This module creates a bucket to hold the remote state files of terraform, a dynamo db table for the locks and automatically generates backend configuration files.
You will need a
to call this module with the correct parameters.
To use this module out-of-the-box, without changing the default behaviour
provider "aws" {
region = "ap-northeast-1"
module "remote_state" {
source = "ansraliant/s3-state/aws"
bucket_name = "mybucket"
dynamodb_table = "mydynamodb"
states = { infra = "../" }
How to use with advanced config
locals {
prefix = "myproject"
profile = "my-aws-profile"
region = "ap-northeast-1"
states = {
infra = "../"
auth = "../auth/"
bucket_name = "${local.prefix}-${substr(md5(data.aws_caller_identity.this.account_id), 0, 16)}"
dynamodb_table = local.prefix
data "aws_caller_identity" "this" {}
provider "aws" {
profile = local.profile
region = local.region
module "remote_state" {
source = "ansraliant/s3-state/aws"
profile = local.profile
bucket_name = local.bucket_name
dynamodb_table = local.dynamodb_table
states = local.states
You can either hardcode, use tfvars, whatever works for you