A simple react state management library to manage states simply while only rerendering change components
First we need to create our initial state
const initialState = {
user: {
name: 'John Doe',
age: 30
settings: {
theme: 'light',
notifications: true
array: ["hello", "world"]
And we create our store like:
// Type is infered here from initialState
const useStore = createStore(initialState);
// and if needed we can pass in type with
const useStore = createStore<TypeHere>(initialState);
Now to use our store inside an component we do: the type is infered from what we select
// Target what you want to use
const [user, setUser] = useStore(state => state.user);
// We can also target arrays or array indexes
const [array, setArray] = useStore(state => state.array);
// ArrayItem is string
const [arrayItem, setArrayItem] = useStore(state => state.array[index]);
And since we use immer we can only modify the data using the set methods kinda like useState
but we use drafts from immer
setUser(draftUser => {
draftUser.name = "Johny Doe";
// optional for objects but for primitive types
// (string, number, boolean etc) we must return our draft
return draftUser; // return our new data
When data gets changed only the component using the data will be rerendered automatically, including parent listening objects
So if we have an object using useStore(state => state.user)
and another component using useStore(state => state.user.name)
and we set the name both the userStore for the user and name will be updated