }, + + test: function test(testName, expected, callback, async) { + var name = testName, testEnvironment = {}; + + if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { + callback = expected; + expected = null; + } + + if ( config.currentModule ) { + name = config.currentModule + " module: " + name; + } + + if ( !validTest(name) ) { + return; + } + + synchronize(function() { + QUnit.testStart( testName ); + + testEnvironment = extend({ + setup: function() {}, + teardown: function() {} + }, config.moduleTestEnvironment); + + config.assertions = []; + config.expected = null; + + if ( arguments.length >= 3 ) { + config.expected = callback; + callback = arguments[2]; + } + + try { + if ( !config.pollution ) { + saveGlobal(); + } + + testEnvironment.setup.call(testEnvironment); + } catch(e) { + QUnit.ok( false, "Setup failed on " + name + ": " + e.message ); + } + + if ( async ) { + QUnit.stop(); + } + + try { + callback.call(testEnvironment); + } catch(e) { + fail("Test " + name + " died, exception and test follows", e, callback); + QUnit.ok( false, "Died on test #" + (config.assertions.length + 1) + ": " + e.message ); + // else next test will carry the responsibility + saveGlobal(); + + // Restart the tests if they're blocking + if ( config.blocking ) { + start(); + } + } + }); + + synchronize(function() { + try { + checkPollution(); + testEnvironment.teardown.call(testEnvironment); + } catch(e) { + QUnit.ok( false, "Teardown failed on " + name + ": " + e.message ); + } + + try { + QUnit.reset(); + } catch(e) { + fail("reset() failed, following Test " + name + ", exception and reset fn follows", e, reset); + } + + if ( config.expected && config.expected != config.assertions.length ) { + QUnit.ok( false, "Expected " + config.expected + " assertions, but " + config.assertions.length + " were run" ); + } + + var good = 0, bad = 0, + tests = id("qunit-tests"); + + config.stats.all += config.assertions.length; + config.moduleStats.all += config.assertions.length; + + if ( tests ) { + var ol = document.createElement("ol"); + ol.style.display = "none"; + + for ( var i = 0; i < config.assertions.length; i++ ) { + var assertion = config.assertions[i]; + + var li = document.createElement("li"); + li.className = assertion.result ? "pass" : "fail"; + li.innerHTML = assertion.message || "(no message)"; + ol.appendChild( li ); + + if ( assertion.result ) { + good++; + } else { + bad++; + config.stats.bad++; + config.moduleStats.bad++; + } + } + + var b = document.createElement("strong"); + b.innerHTML = name + " (" + bad + ", " + good + ", " + config.assertions.length + ")"; + + addEvent(b, "click", function() { + var next = b.nextSibling, display = next.style.display; + next.style.display = display === "none" ? "block" : "none"; + }); + + addEvent(b, "dblclick", function(e) { + var target = (e || window.event).target; + if ( target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "strong" ) { + var text = "", node = target.firstChild; + + while ( node.nodeType === 3 ) { + text += node.nodeValue; + node = node.nextSibling; + } + + text = text.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, ""); + + if ( window.location ) { + window.location.href = window.location.href.match(/^(.+?)(\?.*)?$/)[1] + "?" + encodeURIComponent(text); + } + } + }); + + var li = document.createElement("li"); + li.className = bad ? "fail" : "pass"; + li.appendChild( b ); + li.appendChild( ol ); + tests.appendChild( li ); + + if ( bad ) { + var toolbar = id("qunit-testrunner-toolbar"); + if ( toolbar ) { + toolbar.style.display = "block"; + id("qunit-filter-pass").disabled = null; + id("qunit-filter-missing").disabled = null; + } + } + + } else { + for ( var i = 0; i < config.assertions.length; i++ ) { + if ( !config.assertions[i].result ) { + bad++; + config.stats.bad++; + config.moduleStats.bad++; + } + } + } + + QUnit.testDone( testName, bad, config.assertions.length ); + + if ( !window.setTimeout && !config.queue.length ) { + done(); + } + }); + + if ( window.setTimeout && !config.doneTimer ) { + config.doneTimer = window.setTimeout(function(){ + if ( !config.queue.length ) { + done(); + } else { + synchronize( done ); + } + }, 13); + } + }, + + /** + * Specify the number of expected assertions to gurantee that failed test (no assertions are run at all) don't slip through. + */ + expect: function expect(asserts) { + config.expected = asserts; + }, + + /** + * Asserts true. + * @example ok( "asdfasdf".length > 5, "There must be at least 5 chars" ); + */ + ok: function ok(a, msg) { + QUnit.log(a, msg); + + config.assertions.push({ + result: !!a, + message: msg + }); + }, + + /** + * Checks that the first two arguments are equal, with an optional message. + * Prints out both actual and expected values. + * + * Prefered to ok( actual == expected, message ) + * + * @example equals( format("Received {0} bytes.", 2), "Received 2 bytes." ); + * + * @param Object actual + * @param Object expected + * @param String message (optional) + */ + equals: function equals(actual, expected, message) { + push(expected == actual, actual, expected, message); + }, + + same: function(a, b, message) { + push(QUnit.equiv(a, b), a, b, message); + }, + + start: function start() { + // A slight delay, to avoid any current callbacks + if ( window.setTimeout ) { + window.setTimeout(function() { + if ( config.timeout ) { + clearTimeout(config.timeout); + } + + config.blocking = false; + process(); + }, 13); + } else { + config.blocking = false; + process(); + } + }, + + stop: function stop(timeout) { + config.blocking = true; + + if ( timeout && window.setTimeout ) { + config.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { + QUnit.ok( false, "Test timed out" ); + QUnit.start(); + }, timeout); + } + }, + + /** + * Resets the test setup. Useful for tests that modify the DOM. + */ + reset: function reset() { + if ( window.jQuery ) { + jQuery("#main").html( config.fixture ); + jQuery.event.global = {}; + jQuery.ajaxSettings = extend({}, config.ajaxSettings); + } + }, + + /** + * Trigger an event on an element. + * + * @example triggerEvent( document.body, "click" ); + * + * @param DOMElement elem + * @param String type + */ + triggerEvent: function triggerEvent( elem, type, event ) { + if ( document.createEvent ) { + event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); + event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); + elem.dispatchEvent( event ); + + } else if ( elem.fireEvent ) { + elem.fireEvent("on"+type); + } + }, + + // Logging callbacks + done: function done(failures, total) {}, + log: function log(result, message) {}, + testStart: function testStart(name) {}, + testDone: function testDone(name, failures, total) {}, + moduleStart: function moduleStart(name, testEnvironment) {}, + moduleDone: function moduleDone(name, failures, total) {} +}; + +// Maintain internal state +var config = { + // The queue of tests to run + queue: [], + + // block until document ready + blocking: true +}; + +// Load paramaters +(function() { + var location = window.location || { search: "", protocol: "file:" }, + GETParams = location.search.slice(1).split('&'); + + for ( var i = 0; i < GETParams.length; i++ ) { + GETParams[i] = decodeURIComponent( GETParams[i] ); + if ( GETParams[i] === "noglobals" ) { + GETParams.splice( i, 1 ); + i--; + config.noglobals = true; + } + } + + // restrict modules/tests by get parameters + config.filters = GETParams; + + // Figure out if we're running the tests from a server or not + QUnit.isLocal = !!(location.protocol === 'file:'); +})(); + +// Expose the API as global variables, unless an 'exports' +// object exists, in that case we assume we're in CommonJS +if ( typeof exports === "undefined" || typeof require === "undefined" ) { + extend(window, QUnit); + window.QUnit = QUnit; +} else { + extend(exports, QUnit); + exports.QUnit = QUnit; +} + +if ( typeof document === "undefined" || document.readyState === "complete" ) { + config.autorun = true; +} + +addEvent(window, "load", function() { + // Initialize the config, saving the execution queue + var oldconfig = extend({}, config); + QUnit.init(); + extend(config, oldconfig); + + config.blocking = false; + + var userAgent = id("qunit-userAgent"); + if ( userAgent ) { + userAgent.innerHTML = navigator.userAgent; + } + + var toolbar = id("qunit-testrunner-toolbar"); + if ( toolbar ) { + toolbar.style.display = "none"; + + var filter = document.createElement("input"); + filter.type = "checkbox"; + filter.id = "qunit-filter-pass"; + filter.disabled = true; + addEvent( filter, "click", function() { + var li = document.getElementsByTagName("li"); + for ( var i = 0; i < li.length; i++ ) { + if ( li[i].className.indexOf("pass") > -1 ) { + li[i].style.display = filter.checked ? "none" : "block"; + } + } + }); + toolbar.appendChild( filter ); + + var label = document.createElement("label"); + label.setAttribute("for", "filter-pass"); + label.innerHTML = "Hide passed tests"; + toolbar.appendChild( label ); + + var missing = document.createElement("input"); + missing.type = "checkbox"; + missing.id = "qunit-filter-missing"; + missing.disabled = true; + addEvent( missing, "click", function() { + var li = document.getElementsByTagName("li"); + for ( var i = 0; i < li.length; i++ ) { + if ( li[i].className.indexOf("fail") > -1 && li[i].innerHTML.indexOf('missing test - untested code is broken code') > - 1 ) { + li[i].parentNode.parentNode.style.display = missing.checked ? "none" : "block"; + } + } + }); + toolbar.appendChild( missing ); + + label = document.createElement("label"); + label.setAttribute("for", "filter-missing"); + label.innerHTML = "Hide missing tests (untested code is broken code)"; + toolbar.appendChild( label ); + } + + var main = id('main'); + if ( main ) { + config.fixture = main.innerHTML; + } + + if ( window.jQuery ) { + config.ajaxSettings = window.jQuery.ajaxSettings; + } + + QUnit.start(); +}); + +function done() { + if ( config.doneTimer && window.clearTimeout ) { + window.clearTimeout( config.doneTimer ); + config.doneTimer = null; + } + + if ( config.queue.length ) { + config.doneTimer = window.setTimeout(function(){ + if ( !config.queue.length ) { + done(); + } else { + synchronize( done ); + } + }, 13); + + return; + } + + config.autorun = true; + + // Log the last module results + if ( config.currentModule ) { + QUnit.moduleDone( config.currentModule, config.moduleStats.bad, config.moduleStats.all ); + } + + var banner = id("qunit-banner"), + tests = id("qunit-tests"), + html = ['Tests completed in ', + +new Date - config.started, ' milliseconds.
    ', + '', config.stats.all - config.stats.bad, ' tests of ', config.stats.all, ' passed, ', config.stats.bad,' failed.'].join(''); + + if ( banner ) { + banner.className += " " + (config.stats.bad ? "fail" : "pass"); + } + + if ( tests ) { + var result = id("qunit-testresult"); + + if ( !result ) { + result = document.createElement("p"); + result.id = "qunit-testresult"; + result.className = "result"; + tests.parentNode.insertBefore( result, tests.nextSibling ); + } + + result.innerHTML = html; + } + + QUnit.done( config.stats.bad, config.stats.all ); +} + +function validTest( name ) { + var i = config.filters.length, + run = false; + + if ( !i ) { + return true; + } + + while ( i-- ) { + var filter = config.filters[i], + not = filter.charAt(0) == '!'; + + if ( not ) { + filter = filter.slice(1); + } + + if ( name.indexOf(filter) !== -1 ) { + return !not; + } + + if ( not ) { + run = true; + } + } + + return run; +} + +function push(result, actual, expected, message) { + message = message || (result ? "okay" : "failed"); + QUnit.ok( result, result ? message + ": " + expected : message + ", expected: " + QUnit.jsDump.parse(expected) + " result: " + QUnit.jsDump.parse(actual) ); +} + +function synchronize( callback ) { + config.queue.push( callback ); + + if ( config.autorun && !config.blocking ) { + process(); + } +} + +function process() { + while ( config.queue.length && !config.blocking ) { + config.queue.shift()(); + } +} + +function saveGlobal() { + config.pollution = []; + + if ( config.noglobals ) { + for ( var key in window ) { + config.pollution.push( key ); + } + } +} + +function checkPollution( name ) { + var old = config.pollution; + saveGlobal(); + + var newGlobals = diff( old, config.pollution ); + if ( newGlobals.length > 0 ) { + ok( false, "Introduced global variable(s): " + newGlobals.join(", ") ); + config.expected++; + } + + var deletedGlobals = diff( config.pollution, old ); + if ( deletedGlobals.length > 0 ) { + ok( false, "Deleted global variable(s): " + deletedGlobals.join(", ") ); + config.expected++; + } +} + +// returns a new Array with the elements that are in a but not in b +function diff( a, b ) { + var result = a.slice(); + for ( var i = 0; i < result.length; i++ ) { + for ( var j = 0; j < b.length; j++ ) { + if ( result[i] === b[j] ) { + result.splice(i, 1); + i--; + break; + } + } + } + return result; +} + +function fail(message, exception, callback) { + if ( typeof console !== "undefined" && console.error && console.warn ) { + console.error(message); + console.error(exception); + console.warn(callback.toString()); + + } else if ( window.opera && opera.postError ) { + opera.postError(message, exception, callback.toString); + } +} + +function extend(a, b) { + for ( var prop in b ) { + a[prop] = b[prop]; + } + + return a; +} + +function addEvent(elem, type, fn) { + if ( elem.addEventListener ) { + elem.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); + } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) { + elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, fn ); + } else { + fn(); + } +} + +function id(name) { + return !!(typeof document !== "undefined" && document && document.getElementById) && + document.getElementById( name ); +} + +// Test for equality any JavaScript type. +// Discussions and reference: http://philrathe.com/articles/equiv +// Test suites: http://philrathe.com/tests/equiv +// Author: Philippe Rathé +QUnit.equiv = function () { + + var innerEquiv; // the real equiv function + var callers = []; // stack to decide between skip/abort functions + + + // Determine what is o. + function hoozit(o) { + if (o.constructor === String) { + return "string"; + + } else if (o.constructor === Boolean) { + return "boolean"; + + } else if (o.constructor === Number) { + + if (isNaN(o)) { + return "nan"; + } else { + return "number"; + } + + } else if (typeof o === "undefined") { + return "undefined"; + + // consider: typeof null === object + } else if (o === null) { + return "null"; + + // consider: typeof [] === object + } else if (o instanceof Array) { + return "array"; + + // consider: typeof new Date() === object + } else if (o instanceof Date) { + return "date"; + + // consider: /./ instanceof Object; + // /./ instanceof RegExp; + // typeof /./ === "function"; // => false in IE and Opera, + // true in FF and Safari + } else if (o instanceof RegExp) { + return "regexp"; + + } else if (typeof o === "object") { + return "object"; + + } else if (o instanceof Function) { + return "function"; + } else { + return undefined; + } + } + + // Call the o related callback with the given arguments. + function handleEvents(o, callbacks, args) { + var prop = hoozit(o); + if (prop) { + if (hoozit(callbacks[prop]) === "function") { + return callbacks[prop].apply(callbacks, args); + } else { + return callbacks[prop]; // or undefined + } + } + } + + var callbacks = function () { + + // for string, boolean, number and null + function useStrictEquality(b, a) { + if (b instanceof a.constructor || a instanceof b.constructor) { + // to catch short annotaion VS 'new' annotation of a declaration + // e.g. var i = 1; + // var j = new Number(1); + return a == b; + } else { + return a === b; + } + } + + return { + "string": useStrictEquality, + "boolean": useStrictEquality, + "number": useStrictEquality, + "null": useStrictEquality, + "undefined": useStrictEquality, + + "nan": function (b) { + return isNaN(b); + }, + + "date": function (b, a) { + return hoozit(b) === "date" && a.valueOf() === b.valueOf(); + }, + + "regexp": function (b, a) { + return hoozit(b) === "regexp" && + a.source === b.source && // the regex itself + a.global === b.global && // and its modifers (gmi) ... + a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase && + a.multiline === b.multiline; + }, + + // - skip when the property is a method of an instance (OOP) + // - abort otherwise, + // initial === would have catch identical references anyway + "function": function () { + var caller = callers[callers.length - 1]; + return caller !== Object && + typeof caller !== "undefined"; + }, + + "array": function (b, a) { + var i; + var len; + + // b could be an object literal here + if ( ! (hoozit(b) === "array")) { + return false; + } + + len = a.length; + if (len !== b.length) { // safe and faster + return false; + } + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if ( ! innerEquiv(a[i], b[i])) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }, + + "object": function (b, a) { + var i; + var eq = true; // unless we can proove it + var aProperties = [], bProperties = []; // collection of strings + + // comparing constructors is more strict than using instanceof + if ( a.constructor !== b.constructor) { + return false; + } + + // stack constructor before traversing properties + callers.push(a.constructor); + + for (i in a) { // be strict: don't ensures hasOwnProperty and go deep + + aProperties.push(i); // collect a's properties + + if ( ! innerEquiv(a[i], b[i])) { + eq = false; + } + } + + callers.pop(); // unstack, we are done + + for (i in b) { + bProperties.push(i); // collect b's properties + } + + // Ensures identical properties name + return eq && innerEquiv(aProperties.sort(), bProperties.sort()); + } + }; + }(); + + innerEquiv = function () { // can take multiple arguments + var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments); + if (args.length < 2) { + return true; // end transition + } + + return (function (a, b) { + if (a === b) { + return true; // catch the most you can + } else if (a === null || b === null || typeof a === "undefined" || typeof b === "undefined" || hoozit(a) !== hoozit(b)) { + return false; // don't lose time with error prone cases + } else { + return handleEvents(a, callbacks, [b, a]); + } + + // apply transition with (1..n) arguments + })(args[0], args[1]) && arguments.callee.apply(this, args.splice(1, args.length -1)); + }; + + return innerEquiv; + +}(); + +/** + * jsDump + * Copyright (c) 2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | http://flesler.blogspot.com + * Licensed under BSD (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) + * Date: 5/15/2008 + * @projectDescription Advanced and extensible data dumping for Javascript. + * @version 1.0.0 + * @author Ariel Flesler + * @link {http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/05/jsdump-pretty-dump-of-any-javascript.html} + */ +QUnit.jsDump = (function() { + function quote( str ) { + return '"' + str.toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; + }; + function literal( o ) { + return o + ''; + }; + function join( pre, arr, post ) { + var s = jsDump.separator(), + base = jsDump.indent(), + inner = jsDump.indent(1); + if ( arr.join ) + arr = arr.join( ',' + s + inner ); + if ( !arr ) + return pre + post; + return [ pre, inner + arr, base + post ].join(s); + }; + function array( arr ) { + var i = arr.length, ret = Array(i); + this.up(); + while ( i-- ) + ret[i] = this.parse( arr[i] ); + this.down(); + return join( '[', ret, ']' ); + }; + + var reName = /^function (\w+)/; + + var jsDump = { + parse:function( obj, type ) { //type is used mostly internally, you can fix a (custom)type in advance + var parser = this.parsers[ type || this.typeOf(obj) ]; + type = typeof parser; + + return type == 'function' ? parser.call( this, obj ) : + type == 'string' ? parser : + this.parsers.error; + }, + typeOf:function( obj ) { + var type = typeof obj, + f = 'function';//we'll use it 3 times, save it + return type != 'object' && type != f ? type : + !obj ? 'null' : + obj.exec ? 'regexp' :// some browsers (FF) consider regexps functions + obj.getHours ? 'date' : + obj.scrollBy ? 'window' : + obj.nodeName == '#document' ? 'document' : + obj.nodeName ? 'node' : + obj.item ? 'nodelist' : // Safari reports nodelists as functions + obj.callee ? 'arguments' : + obj.call || obj.constructor != Array && //an array would also fall on this hack + (obj+'').indexOf(f) != -1 ? f : //IE reports functions like alert, as objects + 'length' in obj ? 'array' : + type; + }, + separator:function() { + return this.multiline ? this.HTML ? '
    ' : '\n' : this.HTML ? ' ' : ' '; + }, + indent:function( extra ) {// extra can be a number, shortcut for increasing-calling-decreasing + if ( !this.multiline ) + return ''; + var chr = this.indentChar; + if ( this.HTML ) + chr = chr.replace(/\t/g,' ').replace(/ /g,' '); + return Array( this._depth_ + (extra||0) ).join(chr); + }, + up:function( a ) { + this._depth_ += a || 1; + }, + down:function( a ) { + this._depth_ -= a || 1; + }, + setParser:function( name, parser ) { + this.parsers[name] = parser; + }, + // The next 3 are exposed so you can use them + quote:quote, + literal:literal, + join:join, + // + _depth_: 1, + // This is the list of parsers, to modify them, use jsDump.setParser + parsers:{ + window: '[Window]', + document: '[Document]', + error:'[ERROR]', //when no parser is found, shouldn't happen + unknown: '[Unknown]', + 'null':'null', + undefined:'undefined', + 'function':function( fn ) { + var ret = 'function', + name = 'name' in fn ? fn.name : (reName.exec(fn)||[])[1];//functions never have name in IE + if ( name ) + ret += ' ' + name; + ret += '('; + + ret = [ ret, this.parse( fn, 'functionArgs' ), '){'].join(''); + return join( ret, this.parse(fn,'functionCode'), '}' ); + }, + array: array, + nodelist: array, + arguments: array, + object:function( map ) { + var ret = [ ]; + this.up(); + for ( var key in map ) + ret.push( this.parse(key,'key') + ': ' + this.parse(map[key]) ); + this.down(); + return join( '{', ret, '}' ); + }, + node:function( node ) { + var open = this.HTML ? '<' : '<', + close = this.HTML ? '>' : '>'; + + var tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), + ret = open + tag; + + for ( var a in this.DOMAttrs ) { + var val = node[this.DOMAttrs[a]]; + if ( val ) + ret += ' ' + a + '=' + this.parse( val, 'attribute' ); + } + return ret + close + open + '/' + tag + close; + }, + functionArgs:function( fn ) {//function calls it internally, it's the arguments part of the function + var l = fn.length; + if ( !l ) return ''; + + var args = Array(l); + while ( l-- ) + args[l] = String.fromCharCode(97+l);//97 is 'a' + return ' ' + args.join(', ') + ' '; + }, + key:quote, //object calls it internally, the key part of an item in a map + functionCode:'[code]', //function calls it internally, it's the content of the function + attribute:quote, //node calls it internally, it's an html attribute value + string:quote, + date:quote, + regexp:literal, //regex + number:literal, + 'boolean':literal + }, + DOMAttrs:{//attributes to dump from nodes, name=>realName + id:'id', + name:'name', + 'class':'className' + }, + HTML:true,//if true, entities are escaped ( <, >, \t, space and \n ) + indentChar:' ',//indentation unit + multiline:true //if true, items in a collection, are separated by a \n, else just a space. + }; + + return jsDump; +})(); + +})(this);/* + * QUnit - A JavaScript Unit Testing Framework + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit + * + * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig, Jörn Zaefferer + * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) + * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. + */ + +(function(window) { + +var defined = { + setTimeout: typeof window.setTimeout !== "undefined", + sessionStorage: (function() { + try { + return !!sessionStorage.getItem; + } catch(e){ + return false; + } + })() +} + +var testId = 0; + +var Test = function(name, testName, expected, testEnvironmentArg, async, callback) { + this.name = name; + this.testName = testName; + this.expected = expected; + this.testEnvironmentArg = testEnvironmentArg; + this.async = async; + this.callback = callback; + this.assertions = []; +}; +Test.prototype = { + init: function() { + var tests = id("qunit-tests"); + if (tests) { + var b = document.createElement("strong"); + b.innerHTML = "Running " + this.name; + var li = document.createElement("li"); + li.appendChild( b ); + li.id = this.id = "test-output" + testId++; + tests.appendChild( li ); + } + }, + setup: function() { + if (this.module != config.previousModule) { + if ( this.previousModule ) { + QUnit.moduleDone( this.module, config.moduleStats.bad, config.moduleStats.all ); + } + config.previousModule = this.module; + config.moduleStats = { all: 0, bad: 0 }; + QUnit.moduleStart( this.module, this.moduleTestEnvironment ); + } + + config.current = this; + this.testEnvironment = extend({ + setup: function() {}, + teardown: function() {} + }, this.moduleTestEnvironment); + if (this.testEnvironmentArg) { + extend(this.testEnvironment, this.testEnvironmentArg); + } + + QUnit.testStart( this.testName, this.testEnvironment ); + + // allow utility functions to access the current test environment + // TODO why?? + QUnit.current_testEnvironment = this.testEnvironment; + + try { + if ( !config.pollution ) { + saveGlobal(); + } + + this.testEnvironment.setup.call(this.testEnvironment); + } catch(e) { + // TODO use testName instead of name for no-markup message? + QUnit.ok( false, "Setup failed on " + this.name + ": " + e.message ); + } + }, + run: function() { + if ( this.async ) { + QUnit.stop(); + } + + try { + this.callback.call(this.testEnvironment); + } catch(e) { + // TODO use testName instead of name for no-markup message? + fail("Test " + this.name + " died, exception and test follows", e, this.callback); + QUnit.ok( false, "Died on test #" + (this.assertions.length + 1) + ": " + e.message + " - " + QUnit.jsDump.parse(e) ); + // else next test will carry the responsibility + saveGlobal(); + + // Restart the tests if they're blocking + if ( config.blocking ) { + start(); + } + } + }, + teardown: function() { + try { + checkPollution(); + this.testEnvironment.teardown.call(this.testEnvironment); + } catch(e) { + // TODO use testName instead of name for no-markup message? + QUnit.ok( false, "Teardown failed on " + this.name + ": " + e.message ); + } + }, + finish: function() { + if ( this.expected && this.expected != this.assertions.length ) { + QUnit.ok( false, "Expected " + this.expected + " assertions, but " + this.assertions.length + " were run" ); + } + + var good = 0, bad = 0, + tests = id("qunit-tests"); + + config.stats.all += this.assertions.length; + config.moduleStats.all += this.assertions.length; + + if ( tests ) { + var ol = document.createElement("ol"); + + for ( var i = 0; i < this.assertions.length; i++ ) { + var assertion = this.assertions[i]; + + var li = document.createElement("li"); + li.className = assertion.result ? "pass" : "fail"; + li.innerHTML = assertion.message || (assertion.result ? "okay" : "failed"); + ol.appendChild( li ); + + if ( assertion.result ) { + good++; + } else { + bad++; + config.stats.bad++; + config.moduleStats.bad++; + } + } + + // store result when possible + defined.sessionStorage && sessionStorage.setItem("qunit-" + this.testName, bad); + + if (bad == 0) { + ol.style.display = "none"; + } + + var b = document.createElement("strong"); + b.innerHTML = this.name + " (" + bad + ", " + good + ", " + this.assertions.length + ")"; + + addEvent(b, "click", function() { + var next = b.nextSibling, display = next.style.display; + next.style.display = display === "none" ? "block" : "none"; + }); + + addEvent(b, "dblclick", function(e) { + var target = e && e.target ? e.target : window.event.srcElement; + if ( target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "span" || target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "b" ) { + target = target.parentNode; + } + if ( window.location && target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "strong" ) { + window.location.search = "?" + encodeURIComponent(getText([target]).replace(/\(.+\)$/, "").replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, "")); + } + }); + + var li = id(this.id); + li.className = bad ? "fail" : "pass"; + li.style.display = resultDisplayStyle(!bad); + li.removeChild( li.firstChild ); + li.appendChild( b ); + li.appendChild( ol ); + + if ( bad ) { + var toolbar = id("qunit-testrunner-toolbar"); + if ( toolbar ) { + toolbar.style.display = "block"; + id("qunit-filter-pass").disabled = null; + } + } + + } else { + for ( var i = 0; i < this.assertions.length; i++ ) { + if ( !this.assertions[i].result ) { + bad++; + config.stats.bad++; + config.moduleStats.bad++; + } + } + } + + try { + QUnit.reset(); + } catch(e) { + // TODO use testName instead of name for no-markup message? + fail("reset() failed, following Test " + this.name + ", exception and reset fn follows", e, QUnit.reset); + } + + QUnit.testDone( this.testName, bad, this.assertions.length ); + }, + + queue: function() { + var test = this; + synchronize(function() { + test.init(); + }); + function run() { + // each of these can by async + synchronize(function() { + test.setup(); + }); + synchronize(function() { + test.run(); + }); + synchronize(function() { + test.teardown(); + }); + synchronize(function() { + test.finish(); + }); + } + // defer when previous test run passed, if storage is available + var bad = defined.sessionStorage && +sessionStorage.getItem("qunit-" + this.testName); + if (bad) { + run(); + } else { + synchronize(run); + }; + } + +} + +var QUnit = { + + // call on start of module test to prepend name to all tests + module: function(name, testEnvironment) { + config.previousModule = config.currentModule; + config.currentModule = name; + config.currentModuleTestEnviroment = testEnvironment; + }, + + asyncTest: function(testName, expected, callback) { + if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { + callback = expected; + expected = 0; + } + + QUnit.test(testName, expected, callback, true); + }, + + test: function(testName, expected, callback, async) { + var name = '' + testName + '', testEnvironmentArg; + + if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { + callback = expected; + expected = null; + } + // is 2nd argument a testEnvironment? + if ( expected && typeof expected === 'object') { + testEnvironmentArg = expected; + expected = null; + } + + if ( config.currentModule ) { + name = '' + config.currentModule + ": " + name; + } + + if ( !validTest(config.currentModule + ": " + testName) ) { + return; + } + + var test = new Test(name, testName, expected, testEnvironmentArg, async, callback); + test.previousModule = config.previousModule; + test.module = config.currentModule; + test.moduleTestEnvironment = config.currentModuleTestEnviroment; + test.queue(); + }, + + /** + * Specify the number of expected assertions to gurantee that failed test (no assertions are run at all) don't slip through. + */ + expect: function(asserts) { + config.current.expected = asserts; + }, + + /** + * Asserts true. + * @example ok( "asdfasdf".length > 5, "There must be at least 5 chars" ); + */ + ok: function(a, msg) { + a = !!a; + var details = { + result: a, + message: msg + }; + msg = escapeHtml(msg); + QUnit.log(a, msg, details); + config.current.assertions.push({ + result: a, + message: msg + }); + }, + + /** + * Checks that the first two arguments are equal, with an optional message. + * Prints out both actual and expected values. + * + * Prefered to ok( actual == expected, message ) + * + * @example equal( format("Received {0} bytes.", 2), "Received 2 bytes." ); + * + * @param Object actual + * @param Object expected + * @param String message (optional) + */ + equal: function(actual, expected, message) { + QUnit.push(expected == actual, actual, expected, message); + }, + + notEqual: function(actual, expected, message) { + QUnit.push(expected != actual, actual, expected, message); + }, + + deepEqual: function(actual, expected, message) { + QUnit.push(QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message); + }, + + notDeepEqual: function(actual, expected, message) { + QUnit.push(!QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message); + }, + + strictEqual: function(actual, expected, message) { + QUnit.push(expected === actual, actual, expected, message); + }, + + notStrictEqual: function(actual, expected, message) { + QUnit.push(expected !== actual, actual, expected, message); + }, + + raises: function(block, expected, message) { + var actual, ok = false; + + if (typeof expected === 'string') { + message = expected; + expected = null; + } + + try { + block(); + } catch (e) { + actual = e; + } + + if (actual) { + // we don't want to validate thrown error + if (!expected) { + ok = true; + // expected is a regexp + } else if (QUnit.objectType(expected) === "regexp") { + ok = expected.test(actual); + // expected is a constructor + } else if (actual instanceof expected) { + ok = true; + // expected is a validation function which returns true is validation passed + } else if (expected.call({}, actual) === true) { + ok = true; + } + } + + QUnit.ok(ok, message); + }, + + start: function() { + // A slight delay, to avoid any current callbacks + if ( defined.setTimeout ) { + window.setTimeout(function() { + if ( config.timeout ) { + clearTimeout(config.timeout); + } + + config.blocking = false; + process(); + }, 13); + } else { + config.blocking = false; + process(); + } + }, + + stop: function(timeout) { + config.blocking = true; + + if ( timeout && defined.setTimeout ) { + config.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { + QUnit.ok( false, "Test timed out" ); + QUnit.start(); + }, timeout); + } + } + +}; + +// Backwards compatibility, deprecated +QUnit.equals = QUnit.equal; +QUnit.same = QUnit.deepEqual; + +// Maintain internal state +var config = { + // The queue of tests to run + queue: [], + + // block until document ready + blocking: true +}; + +// Load paramaters +(function() { + var location = window.location || { search: "", protocol: "file:" }, + GETParams = location.search.slice(1).split('&'); + + for ( var i = 0; i < GETParams.length; i++ ) { + GETParams[i] = decodeURIComponent( GETParams[i] ); + if ( GETParams[i] === "noglobals" ) { + GETParams.splice( i, 1 ); + i--; + config.noglobals = true; + } else if ( GETParams[i].search('=') > -1 ) { + GETParams.splice( i, 1 ); + i--; + } + } + + // restrict modules/tests by get parameters + config.filters = GETParams; + + // Figure out if we're running the tests from a server or not + QUnit.isLocal = !!(location.protocol === 'file:'); +})(); + +// Expose the API as global variables, unless an 'exports' +// object exists, in that case we assume we're in CommonJS +if ( typeof exports === "undefined" || typeof require === "undefined" ) { + extend(window, QUnit); + window.QUnit = QUnit; +} else { + extend(exports, QUnit); + exports.QUnit = QUnit; +} + +// define these after exposing globals to keep them in these QUnit namespace only +extend(QUnit, { + config: config, + + // Initialize the configuration options + init: function() { + extend(config, { + stats: { all: 0, bad: 0 }, + moduleStats: { all: 0, bad: 0 }, + started: +new Date, + updateRate: 1000, + blocking: false, + autostart: true, + autorun: false, + filters: [], + queue: [] + }); + + var tests = id("qunit-tests"), + banner = id("qunit-banner"), + result = id("qunit-testresult"); + + if ( tests ) { + tests.innerHTML = ""; + } + + if ( banner ) { + banner.className = ""; + } + + if ( result ) { + result.parentNode.removeChild( result ); + } + }, + + /** + * Resets the test setup. Useful for tests that modify the DOM. + * + * If jQuery is available, uses jQuery's html(), otherwise just innerHTML. + */ + reset: function() { + if ( window.jQuery ) { + jQuery( "#main, #qunit-fixture" ).html( config.fixture ); + } else { + var main = id( 'main' ) || id( 'qunit-fixture' ); + if ( main ) { + main.innerHTML = config.fixture; + } + } + }, + + /** + * Trigger an event on an element. + * + * @example triggerEvent( document.body, "click" ); + * + * @param DOMElement elem + * @param String type + */ + triggerEvent: function( elem, type, event ) { + if ( document.createEvent ) { + event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); + event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); + elem.dispatchEvent( event ); + + } else if ( elem.fireEvent ) { + elem.fireEvent("on"+type); + } + }, + + // Safe object type checking + is: function( type, obj ) { + return QUnit.objectType( obj ) == type; + }, + + objectType: function( obj ) { + if (typeof obj === "undefined") { + return "undefined"; + + // consider: typeof null === object + } + if (obj === null) { + return "null"; + } + + var type = Object.prototype.toString.call( obj ) + .match(/^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1] || ''; + + switch (type) { + case 'Number': + if (isNaN(obj)) { + return "nan"; + } else { + return "number"; + } + case 'String': + case 'Boolean': + case 'Array': + case 'Date': + case 'RegExp': + case 'Function': + return type.toLowerCase(); + } + if (typeof obj === "object") { + return "object"; + } + return undefined; + }, + + push: function(result, actual, expected, message) { + var details = { + result: result, + message: message, + actual: actual, + expected: expected + }; + + message = escapeHtml(message) || (result ? "okay" : "failed"); + message = '' + message + ""; + expected = escapeHtml(QUnit.jsDump.parse(expected)); + actual = escapeHtml(QUnit.jsDump.parse(actual)); + var output = message + ''; + if (actual != expected) { + output += ''; + output += ''; + } + if (!result) { + var source = sourceFromStacktrace(); + if (source) { + details.source = source; + output += ''; + } + } + output += "
    ' + expected + '
    ' + actual + '
    ' + QUnit.diff(expected, actual) +'
    ' + source +'
    "; + + QUnit.log(result, message, details); + + config.current.assertions.push({ + result: !!result, + message: output + }); + }, + + // Logging callbacks + begin: function() {}, + done: function(failures, total) {}, + log: function(result, message) {}, + testStart: function(name, testEnvironment) {}, + testDone: function(name, failures, total) {}, + moduleStart: function(name, testEnvironment) {}, + moduleDone: function(name, failures, total) {} +}); + +if ( typeof document === "undefined" || document.readyState === "complete" ) { + config.autorun = true; +} + +addEvent(window, "load", function() { + QUnit.begin(); + + // Initialize the config, saving the execution queue + var oldconfig = extend({}, config); + QUnit.init(); + extend(config, oldconfig); + + config.blocking = false; + + var userAgent = id("qunit-userAgent"); + if ( userAgent ) { + userAgent.innerHTML = navigator.userAgent; + } + var banner = id("qunit-header"); + if ( banner ) { + var paramsIndex = location.href.lastIndexOf(location.search); + if ( paramsIndex > -1 ) { + var mainPageLocation = location.href.slice(0, paramsIndex); + if ( mainPageLocation == location.href ) { + banner.innerHTML = ' ' + banner.innerHTML + ' '; + } else { + var testName = decodeURIComponent(location.search.slice(1)); + banner.innerHTML = '' + banner.innerHTML + '' + testName + ''; + } + } + } + + var toolbar = id("qunit-testrunner-toolbar"); + if ( toolbar ) { + toolbar.style.display = "none"; + + var filter = document.createElement("input"); + filter.type = "checkbox"; + filter.id = "qunit-filter-pass"; + filter.disabled = true; + addEvent( filter, "click", function() { + var li = document.getElementsByTagName("li"); + for ( var i = 0; i < li.length; i++ ) { + if ( li[i].className.indexOf("pass") > -1 ) { + li[i].style.display = filter.checked ? "none" : ""; + } + } + }); + toolbar.appendChild( filter ); + + var label = document.createElement("label"); + label.setAttribute("for", "qunit-filter-pass"); + label.innerHTML = "Hide passed tests"; + toolbar.appendChild( label ); + } + + var main = id('main') || id('qunit-fixture'); + if ( main ) { + config.fixture = main.innerHTML; + } + + if (config.autostart) { + QUnit.start(); + } +}); + +function done() { + config.autorun = true; + + // Log the last module results + if ( config.currentModule ) { + QUnit.moduleDone( config.currentModule, config.moduleStats.bad, config.moduleStats.all ); + } + + var banner = id("qunit-banner"), + tests = id("qunit-tests"), + html = ['Tests completed in ', + +new Date - config.started, ' milliseconds.
    ', + '', config.stats.all - config.stats.bad, ' tests of ', config.stats.all, ' passed, ', config.stats.bad,' failed.'].join(''); + + if ( banner ) { + banner.className = (config.stats.bad ? "qunit-fail" : "qunit-pass"); + } + + if ( tests ) { + var result = id("qunit-testresult"); + + if ( !result ) { + result = document.createElement("p"); + result.id = "qunit-testresult"; + result.className = "result"; + tests.parentNode.insertBefore( result, tests.nextSibling ); + } + + result.innerHTML = html; + } + + QUnit.done( config.stats.bad, config.stats.all ); +} + +function validTest( name ) { + var i = config.filters.length, + run = false; + + if ( !i ) { + return true; + } + + while ( i-- ) { + var filter = config.filters[i], + not = filter.charAt(0) == '!'; + + if ( not ) { + filter = filter.slice(1); + } + + if ( name.indexOf(filter) !== -1 ) { + return !not; + } + + if ( not ) { + run = true; + } + } + + return run; +} + +// so far supports only Firefox, Chrome and Opera (buggy) +// could be extended in the future to use something like https://github.com/csnover/TraceKit +function sourceFromStacktrace() { + try { + throw new Error(); + } catch ( e ) { + if (e.stacktrace) { + // Opera + return e.stacktrace.split("\n")[6]; + } else if (e.stack) { + // Firefox, Chrome + return e.stack.split("\n")[4]; + } + } +} + +function resultDisplayStyle(passed) { + return passed && id("qunit-filter-pass") && id("qunit-filter-pass").checked ? 'none' : ''; +} + +function escapeHtml(s) { + if (!s) { + return ""; + } + s = s + ""; + return s.replace(/[\&"<>\\]/g, function(s) { + switch(s) { + case "&": return "&"; + case "\\": return "\\\\"; + case '"': return '\"'; + case "<": return "<"; + case ">": return ">"; + default: return s; + } + }); +} + +function synchronize( callback ) { + config.queue.push( callback ); + + if ( config.autorun && !config.blocking ) { + process(); + } +} + +function process() { + var start = (new Date()).getTime(); + + while ( config.queue.length && !config.blocking ) { + if ( config.updateRate <= 0 || (((new Date()).getTime() - start) < config.updateRate) ) { + config.queue.shift()(); + } else { + window.setTimeout( process, 13 ); + break; + } + } + if (!config.blocking && !config.queue.length) { + done(); + } +} + +function saveGlobal() { + config.pollution = []; + + if ( config.noglobals ) { + for ( var key in window ) { + config.pollution.push( key ); + } + } +} + +function checkPollution( name ) { + var old = config.pollution; + saveGlobal(); + + var newGlobals = diff( old, config.pollution ); + if ( newGlobals.length > 0 ) { + ok( false, "Introduced global variable(s): " + newGlobals.join(", ") ); + config.current.expected++; + } + + var deletedGlobals = diff( config.pollution, old ); + if ( deletedGlobals.length > 0 ) { + ok( false, "Deleted global variable(s): " + deletedGlobals.join(", ") ); + config.current.expected++; + } +} + +// returns a new Array with the elements that are in a but not in b +function diff( a, b ) { + var result = a.slice(); + for ( var i = 0; i < result.length; i++ ) { + for ( var j = 0; j < b.length; j++ ) { + if ( result[i] === b[j] ) { + result.splice(i, 1); + i--; + break; + } + } + } + return result; +} + +function fail(message, exception, callback) { + if ( typeof console !== "undefined" && console.error && console.warn ) { + console.error(message); + console.error(exception); + console.warn(callback.toString()); + + } else if ( window.opera && opera.postError ) { + opera.postError(message, exception, callback.toString); + } +} + +function extend(a, b) { + for ( var prop in b ) { + a[prop] = b[prop]; + } + + return a; +} + +function addEvent(elem, type, fn) { + if ( elem.addEventListener ) { + elem.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); + } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) { + elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, fn ); + } else { + fn(); + } +} + +function id(name) { + return !!(typeof document !== "undefined" && document && document.getElementById) && + document.getElementById( name ); +} + +// Test for equality any JavaScript type. +// Discussions and reference: http://philrathe.com/articles/equiv +// Test suites: http://philrathe.com/tests/equiv +// Author: Philippe Rathé +QUnit.equiv = function () { + + var innerEquiv; // the real equiv function + var callers = []; // stack to decide between skip/abort functions + var parents = []; // stack to avoiding loops from circular referencing + + // Call the o related callback with the given arguments. + function bindCallbacks(o, callbacks, args) { + var prop = QUnit.objectType(o); + if (prop) { + if (QUnit.objectType(callbacks[prop]) === "function") { + return callbacks[prop].apply(callbacks, args); + } else { + return callbacks[prop]; // or undefined + } + } + } + + var callbacks = function () { + + // for string, boolean, number and null + function useStrictEquality(b, a) { + if (b instanceof a.constructor || a instanceof b.constructor) { + // to catch short annotaion VS 'new' annotation of a declaration + // e.g. var i = 1; + // var j = new Number(1); + return a == b; + } else { + return a === b; + } + } + + return { + "string": useStrictEquality, + "boolean": useStrictEquality, + "number": useStrictEquality, + "null": useStrictEquality, + "undefined": useStrictEquality, + + "nan": function (b) { + return isNaN(b); + }, + + "date": function (b, a) { + return QUnit.objectType(b) === "date" && a.valueOf() === b.valueOf(); + }, + + "regexp": function (b, a) { + return QUnit.objectType(b) === "regexp" && + a.source === b.source && // the regex itself + a.global === b.global && // and its modifers (gmi) ... + a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase && + a.multiline === b.multiline; + }, + + // - skip when the property is a method of an instance (OOP) + // - abort otherwise, + // initial === would have catch identical references anyway + "function": function () { + var caller = callers[callers.length - 1]; + return caller !== Object && + typeof caller !== "undefined"; + }, + + "array": function (b, a) { + var i, j, loop; + var len; + + // b could be an object literal here + if ( ! (QUnit.objectType(b) === "array")) { + return false; + } + + len = a.length; + if (len !== b.length) { // safe and faster + return false; + } + + //track reference to avoid circular references + parents.push(a); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + loop = false; + for(j=0;j= 0) { + type = "array"; + } else { + type = typeof obj; + } + return type; + }, + separator:function() { + return this.multiline ? this.HTML ? '
    ' : '\n' : this.HTML ? ' ' : ' '; + }, + indent:function( extra ) {// extra can be a number, shortcut for increasing-calling-decreasing + if ( !this.multiline ) + return ''; + var chr = this.indentChar; + if ( this.HTML ) + chr = chr.replace(/\t/g,' ').replace(/ /g,' '); + return Array( this._depth_ + (extra||0) ).join(chr); + }, + up:function( a ) { + this._depth_ += a || 1; + }, + down:function( a ) { + this._depth_ -= a || 1; + }, + setParser:function( name, parser ) { + this.parsers[name] = parser; + }, + // The next 3 are exposed so you can use them + quote:quote, + literal:literal, + join:join, + // + _depth_: 1, + // This is the list of parsers, to modify them, use jsDump.setParser + parsers:{ + window: '[Window]', + document: '[Document]', + error:'[ERROR]', //when no parser is found, shouldn't happen + unknown: '[Unknown]', + 'null':'null', + undefined:'undefined', + 'function':function( fn ) { + var ret = 'function', + name = 'name' in fn ? fn.name : (reName.exec(fn)||[])[1];//functions never have name in IE + if ( name ) + ret += ' ' + name; + ret += '('; + + ret = [ ret, QUnit.jsDump.parse( fn, 'functionArgs' ), '){'].join(''); + return join( ret, QUnit.jsDump.parse(fn,'functionCode'), '}' ); + }, + array: array, + nodelist: array, + arguments: array, + object:function( map ) { + var ret = [ ]; + QUnit.jsDump.up(); + for ( var key in map ) + ret.push( QUnit.jsDump.parse(key,'key') + ': ' + QUnit.jsDump.parse(map[key]) ); + QUnit.jsDump.down(); + return join( '{', ret, '}' ); + }, + node:function( node ) { + var open = QUnit.jsDump.HTML ? '<' : '<', + close = QUnit.jsDump.HTML ? '>' : '>'; + + var tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), + ret = open + tag; + + for ( var a in QUnit.jsDump.DOMAttrs ) { + var val = node[QUnit.jsDump.DOMAttrs[a]]; + if ( val ) + ret += ' ' + a + '=' + QUnit.jsDump.parse( val, 'attribute' ); + } + return ret + close + open + '/' + tag + close; + }, + functionArgs:function( fn ) {//function calls it internally, it's the arguments part of the function + var l = fn.length; + if ( !l ) return ''; + + var args = Array(l); + while ( l-- ) + args[l] = String.fromCharCode(97+l);//97 is 'a' + return ' ' + args.join(', ') + ' '; + }, + key:quote, //object calls it internally, the key part of an item in a map + functionCode:'[code]', //function calls it internally, it's the content of the function + attribute:quote, //node calls it internally, it's an html attribute value + string:quote, + date:quote, + regexp:literal, //regex + number:literal, + 'boolean':literal + }, + DOMAttrs:{//attributes to dump from nodes, name=>realName + id:'id', + name:'name', + 'class':'className' + }, + HTML:false,//if true, entities are escaped ( <, >, \t, space and \n ) + indentChar:' ',//indentation unit + multiline:true //if true, items in a collection, are separated by a \n, else just a space. + }; + + return jsDump; +})(); + +// from Sizzle.js +function getText( elems ) { + var ret = "", elem; + + for ( var i = 0; elems[i]; i++ ) { + elem = elems[i]; + + // Get the text from text nodes and CDATA nodes + if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) { + ret += elem.nodeValue; + + // Traverse everything else, except comment nodes + } else if ( elem.nodeType !== 8 ) { + ret += getText( elem.childNodes ); + } + } + + return ret; +}; + +/* + * Javascript Diff Algorithm + * By John Resig (http://ejohn.org/) + * Modified by Chu Alan "sprite" + * + * Released under the MIT license. + * + * More Info: + * http://ejohn.org/projects/javascript-diff-algorithm/ + * + * Usage: QUnit.diff(expected, actual) + * + * QUnit.diff("the quick brown fox jumped over", "the quick fox jumps over") == "the quick brown fox jumped jumps over" + */ +QUnit.diff = (function() { + function diff(o, n){ + var ns = new Object(); + var os = new Object(); + + for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { + if (ns[n[i]] == null) + ns[n[i]] = { + rows: new Array(), + o: null + }; + ns[n[i]].rows.push(i); + } + + for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { + if (os[o[i]] == null) + os[o[i]] = { + rows: new Array(), + n: null + }; + os[o[i]].rows.push(i); + } + + for (var i in ns) { + if (ns[i].rows.length == 1 && typeof(os[i]) != "undefined" && os[i].rows.length == 1) { + n[ns[i].rows[0]] = { + text: n[ns[i].rows[0]], + row: os[i].rows[0] + }; + o[os[i].rows[0]] = { + text: o[os[i].rows[0]], + row: ns[i].rows[0] + }; + } + } + + for (var i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++) { + if (n[i].text != null && n[i + 1].text == null && n[i].row + 1 < o.length && o[n[i].row + 1].text == null && + n[i + 1] == o[n[i].row + 1]) { + n[i + 1] = { + text: n[i + 1], + row: n[i].row + 1 + }; + o[n[i].row + 1] = { + text: o[n[i].row + 1], + row: i + 1 + }; + } + } + + for (var i = n.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { + if (n[i].text != null && n[i - 1].text == null && n[i].row > 0 && o[n[i].row - 1].text == null && + n[i - 1] == o[n[i].row - 1]) { + n[i - 1] = { + text: n[i - 1], + row: n[i].row - 1 + }; + o[n[i].row - 1] = { + text: o[n[i].row - 1], + row: i - 1 + }; + } + } + + return { + o: o, + n: n + }; + } + + return function(o, n){ + o = o.replace(/\s+$/, ''); + n = n.replace(/\s+$/, ''); + var out = diff(o == "" ? [] : o.split(/\s+/), n == "" ? [] : n.split(/\s+/)); + + var str = ""; + + var oSpace = o.match(/\s+/g); + if (oSpace == null) { + oSpace = [" "]; + } + else { + oSpace.push(" "); + } + var nSpace = n.match(/\s+/g); + if (nSpace == null) { + nSpace = [" "]; + } + else { + nSpace.push(" "); + } + + if (out.n.length == 0) { + for (var i = 0; i < out.o.length; i++) { + str += '' + out.o[i] + oSpace[i] + ""; + } + } + else { + if (out.n[0].text == null) { + for (n = 0; n < out.o.length && out.o[n].text == null; n++) { + str += '' + out.o[n] + oSpace[n] + ""; + } + } + + for (var i = 0; i < out.n.length; i++) { + if (out.n[i].text == null) { + str += '' + out.n[i] + nSpace[i] + ""; + } + else { + var pre = ""; + + for (n = out.n[i].row + 1; n < out.o.length && out.o[n].text == null; n++) { + pre += '' + out.o[n] + oSpace[n] + ""; + } + str += " " + out.n[i].text + nSpace[i] + pre; + } + } + } + + return str; + }; +})(); + +})(this); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cardano-calculator/package-lock.json b/cardano-calculator/package-lock.json index 00c6b0d..e15503d 100644 --- a/cardano-calculator/package-lock.json +++ b/cardano-calculator/package-lock.json @@ -2,14 +2,19 @@ "requires": true, "lockfileVersion": 1, "dependencies": { + "accounting": { + "version": "0.4.1", + "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/accounting/-/accounting-0.4.1.tgz", + "integrity": "sha1-h91BA+/39EYPHhhvXGd+1s9WaIM=" + }, "align-text": { "version": "0.1.4", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/align-text/-/align-text-0.1.4.tgz", "integrity": "sha1-DNkKVhCT810KmSVsIrcGlDP60Rc=", "requires": { - 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