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End User Installation

Alexander Saprykin edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 47 revisions

The following provides instructions for installing GalaxyNG on a virtual machine, with an example playbook that installs Pulp and Galaxy NG from PyPi packages. If you wish to install and test from source code, see Installing from source.

Future iterations will include support for installing from RPMs and installing to Kubernetes and OpenShift.



You will be using the Pulp Installer to complete the installation, so please review the requirements at the Pulp Installer project.

Installation steps

  1. Clone the Pulp Installer project:

    git clone
  2. Clone the gist containing Ansible playbooks and variable files needed to complete the install into a directory called example:

    git clone example
  3. Set your working directory to the pulp_installer directory.

  4. Copy the playbooks and variable files from the example directory into pulp_installer directory:

    cp ../example/* .
  5. Within the variable file enduser-install-vars.yml change the value of pulp_default_admin_password (initial password for the Pulp admin user).

  6. Install Ansible role dependencies by running the following commands to download roles from Community Galaxy:

    $ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
    $ ansible-galaxy install chouseknecht.ansible_galaxy_config
  7. Run the enduser-install.yml playbook

    The following provides an example of how to start playbook execution. It assumes an inventory file called hosts exists in the current directory and contains the target host(s) where Galaxy server is to be installed:

    $ ansible-playbook enduser-install.yml -i hosts --extra-vars "@enduser-install-vars.yml"

    For more information about inventory files, view Intro to Ansible Inventory

Logging in

By default the local Galaxy NG server is listening on port 80. Point your browser to the host where the server was installed, and a login page will be presented. For example, point your browser to

In the login dialog, use "admin" as the username, and the password supplied in your playbook. This is the value of "pulp_default_admin_password".

Uploading a collection

Once logged in, you will be taken to the Collections page, and presented with an empty list. Since the server was just installed, and the database is empty, there are no collections to display.


If you need an example collection, we suggest downloading this demo collection from Community Galaxy. Click the Download tarball link, and save it to your local file system. As you follow the steps in the Create a namespace section below, use newswangerd for the namespace name.

Create a namespace

To publish a collection to the server, you will first need a namespace. Create a new namespace using the following steps:

  1. Click on the Namespaces menu.
  2. Click the Create button at the top of the page.
  3. In the resulting dialog, enter a value for the Name. The value you enter must match the namespace value in the collection archive metadata that you will be publishing.
  4. Leave the Namespace Owners field blank.
  5. Click the Create button.

Upload the archive

With the new namespace created, you will be taken to a page showing the collections available in the namespace. To publish the first collection, click on the Upload collection button in the top-right corner of the page. Using the dialog, choose the collection archive file from the local file system.

The collection archive will upload, and an import job will be started. You will be taken to the My Imports page where you can view the job output as it runs. During the import process the server analyzes the archive metadata, unpacks the archive, and analyzes the content.

View the new collection by clicking on the Collections menu option. The Collections page now contains a clickable tile for the newly published collection.

Publish an archive using the CLI

With Ansible installed, you can publish a collection to the Galaxy server using the ansible-galaxy command. Below are the steps to follow:

  1. If you have not already done so, log into the Galaxy server using your web browser and create a namespace as described above.

  2. Click on the API Token menu, and click Load Token button. You will copy and paste the token value into an ansible.cfg file in the next step.

  3. In the same directory as the collection archive file, create an ansible.cfg file that contains the following, setting the correct server name or IP address in the url value, and setting the token value to the token displayed in step 2 above:

    server_list = local_server
  4. In the directory containing your collection archive and ansible.cfg file, run the publish command. The following shows an example:

    $ ansible-galaxy collection publish newswangerd-collection_demo-1.0.10.tar.gz
    Publishing collection artifact 'newswangerd-collection_demo-1.0.10.tar.gz' to local_server http://localhost/api/galaxy/
    Collection has been published to the Galaxy server local_server http://localhost/api/galaxy/
    Waiting until Galaxy import task http://localhost/api/galaxy/v3/imports/collections/b8155faf-e6af-4873-9cf0-ce4c8b30e166/ has completed
    Collection has been successfully published and imported to the Galaxy server local_server http://localhost/api/galaxy/

Working with the importer

The process that imports collections into Galaxy is the galaxy-importer. During installation a packaged version of galaxy-importer is installed from PyPi.

On the Galaxy server host, run the following to see which is installed:

$ source /usr/local/lib/pulp/bin/activate
$ pip list | grep galaxy-importer

Running from source

To run the latest code, or to test a pull request or an experimental branch, it might be desirable to use the source project directly.

On the Galaxy server host, clone the project. Make sure to put it in a directory that the pulp user can access, and set the ownership to pulp:users. For example, as the root user:

# cd /usr/local/lib/pulp
# git clone [email protected]:ansible/galaxy-importer.git
# chown -R pulp:users galaxy-importer

As the root user, run the following to install the source copy and replace the packaged version:

# source /usr/local/lib/pulp/bin/activate
# cd /usr/local/lib/pulp/galaxy-importer
# pip install --upgrade -e .

Restart the Pulp services:

# systemctl restart pulp*

Configuring and running ansible-test

As the root user, create the directory /etc/galaxy-importer, and within this directory create the file galaxy-importer.cfg. The following is a sample configuration file:

RUN_FLAKE8 = False

If you wish to run ansible-test during collection import, set RUN_ANSIBLE_TEST = True. By default ansible-test will be executed directly, which requires having Ansible installed. It's also possible to run ansible-test sandboxed in a container image using the following options:

  • INFRA_LOCAL_IMAGE - Set to True, if ansible-test should be executed in a container image. Requires having either Docker or Podman installed. Defaults to False.
  • INFRA_LOCAL_DOCKER - Set to True, if the Docker container runtime should be used; otherwise, Podman will be used. Defaults to False.

Changing the configuration does not require restarting Pulp services. Each time the importer runs, it reads the configuration and responds accordingly.

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